Once a wise man was asked what sadness is. The elder thought: “Sadness is a continuous thought only about oneself.” True, isn't it? Yes, but everything in the world has a downside, and it is also true. Therefore, in any case, you should listen to everyone, and famous people and their quotes about sadness in the soul will help us in this.

Light Side
Even the most inveterate optimist has moments of "light languid despondency, causeless melancholy, dreary sadness." At this time, the house of every person is silent - it is closed with all the bolts so that no one and nothing can pull off a warm cozy blanket from him, thereby depriving him of his inner joy - sadness.
This is the state many poets and prose writers write about. Quotes about sadness call it a light feeling, painted in soft, transparent, muted pastel colors.
Alexander Kuprin wrote that sometimes in spring the soul is sad sweetly, tenderly, in restless expectation and vague foreboding. This is the so-called poetic sadness, which makesto admire all the pretty women and at the same time regret the "past springs".
No less lyrically speaks of her another Russian classic - Ivan Bunin. For him, it comes with twilight and slowly spreads in the sunset, and in half-faded ashes, and in the delicate aroma of already burned firewood, and in silence, and in half-darkness. She is a pale ghost of the day, offering deep reflection on what has been and gone. Beautiful quotes about sadness are yet to come…
Fine line
Do the blessed ones feel sad in the country? The German poet Friedrich Hölderlin believes so. But both here and there, on earth, sadness is a real messenger of joy, which comes along with the gray predawn twilight, in order to dissolve without fail and of good will in the rays of the morning dawn.

Quotes about sadness say that sadness, like its antipode, joy, is an indispensable experience of a subtle, sensitive, full of life person. If you experience them, then your soul is not dead. The writer Paolo Coelho, and Francoise Sagan, and the philosopher Erich Fromm, and many others have a lot of reasoning on this topic.
And this is what Osho says about this: he suggests not to be afraid of her, but to go to the river, to the rock, anywhere, sit under a tree, relax and immerse yourself in this experience with all your being. This is the only way to truly get to know her, to see all her beauties, and in response she will begin to change her shape and turn into silent joy. It's beautiful, but is it really that clear? Where is the fine line that imperceptibly leads us away fromsadness without sadness and plunges into something else - gloomy and hopeless? Quotes about sadness and loneliness are sure to prompt.

Dark Side
Sadness also casts a shadow, and it is gloomy, selfish, heavy, hopeless. But most importantly - give it free rein, and it will grow to an incredible size and swallow everything around. As Elchin Safarli wrote, sometimes there is so much of it that you can suffocate in it. At these moments, a person loses control over himself, noise appears in his head, blood boils, it darkens in his eyes. Only very strong people can open the door to her with the words: "Welcome!"
But there are not so many strong, and even those who consider themselves as such cannot be one hundred percent sure of this. This is probably why the French writer Andre Maurois warned of the perniciousness of elevating sadness to a certain philosophical category, because it was initially the most common infirmity. And for Anatoly Mariengof, the Russian poet-imaginist, it always caused only nausea, because it is often shamelessly used only to hide the lack of thoughts and feelings.
Yes, this state should not be allowed. Quotes about sadness also call us to this. Among them is the statement of the Polish writer Henryk Sienkiewicz, who proposes to initially keep her hungry. It must die in its infancy, and the one who feeds it daily is just a fool!