The question of who are the pioneers is likely to confuse the current younger generation, or their answers will be quite far from reality. If we turn to history, it was a movement of children's communist formations both in our country and in other socialist states.
After analyzing who the pioneers are, we can say that the origin of this organization lies in the Scout community. However, there were a number of features. Unlike scouts, the pioneer system covered all schoolchildren and had financial and moral state support. Its goal was to educate people who fully approve of the existing ideology. In addition, another difference from the Scouts was the lack of division of primary organizations by gender.

Given this, answering the question of who the pioneers are, we can say with a high degree of certainty that this movement was at that time part of the state machine of the USSR and the socialist countries loyal to it. It was formed by the decision of the Komsomol conference in 1922, originally bore the name of Spartak. After Lenin's death, the organization was renamed hishonour. Studying the question of who the pioneers are, one can find out that at first the detachments of this movement formed in the homes of education, children joined its ranks individually. They were also based on converted Scout communities.

After 1925, the formation of organizations was entrusted to schools, the movement became massive. Children were accepted into it, starting from the age of nine, activists engaged in social work and excellent students received the advantage to join first. Formally, they were accepted as pioneers at will, but in reality almost all students of the corresponding age were members of this organization. Only inveterate hooligans or children from fundamentally religious families could be left out of the movement. This became one of the steps of the party structure of the state, the pinnacle of which was the CPSU.
The organization had a uniform consisting of a badge and a red tie tied in a certain way, there were pioneer heroes - children who performed various feats that served as examples for the rest. A serious infrastructure was created for the movement. It included recreation camps of local, regional, republican and union significance, almost in every settlement, under the auspices of the organization, houses were created for children's creativity. There was a newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda", in which the pioneers published photos, articles, and essays. The scale of the publication was impressive, all schools, libraries and many parents subscribed to it for their children. Great importance was given to various public events, concerts,reviews, hikes, rallies, sports competitions. The paramilitary game "Zarnitsa" was popular, and it was provided for in all children's holiday camps.

When the USSR collapsed, and the leading and guiding role of the CPSU was lost, the mass character of the movement declined sharply. Joining the pioneers was no longer mandatory, there was no coordination at the state level, most of the primary cells fell apart. Pioneer organizations have now been recreated by the communists, but they are few in number.