Kudrinskaya Square in Moscow is mentioned in modern guidebooks most often as the site of construction of one of the seven Stalinist "skyscrapers". And, indeed, the majestic skyscraper erected in the USSR can be seen a few more blocks away. What is the history of this place and this unique home?

Historical background
Kudrinskaya Square appeared on the map of Moscow at the end of the 18th century. It got its name from the village of Kudrino that used to be located here. The settlement was named from the Lithuanian word kudra, which can be translated into Russian as "a forest in a swamp." According to another version, the area got its name from the surname Kudrin or the personal name Kudra, Kudrya. Initially, the square did not have a clear shape. It became square only after a fire in the capital, in 1812. During its long history, the square has changed its name several times. At various times, it was called Place de Revolt and Place Eugene Pottier. Until 1914, an imported market was regularly located here. Then, in 1914, trade on Kudrinskaya was banned and the place of counters with all sorts of things was taken bylandscaped park with a fountain.
House of Aviators

Kudrinskaya Square acquires its modern look in the middle of the last century. Improvements were made in 1937. Within its framework, a number of buildings are being demolished, including the Church of the Intercession in Kudrin, to expand the area. Asph alt is laid on the vacated rectangle of land. For some time, Kudrinskaya is considered the largest square in the capital; it occupies 18 hectares. In 1948, construction began on a residential multi-storey building designed by M. V. Posokhin, M. N. Vokhomsky, A. A. Mndoyants. The skyscraper on Kudrinskaya Square is a very beautiful and unique building. For its time, it is a symbol of the progress of Soviet science. The house consists of a central and two side buildings. The height of the tower with the spire is 156 meters. There are 24 floors in the central building, 18 floors in symmetrical side buildings. The skyscraper is richly decorated: the facade is decorated with bas-reliefs and sculptural groups, the entrances are finished with marble and illuminated by massive crystal chandeliers. The people quickly nicknamed the building the "House of Aviators", as apartments were given to test pilots, cosmonauts and workers in the aviation industry.
Sights and interesting monuments of architecture

Stalin's skyscraper is the most colorful building on Kudrinskaya Square. And yet there are other interesting and noteworthy structures. Opposite the Soviet skyscraper is the building of the city estate of the XIX century. In himtoday the museum of P. I. Tchaikovsky functions. Along Barrikadnaya Street stands the historically significant "Widow's House", built to support the wives and children of servicemen. The building was repeatedly rebuilt and changed its appearance. Another architectural landmark on Kudrinskaya Square is the estate of A. K. Koptev/N. A. Meyendorff. The old house stands on Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street, its facades were restored several years ago.
Kudrinskaya Square today

Today, at the foot of the Stalin skyscraper, there is a landscaped square. In 2016, the asph alt pavement was replaced with paving stones. Benches, trash cans and lighting have been installed on Kudrinskaya Square. The center of the composition is invariably the fountain. In the warm season, decorative flower beds are broken in the square. The building of the skyscraper houses various entertainment venues. For tourists, visiting this place is an opportunity to take beautiful photos against the backdrop of the "House of Aviators", relax in the shade of trees. Today, Kudrinskaya Square in Moscow is a well-maintained recreation area for residents and guests of the city, which has its own history.