What do men's eggs look like? The question, of course, is strange, but very informative and interesting, if you understand it properly. Let's figure it out!
You have a boy
When a baby is born in the maternity hospital, obstetricians immediately determine who is in front of them: a boy or a girl. Since in this article we are interested in the male genital organs, we will talk about them.
What do men and boys' eggs look like on the outside?
In boys, boys and adult men, this is a small "pouch" of skin located between the thighs. Its name is the scrotum. In addition to the external genital organs (genitals), the so-called internal genital organs are hidden inside each male, in particular, the testicles located in the scrotum. Consider them in more detail.

What do men's balls look like from the inside?
The testicles are the most important male reproductive organs located in the scrotum. What is characteristic - the right testicle is slightly higher than the left. In addition, they are separated by a special partition located in the scrotum.
It is male eggs that produce spermatozoa - seminal cells. This process starts whenboy of 10 years of age. There are so many spermatozoa, and each of them is so small that it is barely visible under a microscope. Through the most complex anatomical actions, the testicles produce the main fluid of all men - sperm. Outside, she goes through a special urethra, through which both sperm and urine are poured out. Tellingly, the two fluids never mix.
However, in addition to sperm, male eggs produce a special hormone called testosterone. It is also called the growth hormone. It begins to be produced in boys from the age of 12 and causes hair growth under the armpits, in the groin and on the face, getting into the blood of the child. In addition, this sex hormone affects the voice, making it rougher, as well as the figure of the boy, gradually turning him into an adult man.

By the way, testosterone has a direct effect on the growth of male genital organs - the penis and scrotum. Let's talk about the size of manhood further.
Why do men have big balls linked to risk of heart disease?

Scientists have concluded that large testicles are the cause of heart attacks. In such men, the risk of being hospitalized is significantly increased. They are prone to hypertension, are much more likely to gain excess weight, and are also prone to constant and uncontrolled use of alcoholic beverages.
It is probably not necessary to describe in detail which eggs in men are considered enlarged, but somecontradiction of large testicles with the forecasts of the above-mentioned scientists. The fact is that the results of their study are now recognized as controversial: men with large genitals have a significantly higher level of fertility, which is an indisputable indicator of good he alth.
And finally
The question of what eggs look like in men is a purely delicate and intimately personal one. Therefore, for ethical reasons, we will not talk about him more than already described in this article. Good luck!