Loan for start-up entrepreneurs - myth or reality?

Loan for start-up entrepreneurs - myth or reality?
Loan for start-up entrepreneurs - myth or reality?

Starting your own business is the desire of many citizens of our country. And successful business development is the dream of any entrepreneur.

loans for start-up entrepreneurs
loans for start-up entrepreneurs

But it often happens that prosperity requires an investment of money. And a loan for start-up entrepreneurs is sometimes simply necessary. After all, money is needed to rent premises, purchase goods, if we are talking about trade enterprises, to pay salaries to employees and much, much more. Not every person has the required amount, so you have to look for sources of funding. Many banks promise help to entrepreneurs, but let's try to figure out how real it is.

Young businesses can indeed get funding, but in most cases there are a number of restrictions:

  1. Loans for start-up entrepreneurs are issued only on the security of property. Banks are understandable. The risk when opening a new business is very high, the probability of ruin and, accordingly, non-repayment of the debt is high. Credit departments try to protect themselves and take as collateral property that can besell quickly. But a novice businessman may simply not own any property.
  2. An alternative to collateral can be a guarantor. However, his financial condition must be such that he can repay the debt in case of an unforeseen situation. Thus, the guarantor is already at risk, and it is far from always possible to find a person who is ready to take such a step.
  3. assistance to entrepreneurs
    assistance to entrepreneurs
  4. As a rule, loan officers of banks give preference to those companies that have already been successfully operating on the market for at least six months. Under this condition, it will not be possible to obtain a loan for a novice entrepreneur to open a business.
  5. While banks are willing to accommodate successfully growing companies, lowering interest rates, easing conditions, then newly opened enterprises face immensely high interest rates on loans and stringent requirements.
  6. The maximum loan amount is much lower than that of experienced entrepreneurs. In the best case, you will be able to get no more than three million rubles.

Analyzing all of the above, you can understand that it is very, very difficult to get a loan for start-up entrepreneurs. And all the talk about helping young businesses is just a waste of words.

start-up business loan
start-up business loan

Of course, in fairness it should be noted that the situation is still not entirely tragic. The newly minted owner of the enterprise will have to go around many banks, listen to many refusals, but after a long "going through the throes" he will still achievesuccess with due perseverance.

Recently, a number of credit organizations are ready to provide loans to start-up entrepreneurs on more loyal terms. This includes the absence of collateral and guarantors, the absence of a threshold for the existence of a business, which is so important at the very beginning of the journey. It is possible to obtain such a loan for an individual. The bank is guided by the fact that the entrepreneur is interested in developing his own business, that he will do everything to avoid ruin, and therefore the borrowed funds will return to the credit institution. Of course, interest rates will still be quite high, but it's still better than not getting anything at all and saying goodbye to the dream of owning a business.
