There are more than one hundred nations all over the world. All of them are of different numbers, they all have their own special traditions, their own mentality. Many live in some separate territory of their own, as, for example, the peoples of Russia or Africa. And what is the name of the country where the Arabs live?

Arab League
This nation has a long history that dates back tens of centuries. Their ancestors lived in the Middle East and North Africa. At present, nothing much has changed. Arabs still live on their territory. There is the League of Arab States, which includes not one country where the Arabs live, but several located just on this territory. The biggest ones:
- Saudi Arabia.
- Egypt.
- Algeria.
- Libya.
- Sudan.
- Morocco.
This organization includes twenty-two states where Arabs live, the total population of which exceeds 425 million people! For comparison, the population of the European Union is approximately 810 million people. Not a very big gap, is it? Especially when you consider that a mixed population lives in Europe: different peoples and nationalities. And the Arabs are onepeople.
Ancient world
Arabs live not only in Africa and the Middle East. To be more precise, the first ancestors of this group of peoples (and the Arabs are just a group of peoples) settled on the Arabian Peninsula.

And the first Arab states began to appear in the second half of the second millennium BC. Moreover, even then it was believed that where the Arabs live, in which country it is not so important, the state will be one of the most developed. Before them, Ancient Rome and the new Europe of the dark times were still very far away.
Now, in the twenty-first century, a huge number of representatives of this people are settled around the world. For example, about 15 million 100 thousand people live in South America in total. Specifically:
- in Brazil - 9 million people;
- in Argentina - 4.5 million people;
- Venezuela has 1.5 million people.
In the aforementioned Europe, where Arabs live, there are more than six and a half million representatives of this nation. Most of them are in France: almost six million. Even in Asia, there are a huge number of ethnic Arabs who are settled throughout the region.
Islam and the Arabs
And, in general, this is not surprising. After all, around the beginning of the seventh century AD, a man whom all Muslims would later call the prophet Muhammad began to preach the religion of Islam. On this basis, the state of the Caliphate was created.

After 100 years since its founding, it is alreadyspread its borders from the coast of Spain to Southwest Asia. The titular, to use modern terminology, the nation of this state was Arab. Arabic was the state language, and Islam was the predominant religion.
It was as a result of such political and religious transformations that the Arabs appeared in Asia. But what is interesting: it is the Arab nation that makes up the majority of the population of such Asian countries where Arabs live, as:
- Bahrain.
- Jordan and Iraq.
- Yemen.
- Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.
- Syria.
- Lebanon.
- Yemen.
Still the main religion of the Arabs - Islam. In Syria, Egypt and Libya there are a considerable number of supporters of the Christian religion. But Islam is not a single religion. Its followers are divided into at least two directions: the followers of the Islamic religion of the Sunni and Shiite persuasion.
The culture of this group of peoples is also quite interesting to study. We can say that the Arab culture is almost one of the most ancient in the world. When the Crusades began to gather in Europe, the first thing they did was go where the Arab peoples live. They were already among the developed countries then.
But the world does not stand still. Some kind of micro-migrations of small peoples and nationalities are constantly taking place. In addition, according to many reputable scientists, humanity is now experiencing almost another Great Migration of Nations. So, who knows, perhaps in a couple of centuries the main place of residence of the Arabs will not be the Middle East and North Africa, asit is now, and Australia, Europe or North America. Who knows, anything can happen.

Interestingly, the related people of the Arabs are the Berbers. This is a people whose representatives profess predominantly the Islamic religion. The approximate number of Berbers, if we take into account the whole world, is approximately 25 million people, most of whom live in Algeria and Morocco: in total, about 20 million people are obtained - 10.7 million in Algeria and 9.2 million in Morocco. This people can be called one of the largest in North Africa.
In the northern part of Morocco, where Arabs and Berbers live, the Amatsirgs settled, in the southern part - shillu, Algerian Berbers - Kabyles, Tuareg and Shaouya. The Tuareg live in the territories of countries such as:
- Niger.
- Burkina Faso.
- Mali.
The Berbers don't call themselves that. This name was given to them by Europeans when they heard their strange language. You can immediately draw an analogy with the barbarians, who have roughly the same situation.
Where the Berbers live
The Berbers speak both their national, Berber language, as well as Arabic and French. The question arises: how do Berbers know French? The answer is simple: Algeria and part of Morocco were until recently the colonial possessions of France, and more than 1.2 million representatives of the Berber people live in the country itself. And the Berber language itself is divided into many dialects, which are spoken in different parts of the world.
A lot of Berberslives in the Canary Islands (900 thousand) and in Libya (260 thousand). What is most surprising, representatives of this people live even in Canada. About 10 thousand Berbers live in the United Kingdom.

Despite their kinship with the Arabs, the Berbers adhere to a different culture, which in some aspects is fundamentally different from the Arab. But there are also a number of similarities. In general, hospitality is held in high esteem among the Berbers. And the law of hospitality, as you know, is the main law of the East.
This people have different ideas about material values than the Europeans. The Berbers consider gold to be a diabolical metal, unlike silver. Much higher than gold, camels are valued. Yes, yes, camels. They are considered a sign of we alth and prosperity in the family.