Every person is unique by nature. There are no two individuals in the world who have identical fingerprints, but external resemblance is quite common. It is practically impossible to trace this phenomenon among ordinary people. And doubles of celebrities are much easier to see. Almost all famous personalities have doppelgangers, in particular, world cinema stars, and many of them are known to a wide range of people.

Just like DiCaprio
Popularity and fame gained a resident of the Russian city of Podolsk, rescuer Roman Burtsev, who turned out to be a double of Leonardo DiCaprio. The excitement began in the West, when publications and photos flooded social networks, and later the media. Many foreign online publications wrote about the similarity of the Russian rescuer with the Hollywood celebrity. Burtsev himself is not a fan of the artist's work and has seen only a couple of films with the participation of hisdouble. Roman is absolutely calm about the glory that has suddenly fallen on him. Although the double of Leonardo DiCaprio is very flattered by the increased attention of compatriots.

Girls who look like Angelina Jolie
Chelsea Moore, a young resident of the British capital, is engaged in recruiting activities. She received her portion of success thanks to her unique resemblance to the magnificent Angelina Jolie. Being sixteen years younger than the Hollywood diva, at the age of 24, the double of the star enlarged her breasts and lips. And she resorted to plastic surgery, as she claims, not trying to be like someone else. But Chelsea are basking in celebrity glory.

But Tiffany Claus used her unprecedented resemblance to Angelina for her own career and became a professional double of the star. It happened when Jolie's popularity reached its peak. The obsessive attention of journalists did not attract Tiffany until she found out how well the work of the double was paid. Once on the same set with Johnny Depp, Klaus was flattered by his assessment of her professionalism. Her double uses the image of Jolie in photo shoots, but emphasizes that only her appearance, and only, makes her related to the actress. Tiffany herself is happy, together with her loving husband they are raising two children.

Francesca Brown and Katy Perry
The official double of the singer Katy Perry is the Englishwoman Francesca Brown - a professional actress,whose filmography is unknown. She also plays in the theater. And the fees from Katy Perry significantly compensate for the lack of earnings in the cinema.

Rihanna lookalike
Money on the resemblance to a celebrity and Boston student Andel Lara. She is the doppelgänger of Rihanna's star. It was the singer's fans who surrounded Andel in the full and figurative sense, bringing her popularity. The similarity with Rihanna helps to earn money in the field of advertising under a contract signed with a clothing company. The student's annual salary is $13,000.

George Clooney and his doppelgangers
Fans of the American master of cinema George Clooney have found striking resemblance of their idol to the actor and model from Argentina - Guillermo Zapata. Most of Clooney's fans in the ranking of sexuality took a higher step to the irresistible double. The women were eager to know if he was married. In fact, the handsome model is happily married to Frenchwoman Natalie Poule-Zapata and owns the SUR restaurant in Hollywood with his wife.

Another George Clooney impersonator, Gary Kent, has done more than anyone else, cashing in on his celebrity likeness. He is in a relationship with a woman who is incredibly similar to Clooney's fiancee Amal Alamuddin. He called his girlfriend Gina Annabelle the first double of Amalie.

Whose doppelgänger is Pavel Talalaev?
After the departure of Michael Jackson,his doppelgangers stopped working. One of them, Russian Pavel Talalaev, is a showman who takes part in multiple shows. He was so worried about Michael's death that he tried to commit suicide, but was saved by doctors.

On the King of Pop's birthday in Mexico City, his admirers danced the famous dance from the "Thriller" video, led by a double named Hector Jackson. This flash mob is worthy of the Guinness Book of Records, and it will be there if the Mexican dancers in the amount of 13,000 people absolutely accurately displayed the author's choreography and pass the assessment of experts.
What links Lorna Bliss to Britney Spears?
Lorna Bliss's name is on the list of 18 names of Britney Spears look-alikes on the singer's official website. The 28-year-old Englishwoman spent a lot of money to become a clone of the outrageous American. The main and cardinal step of the external transformation was the hairstyle - Lorna shaved her head. And only then followed the lessons of singing and dancing, the purchase of clothes in the style of Britney.

Other twin stars
The name of the legend of rock and roll Elvis Presley and the memory of him gather in Wales every year fans and doubles of the king of rock music. It is not so much a similar appearance that is welcome, but an image, style and manner of performance.
Some modern celebrities are like historical people. These are Adrien Brody and the philosopher John Locke; Chuck Norris and Vincent van Gogh; Hugh Grant and Oscar Wilde; Johnny Depp and Arthur Schopenhauer.
Great interestcause double shows that star celebrities use to boost their ratings and popularity.