True fans of the "Club of cheerful and resourceful" can not help but remember the original and unique team of the major league called "Fyodor Dvinyatin". Fans of humor will surely remember this team for their peculiar jokes built on puns and bold role-playing, a unique powerful serve and several especially bright players. The composition of the KVN team "Fyodor Dvinyatin" remains in the game today. Many of its members have become popular and famous worldwide. Why not remember how the team's path began and which of its members managed to step far beyond the KVN stage.
The start of the journey
The history of the team began in the mid-2000s. All of its future participants, as usual, began their careers in student KVN teams. At the same time, some of them, namely Alexander Gudkov and his sister Natalya, played for the teams of Stupino near Moscow "Family-2" and "Natural Disaster". Natalya Medvedeva and Evgeny Shevchenko represented the teams of Moscow universities "Glamour" and "Unity of Dissimilar".

For the happiness of the fans of the KVN team "Fyodor Dvinyatin",its composition nevertheless united into a single creative team, which made its debut very successfully, first in the Northern League of KVN. Already in the next year after the formation of the team in 2007, Fedor Dvinyatin performs at the Jurmala annual festival. It was from this performance that the real television history of the guys began. Each performance found an invariable response from the public and the jury, it was not like the usual humor on the stage of the club of the cheerful and resourceful. Therefore, the team quickly marched straight to the Higher League of KVN, only staying in the Premier League for a short time.
Name history
At this point in the story, it would be worthwhile to make some lyrical digression and tell about the history of the team's name. The name of the team is indeed non-trivial, memorable, and even slightly intriguing. An interesting fact is connected with the history of its origin: the Fedor Dvinyatin KVN team, the composition of the Northern League, performed on the small stage for the first time. The participants could not agree on the name, so the team did not yet have a name. And the guys are about to go on stage, in front of the eyes of a demanding audience and an even stricter jury. At that time, by the way, the famous Alexander Druz was sitting in the judging panel of the KVN B altic League. And the team members came up with a fresh and cunning idea, like all their humor - to name themselves in honor of a partner who is an expert in the game “What? Where? When?" - Fyodor Dvinyatin. A special charm to this undertaking was given by the fact that during the warm-up - the traditional KVN competition, the host announced with pleasure: "Fyodor Dvinyatin answers." And the stern Alexander Druz broke into a satisfied smile.

Major League KVN
The history of the team within the Higher League of KVN is bright, chaotic and ambiguous, like all the work of these guys. Non-banal humor, based primarily on energetic and direct acting, appealed to numerous spectators, but not to the jury members. In 2008, even the leader of the club, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, pointed out this fact, who had always refrained from commenting on the teams' game before. For the guys it was a big blow, but they did not change the main direction of their work. It was this special note that the team remembered for the fans of the game.

Criticism of the team's creativity
The composition of the Fyodor Dvinyatin KVN team was constantly criticized by the most titled and experienced member of the jury, Yuli Gusman. The guys either broke into the Higher League after another sparkling number at the Sochi festival, then left it, demonstrating a provocative or simply parody number, similar to the scandalous performance of Alexander Gudkov with a parody of Leontiev. So abruptly the creative team performed in the Major League of KVN for two years.

The composition of the KVN team "Fyodor Dvinyatin" has undergone changes more than once. So in 2009, one of its brightest members, Natalya Medvedeva, left the team. After 2009, the team decided not to take part in further major league seasons. But the story of its participants did not end there.
Natalia Medvedeva
Immediately afterleaving the Fyodor Dvinyatin team, Natalya “lit up” in the popular Comedy Vumen show on TNT. In fact, back in 2008, Medvedeva continued to participate in both projects in parallel, which was not easy. In the end, the girl chose the project of the TNT channel and did not lose. He brought her real fame and the opportunity to fully and recklessly show her outstanding talent as a comedian and actress.

It was this talent that brought Natalya Medvedeva, a member of the first team of KVN "Fyodor Dvinyatin", whose biography did not promise her any outstanding success, to her current position. An actress of series, cinema and theater, host of popular shows with stars, Natalya Medvedeva also tries her hand at directing and is not going to stop there.
Alexander Gudkov
Fyodor Dvinyatin, another member of the main team of the KVN team, whose photo is now flaunted on advertising posters all over the country, has gone through a no less bright creative path. It's over, about the enchanting Alexander Gudkov.

After finishing his performances on the club stage, he followed his colleague on the KVN stage Natalya Medvedeva to the Comedy Vumen project. But Gudkov first tried himself as a screenwriter and only after a while appeared on the screens as a participant in the show. After that, there was also participation as a co-host in Ivan Urgant's Evening Urgant program on Channel One, and the author's humorous show Nezlobin and Gudkov, and a host of other projects invariably associated with humor.
Thesethe stories of the composition of the KVN team "Fyodor Dvinyatin" once again convince us that with the help of humor you can pave your way to a great future. The scene of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful has become a career start for many current television stars. For the discovery of these talents, the audience is grateful to this wonderful game.