National Socialism: The Theory and Practice of "Racial Hygiene"

National Socialism: The Theory and Practice of "Racial Hygiene"
National Socialism: The Theory and Practice of "Racial Hygiene"

In history, perhaps, there was no more inhuman ideology than National Socialism. Elevated by the Nazis of the Third Reich to the rank of the official policy of the state and the national ideology of Germany, the theory of "racial sterility" still causes heated debate in the European community and is the subject of research by political scientists and sociologists.

national socialism
national socialism

The ideology of National Socialism was cleverly used by Hitler and his henchmen as a political tool and a common national unifying idea. She quickly found a grateful response in German souls, into which the ashes of the First World War pounded like a tocsin. But National Socialism was bound to lead the country to an even more brutal collapse. The very historical experience of mankind has repeatedly proved the unviability of such theories and ideologies.

Ideology of National Socialism
Ideology of National Socialism

But National Socialism in Germany did not arise from scratch. Its beginning as an ideological direction was laid"Patriotic Party" and "Pan-German Union". In other words, the militant annexationism of the times of 1917 was the source of its formation. And National Socialism received an independent life from 1919, but it reached its sinister peak as a state regime in the period 1933-1945.

Antisemitism has become the main dominant of the extremist aspirations of the Nazis and their ideological base. Other, in the opinion of the fascist clique, "inferior" peoples and nations were also declared irreconcilable enemies of the Reich. To implement their pseudoscientific theories about the “master race”, the Nazis needed only a suitable testing ground, into which they turned Germany, and after it the whole of Europe.

As soon as they came to power in a country torn apart by the war and its results, the Nazis not only proclaimed National Socialism the official ideology, but also abolished the Weimar Republic, creating in its place a new totalitarian and completely militarized state. And thus pushed Germany to the abyss.

National Socialism declared an open and categorical rejection of all norms of universal morality and morality. They were opposed by "truly Aryan values": ruthlessness, violence and cruelty towards representatives of other peoples, solidarity between the Germans and military discipline. The strictest censorship was introduced in Germany. Literature harmful from the point of view of Nazism was publicly destroyed.

National Socialism in Germany
National Socialism in Germany

In the renewed Nazi Germany, the physical destruction of the dissidentminded individuals and those who simply disagree with the inhuman Hitler regime. At the state level, denunciation was encouraged. True, we must pay tribute to the Nazis in the sense that they significantly raised the country's economy and eliminated unemployment. But all these efforts were aimed solely at the war and the conquest of world domination by the "superior Aryan race."

After a big war was unleashed in Europe, the Nazis began to implement their theory of social Darwinism. The main instruments of National Socialism were concentration camps, gas chambers and Jewish ghettos. All this ended not only with the crushing defeat of fascism in the war, but also with the complete moral and political discrediting of the National Socialist movement and its ban in all countries of post-war Europe.
