What does the sustainability of an ecosystem depend on?

What does the sustainability of an ecosystem depend on?
What does the sustainability of an ecosystem depend on?
Ecosystem resilience
Ecosystem resilience

Ecosystem sustainability is one of the most significant indicators of the state of the environment. It represents the ability of the ecological system as a whole and its components to successfully withstand negative external factors, while maintaining not only its structure, but also its functions. The most important characteristic of stability is the relative attenuation of the resulting oscillations. This ability is closely studied to determine the consequences of the impact of anthropogenic factors.

The concept of "ecosystem sustainability" is often seen as synonymous with environmental stability. Like any other phenomenon in nature, the whole essence of the ecosystem tends to balance (the balance of biological species, the balance of energy, and others). Thus, the mechanism of self-regulation plays a special role.

Ecosystem sustainability is ensured
Ecosystem sustainability is ensured

The main task of this process is the coexistence of many living organisms, as well as objects of inanimate nature, under limitation and regulationthe abundance of each species. The stability of the ecosystem is ensured by the absence of complete destruction of the population. The available species diversity allows each representative to feed on several forms that are at a lower trophic level. Thus, if the population of a species is significantly reduced and is close to the threshold of destruction, it is possible to "switch" to another more common form of life. This is what makes ecosystems sustainable.

As mentioned earlier, environmental sustainability is considered synonymous with sustainability. This is no coincidence. It is possible to keep the environment in a stable state only if the law of dynamic equilibrium is not violated. Otherwise, not only the quality of the natural environment, but even the existence of a whole complex of various natural components may be threatened.

Ecosystem sustainability factors
Ecosystem sustainability factors

The stability of the ecosystem, provided by the law of dynamic internal balance, is also subject to the balance of large territories and the balance of components. It is these concepts that underlie nature management. In addition, the development of special sets of measures that are aimed at protecting the environment should also be carried out taking into account the above laws and balances.

Ecosystem sustainability can also be thought of as ecological balance. It is a special property of living systems, which is not violated even under the influence of various anthropogenic factors. When developing projects fordevelopment of new territories, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of extensively and intensively used lands in the presented area. These can be various urbanized complexes, meadows for grazing cattle, areas of preserved natural forests. Irrational development of territories can cause significant damage to both the ecology of this particular region and the natural ecosystem as a whole.
