From television news, in newspapers and just in conversations, the words nationalism, national idea, Nazism, nationalist party, nationalist rally are often heard. All of them merge into a single picture, far from reality. Many add racism and fascism to the pile, such a picture will scare anyone away. No one knows how many nationalists there really are in Russia. Let's try to figure out who the nationalists are and how to distinguish them.
Nationalist Program
At the moment there are dozens, if not hundreds of organizations in our country that proudly describe themselves as Russian nationalists. But at the same time they have different development programs, different goals and ways of implementing them, they may even contradict each other. Young and hot people can buy into the loud slogans and charisma of leaders and, without understanding, become a tool in the wrong hands.

Real nationalists stand outseveral points in their programs, they can be retold in different ways, but this does not change the essence:
- The constitution should have an amendment recognizing the rights to Russia for the Russian people, and Russians as the state-forming people.
- Russian citizenship is a privilege that Russians should have no obstacles to obtain.
- Now in Russia there are laws adopted for the entire state, but also in each subject there are their own, regional ones. The budget is unevenly distributed among the subjects, depending on the goals of the state and the need. The nationalists advocate the elimination of legal and budgetary differences between the territories and regions of the state on the one hand and the national republics on the other.
- The most painful place for a nationalist is the migration of the population of neighboring countries to Russia. The clashes between Russians and "persons of Caucasian nationality" do not surprise anyone. Therefore, almost every party of nationalists in Russia is in favor of introducing a visa regime between Russia and the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus.
Flag of nationalists of Russia
Nationalists use as "their" black-yellow-white flag, or the so-called imperial. The combination is bright and memorable, especially when the inscriptions “For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland!” are added to the flowers. However, the history of its appearance is such that the question arises as to why the nationalists of Russia chose it?

During the Romanov dynasty, these colors were imperial. The standard of the ruling dynasty wasblack eagle on a yellow background. These colors were legalized by Alexander II as stamps. But the coat of arms and the national flag are not the same thing. This order lasted only 25 years and was canceled by Alexander III. The well-known red-blue-white tricolor began to be used as any decorative purpose. And the "imperial flag" began to be associated only with the Romanov dynasty.
Nationalist parties and organizations
On the territory of Russia in every subject there is an organization, a party, a section that considers itself a nationalist. T-shirts, caps, scarves with the inscription "I am Russian" are known to everyone. The full list of Russian nationalists is huge, but the main ones can be distinguished among them.

Moderate organizations. Their goals include, as a rule, the legal protection of Russians, the informational component, the protection of Orthodoxy and the Russian Orthodox Church, political and religious education. Some call for resistance to the state's policy aimed at taking into account the interests of the country's multinational population, without violence. There is no racism and calls for aggression in the ideology of such organizations. The most famous of them are the People's Union, the Russian Public Movement (ROD), the National Patriots of Russia, and the Movement Against Illegal Migration.

Radical organizations. Such express their opinion more sharply, their methods and programs will leave few indifferent, even Russian people react to them both positively and negatively. They aspire toestablishing authoritarian control, strict discipline and cultivating loy alty to the leader, their ideology is very similar to the fascist one, some call themselves that. Some of them are organized by younger skinheads, which are oriented towards pre-revolutionary Russia (the Black Hundred organization, who knows the history, will shudder). Many of them are characterized by separatism and extremism. The most famous of them are NPF "Pamyat", People's National Party, Alexander Barshakov's Movement and Guards, True Russian National Unity, National Union.
Not all Russian nationalists use peaceful methods to achieve their goals. It is worth mentioning such organizations that, due to their actions, were banned. There are not so many of them, these are the National Socialist Society, the National Bolshevik Party, the Slavic Union. They differ in ideological diversity - from German National Socialism to Marxism. Many activists have been imprisoned.
Most of the above organizations participate in the Union of National Socialist Organizations - Russian March.
Nationalism and Nazism
These two concepts are most often put side by side and used as synonyms even by some Russian nationalists. The photo, where a patriot of their country and a soldier of the Third Reich will stand side by side, will not clarify. It seems that there is a difference, but this border is unsteady.
Nationalism basically adheres to such values as loy alty to one's nation, its political and economic independence, cultural and spiritual development for the benefit of the people. This isthe concept is akin to patriotism, it unites people, regardless of class. The nationalists of Russia are people who strive for the good of all the people of our state.
Nazism is a shortened form of National Socialism. The main goal of this ideology is to establish the power of one race in a particular territory, while the interests of other nationalities are sacrificed in favor of the dominant one. A striking example in history is the activities of the Third Reich.
The biggest nationalist

In one of his speeches, Vladimir Putin called himself the main nationalist of Russia. This brought a smile to many, but the president's subsequent words made his position clear. Vladimir Putin called the right nationalism the desire for the good of the entire people of Russia, denying intolerance towards other nationalities. It turns out that the real flag of Russian nationalists flutters in every city over the administration building.