So, who are the outcasts? Are they recluses or maybe people exiled for certain sins? Or maybe these are children deprived of the attention of their relatives and persecuted by the claims of their peers? Alas, the word outcast appears quite often in our speech, but only a few think about what its true meaning is.
In this regard, it will be very useful to talk about who the outcast really is. Try to understand how it comes to the fact that some people become unwanted guests among their own kind. And why outcasts is a very sad expression.

Those who stayed away from the usual society
First of all, you should understand the very wording of this word. So, outcasts are people who, for one reason or another, are expelled from the usual society or a certain circle of people.
For example, children who are rejected by their peers or classmates can be called outcasts. Or outcasts are apostates who were expelled by the church for certain sins. Although it should be noted that in this category peoplefall not only because of the decision of others, but also of their own free will. A vivid example of this can be hermits, who voluntarily threw away material we alth in order to live in harmony with nature.
Rooted in history
The very word outcast originates in Ancient Russia. At the same time, its original meaning was very different from that to which we are accustomed. So, in Russia, an outcast is someone who has changed his usual social cell to another one.
For example, a similar term was applied to the priest's children if they were illiterate and could not continue his work. Or when the serf received freedom, after which he had every right to control his own destiny. Also, merchants who went bankrupt or had very large debts were called outcasts.

Modern realities
Unfortunately, now the word outcast is increasingly appearing in ordinary conversations and conversations. It just so happens that worldwide progress has divided people into many classes and types that are very different from each other. This is precisely the main reason for the emergence of modern renegades.
After all, if you think about it, how to become an outcast? Yes, it's very simple - to be different from others. For example, if all the children in the class are wearing brand new school uniforms, then as soon as someone starts walking around in old or shabby clothes, he will immediately become a universal target. And if this child cannot stand up for himself, then soon the whole class will brand him a black sheep or an outcast.
And this scheme works not only at school. In the same job, there are also those who use the universalrecognition, and those who are completely deprived of it. And it’s good if they simply don’t notice you, but it’s much worse for those who are subjected to daily mockery and ridicule.

Outcast - temporary hardship or lifelong diagnosis?
Getting rid of the mark of an outcast is very difficult, sometimes even impossible, at least within the old circle of acquaintances. But you need to understand one thing: the essence of the problem is not that a person was called a renegade, but why it happened.
After all, having learned what exactly does not suit people, you can try to fix it. For example, change the style of clothing, learn how to maintain a conversation, or just start smiling. Sometimes it happens that only a small change in yourself leads to colossal changes around.