This material is in no way intended to promote smoking. The description of how to blow smoke rings is provided for educational purposes only. After all, for sure, many of us watched how some smokers effectively release smoke rings, and how they do it, for some

remains a mystery. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. It takes a little patience and practice to master this technique.
To better visualize the whole process, let's look deep into history and get acquainted with the one who first came up with how to blow rings out of smoke. The man's name is Robert Wood, the great American experimental physicist. About a hundred years ago, in his lectures, he often demonstrated to students an installation with which it was possible to launch air rings. It was a large wooden box, one of the sides of which was covered with a rubber membrane. A round hole was made on the opposite side. A smoldering piece of cotton wool was placed at the bottom of the box. When the membrane was flicked with a finger, smoke rings escaped from the hole, and they had a sufficiently large force, since they reached the opposite end of the auditorium and could easily knock down a cardboard box that was standingthere.

Similar, only on a smaller scale, you can do with your own mouth. There are several ways to blow smoke rings. Let's stop at the simplest.
First, practice: the lips need to be shaped like a circle, the tense tongue is positioned so that it is exactly in the center of this hole. Now we are trying to make the following movements: we move the tongue back and forth with a small amplitude, it should, as it were, push out the smoke, at the same time the lower jaw makes cutting movements up and down. The lips must be motionless. Now you need to dial smoke into your lungs and repeat the above. Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time, at least you will understand how it all should happen.

Now let's talk about how to blow smoke rings without a tongue. It’s a little harder here, in this case Wood’s method is already directly used. Smoke should not be drawn into the lungs, but into the mouth. The lips need to be tightened and form a small circle with them. Now try to make the sound "Oh", only in a whisper and briefly. If you do everything right, it will sound like a crack or cough. The lips and tongue should be motionless, only the vocal cords and cheeks work, which need to be helped to release air. Smoke, coming out in small portions, will form very beautiful picturesque rings. This method is also called "W reversed" because when you exhale, a sound is pronounced that is very similar to an inverted"double-u".
Most beginner "ring-makers" take more than one attempt to learn this difficult art. Master it slowly, without fanatical zeal. Smoke rings are, of course, unusual and spectacular, but always remember your he alth. Smoking several cigarettes in a row can lead to a general deterioration in well-being.