What is the UN: the history and functions of the organization

What is the UN: the history and functions of the organization
What is the UN: the history and functions of the organization

Before answering the question of what the UN is, it would be useful to look into history and trace the prerequisites for the creation of this structure. Already at the dawn of modern times, European states tried to build a parity system of international relations, which would take into account the interests of large and small continental states. Such attempts were aimed primarily at

what is un
what is un

reducing tensions in international politics and preventing military clashes so that conflicts are resolved through dialogue and negotiations. Time has shown that the state's own interests are often higher than peaceful aspirations. Thus, the desire for colonial redistribution led to World War I.

After 1918, it became obvious that the world needed permanent planetary arbitrage. The first attempt to create such an international organization was the League of Nations, formed in 1919 as a result of the Versailles-Washington agreements after the First World War. The main task of the League of Nations was proclaimed the prevention of military clashes on the territory of the entire planet, the reported disarmament of the leading world powers, and the settlement of conflicts through peaceful diplomatic negotiations. However, the next twohalf a decade have shown that this organization is clearly not coping with its tasks. The extremely large-scale Second World War and the events that preceded it showed that the League of Nations has no real levers of power, except for appeals, and is not capable of appeasing the aggressors. As a result of negotiations, it was dissolved on April 20, 1946.

So what is the UN: functions of the organization

UN membership
UN membership

The United Nations has become a kind of successor to the League of Nations. It was created as a result of post-war negotiations on October 24, 1945 in San Francisco. Fifty states became the founders of the UN. Later, by signing the protocol, the Polish Republic also received UN membership.

Speaking of what the UN is, one should certainly define its main functions. Compared to its predecessor, the UN has expanded its own range of interests. In addition to maintaining and strengthening peace on the planet, maintaining friendly relations between nations, the tasks of the UN include promoting comprehensive economic, cultural and social development in the world. Particular attention is paid to supporting lagging regions, such as Africa and Asia, in economic, educational, he alth and other areas.

What is the UN: organization structure

un in moscow
un in moscow

The UN has several branches of government to coordinate its activities. Thus, its main bodies are: the General Assembly, which has parliamentary functions, the Security Council, which is in charge of the executive branch, the Internationalcourt and the Economic and Social Council governing matters in their respective fields. And finally, the UN Secretariat, which is entrusted with administrative functions. In addition, there are a number of peculiar subsidiaries, such as the World He alth Organization, UNESCO (promotes the development of education in the world and the preservation of the world's cultural heritage), the International Labor Organization and others.

Today, the organization has its own information centers and representative offices in most countries of the world. There is also a UN Information Center in Moscow.
