Where does blueberry grow? Where does blueberries grow in the Moscow region? Forests where blueberries grow in Russia

Where does blueberry grow? Where does blueberries grow in the Moscow region? Forests where blueberries grow in Russia
Where does blueberry grow? Where does blueberries grow in the Moscow region? Forests where blueberries grow in Russia

The people have long known the healing properties that blueberries have. Where this berry grows, they are sure to collect it. And it's not just the locals who do it. Why do people who live hundreds of kilometers from those places where the amazing berry grows - blueberries come for the harvest? article.


Common blueberry is a shrub belonging to the lingonberry family. Plant height is usually 20 to 30 centimeters. The leaves are dark green small with a wax coating.

where does blueberry grow
where does blueberry grow

The berries are not very large, but juicy. The fruits are black, sometimes dark purple. Taste sweet and sour. The seeds inside the fruit are very small, sospoil the taste of berries.

In May-June, blueberries begin to bloom actively. Where many shrubs of this amazing plant grow, a large number of bees gather there during its flowering. The behavior of insects is such that the plantation does not go unnoticed not only by lovers of berry picking, but also by everyone who happened to be in the blueberry at that time. A noticeable corner can be visited again in one or two months, since harvesting berries. By the end of the season, blueberries become especially juicy and tasty.

Where it grows in nature

It is surprising that the plant does not grow in the southern hemisphere. Residents of hot countries are also not familiar with it. The northern hemisphere of the planet is the place where you can find huge plantations of blueberries growing in natural conditions. In addition, it must be clarified that blueberries are especially fond of the northern regions of the hemisphere. Here, in marshy places, thickets of shrubs can stretch for tens of kilometers. Blueberries are found not only in well-moistened areas. Mixed, coniferous forests, where soil moisture is moderate, blueberries also love.

Where it grows in Russia

Answering this question, you need to know that blueberries are commonly called "Russian berries". And it is no coincidence. It has been established that the largest plantations of the plant are located in Russia.

where blueberries grow
where blueberries grow

Some regions of the European part of the country, Karelia, Siberia, the northern regions of the Urals, the Tyumen region, certain territories of the Trans-Urals - places where blueberries are especiallywidespread.

The yield of berries is different every year. This indicator is influenced by many different factors. Do not forget that the place of growth is one of the main conditions. In good years, up to one ton of valuable berries can be harvested per hectare of blueberries.

The swamps and forests where blueberries grow are the real treasure of the country. Citizens are required to use resources prudently and carefully. Only such an approach will help preserve the we alth given to man by nature.

Blueberries in folk medicine

The plant is very popular among the people is no coincidence. The healing properties of berries and blueberry leaves have been known for a long time. Infusions, decoctions and other remedies prepared from parts of the plant are used in modern practice to combat ailments.

blueberries where medicinal value grows how to use
blueberries where medicinal value grows how to use

Among the inhabitants of Ancient Russia, the peoples inhabiting the territory of modern Siberia and the Russian North, blueberries (where they grow today) have always occupied a special place. The berry, normalizing digestion, helped to get rid of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Possessing bactericidal properties, blueberry juice helped relieve inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Medicines prepared from berries and leaves improved brain activity and normalized blood condition. Regular consumption of blueberries had a beneficial effect on the retina of the eye, improving vision. All healers, healers,shamans had in their arsenal drugs made from a wonderful berry.

Composition of blueberries and leaves

The unique properties of the plant are due to the substances that make up its composition. Today, scientists have methods that allow you to accurately determine which acids, vitamins, minerals a particular product is enriched with. Blueberry berries and leaves are also well studied.

where blueberries grow in Russia
where blueberries grow in Russia

It has been established that the fruits contain organic acids - citric, lactic, quinic, oxalic, malic, succinic. Each of them individually and in combination with other substances has the most beneficial effect on the human body. Iron, potassium, copper, manganese, sulfur, chromium, phosphorus, zinc - chemical elements, the presence of which is also found in blueberries. Manganese contains as much as not found in any other plant. Blueberries are used as a source of vitamins A, B, C, PP.

Shrub leaves are no less unique in their chemical composition. They are used in the fight against various ailments. For example, medicines made from blueberry leaves, used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, have gained great popularity.

It is no coincidence that an expression has become entrenched among the people, the meaning of which is as follows: where blueberries grow and people regularly eat them, doctors have nothing to do.

Blueberries in beekeeping

As mentioned earlier, blueberry plantations are actively visited by bees during its flowering. Shrub flowers are an excellent honey plant. It has been established that bees are able to bring up to two kilograms of nectar from blueberries into the hive a day. This fact is confirmed by experienced beekeepers. They try to locate the hives near places where blueberries grow in large quantities.

blueberry berry where it grows
blueberry berry where it grows

Blueberry honey is different from other varieties of this product. It is very fragrant, transparent, has a slight reddish tint. According to the medicinal properties that this honey possesses, it is not inferior to varieties collected from other honey plants.

Blueberry cultivars

Such a useful and tasty berry could not be overlooked by breeders. Thanks to their hard work, already at the beginning of the 20th century, gardens and special nurseries appeared everywhere, where blueberries grow. About two dozen different varieties of this wonderful berry are grown in the Moscow region.

forests where blueberries grow
forests where blueberries grow

Conventionally, plants are divided into two groups, taking into account the height of the bush - medium (from 60 to 120 cm) and tall (up to two meters). All cultivars of blueberries intended for cultivation in the Moscow region are resistant to frost and fungal diseases. The close occurrence of groundwater is not an obstacle to the cultivation of bushes in garden plots.

Methods of harvesting blueberries

The second half of summer is the season when blueberries ripen. The berry, where it grows in natural conditions, can remain on the bushes until the beginning of autumn. During this period, blueberries are actively harvested.

where blueberries grow in the suburbs
where blueberries grow in the suburbs

Berriesuseful not only fresh, but also processed. What is the best way to prepare blueberries for the winter, preserving all its healing properties? This question interested everyone who was lucky enough to bring a basket filled with wonderful fruits from the forest.

Drying is one of the ways to harvest berries. Drying blueberries at home is not difficult. Berries need to be sorted out, removing twigs, leaves, spoiled fruits. Prepared blueberries are scattered in a thin layer on a baking sheet or other flat surface and placed in the sun. Regularly stirring the berries, they achieve complete drying.

The whole procedure will take several days - it will depend on the weather. Dried berries are stored in a paper bag or linen bag. In winter, you can cook compote, jelly from blueberries, use it as a filling for pies.

Freezing is another popular way to store blueberries. Berries can be placed whole in the freezer or mashed beforehand. The blank can become an independent dish, ready to eat, as well as the basis for making drinks, fillings for baking.

Blueberry jam is another common way to harvest berries. Pancakes and pancakes will be much tastier if served with this jam.

This is just a small list of recommendations on how the fruits can be harvested and used. Each housewife keeps her secrets, allowing her to pamper her family in the middle of winter, surprise guests with dishes made from blueberries.
