The first New Year tree in the Kremlin took children from all over the country in 1954. In those years, the main characters of the holiday were the Bolsheviks, Red Army soldiers, peasants and workers. Since 1964, the preparation of New Year's performances was entrusted to young scriptwriters and directors of the Nash Dom student theater. Then they were practically unknown young theater figures, and today the whole country knows their names: Khait, Kurlyandsky, Uspensky. They then managed to break the stereotypes, introduce a new tradition into the New Year's festivities and make the performance truly fabulous. The Red Army soldiers and workers were replaced by good wizards, and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden became obligatory participants in the New Year tree in the Kremlin.

The country's main tree
Every child dreams of getting to the capital for a New Year's performance. Parents are preparing in advance for a trip to Moscow, trying to buy tickets for both the train and the performance itself. During the winter school holidays of the 2014-2015 season. in the StateAt the Kremlin Palace, the New Year's program was dedicated to "Magic Colors". This unforgettable gift is given annually to children by the Government of Moscow, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions.

For more than half a century of history, the Kremlin tree managed to win the hearts of not only Moscow schoolchildren and preschoolers. The fame of the wonderful performances in the capital of Russia has spread far beyond the borders of the state.
Everyone who becomes a guest of the holiday gets into a fantastic land of colors, laughter and magic. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden involve them in entertainment programs, thanks to which children get a lot of unforgettable impressions. Everything is perfect on the Kremlin Christmas tree: unique scenery, stage costumes and, of course, the performance itself. And the obligatory gifts from Santa Claus complete the holiday feeling.
From all over Russia - to the Christmas tree in the Kremlin

Every year, the New Year tree in the Kremlin gathers young guests from all over the country. The parquet hall of the Palace these days turns into one big playground, where you can meet the most incredible fairy-tale characters among the guests. The main action takes place in a huge auditorium. And, of course, the largest and most majestic Christmas tree, installed in the Armorial Hall of the Kremlin, impresses even the oldest guests with its grandeur and magical decoration.
The organizers of the event advise purchasing tickets for the Christmas tree in the Kremlin in advance, knowing full well that forlatecomers may not remain, as many try to visit the New Year's Kremlin holiday. Performances go on for two weeks, and this is inexpressibly little on a national scale. Sessions, and there are three of them every day - at 10:00, 14:00 and 18:00 hours, do not satisfy the needs of everyone.
Christmas performance for the main guests

The most impressive and enchanting sight that children in our country can only see is the Christmas tree in the Kremlin. Every child who had a chance to visit this holiday returns home with unforgettable impressions. According to the reviews that little spectators share with their parents after the performances, one can judge that not a single trifle, not a single detail that an adult would not have noticed, did not pass by their direct children's attention. Some children say that Santa Claus - although very large, but not at all scary, gives gifts and leads him into a round dance. Others liked the fact that the fabulous birds, whose wings are glowing, actually fly over the stage.
Children notice everything: music, lights, and beautiful scenery. And, of course, everyone is happy with the gifts they received in the Kremlin. The New Year tree in the Kremlin calls children's reviews different. Although they sometimes do not differ in high style and do not accurately convey impressions, it is felt that they are expressed sincerely, from a pure childish soul.
Miracle work for months
It takes months of work for costume designers, screenwriters, directors, actors, to prepare New Year's performances in the Kremlin,editors and administrators. Every year, colorful performances amaze the audience with something new and unusual. When buying tickets for a Christmas tree in the Kremlin for children, every parent knows in advance that the scale of what he sees will surely amaze his son or daughter. It just doesn't happen otherwise.
As soon as the doors of the Kremlin Palace let the first spectators in, a special New Year's program begins throughout the building. And every year it becomes stronger both technically and creatively. Today, the creators of the action have such high technologies at their disposal that the quantity and quality of special effects amazes even adults, and what can we say about children? Here, a laser show, and spectacular strobe lights, and smoke machines, and unique lighting equipment - all this makes the Kremlin tree unique.
The theme of the Kremlin Christmas tree

The plot of the future performance is the main concern of the scriptwriters. After the script is written, other services are taken to work. Over the past few decades, the theme of New Year's performances has changed dramatically. The main thing is that she left politics in the direction of a fairy tale. Today, the Kremlin tree reflects what children want to see, not politicians vying for power. The heroes of today's performances are favorite fairy-tale and cartoon characters that cause special sympathy among children. The most incredible adventures are sure to happen to them, they defeat evil, save those in trouble, find new friends.
Incredibly beautiful and original decoration of the Palace helpscreate the feeling of being in a fairy tale. Magical music and light bring their own touches to the overall impression of visiting the Kremlin.
Cherished ticket
From year to year, the same picture is observed - there are not enough tickets for everyone. From different parts of the country they are ordered and redeemed in advance through official distributors. Since the middle of summer, many have begun to wonder what kind of performance is being prepared, whether the time of the sessions has changed, on what days the Christmas tree will be held in the Kremlin. They also try to buy tickets long before the New Year.
If many years ago it was almost impossible or difficult to get to the main Christmas tree of the country, today this unique holiday is available to everyone. So that as many children as possible can watch the long-awaited performance, parents and adults accompanying the children are not allowed to see the performance. It is necessary to remember this all the time and plan a visit to the Kremlin when the kids reach a certain age.
Holiday of a lifetime

The program of the Kremlin Christmas tree is rich and varied. If parents want their children to remember the next holidays for the rest of their lives and associate them with the beautiful, you should definitely visit the main New Year's performance in Russia. These days, three huge halls of the Kremlin Palace are at the full disposal of the guests of the holiday. They host game and dance programs, various attractions, a colorful musical performance. It’s easy to guess the theme of the next performance in advanceimpossible - it is kept in the strictest confidence. Therefore, each premiere becomes a new discovery. This is also the uniqueness for which the Kremlin tree is so famous. But if someone is interested not so much in the performance itself, but in the whole action as a whole, then it will certainly charm. There is no doubt about it.
This is not forgotten
In addition to all the scenic miracles that the New Year's performance gives, every child goes home with an obligatory gift from the Kremlin Father Frost. The cost of a sweet treat is included in the ticket price, so absolutely everyone gets their treasured bag. The Christmas tree in the Kremlin is famous for its traditions that have developed over the years. This also applies to gifts. Moscow confectioners approach the selection of sweets for the little Kremlin guests with special trepidation. Their sweets are always original, tasty and, of course, fresh. All these gift, stage and organizational subtleties are aimed at one thing - to give children an unforgettable experience. It's been doing great year after year.