How is the purpose of the party formed?

How is the purpose of the party formed?
How is the purpose of the party formed?

Not every person takes an active part in the political life of his country. And those who are interested in this issue are faced with many ambiguities and nuances. For example, what is the purpose of the party? How to find it in long speeches and multi-page political education programs? If you do not understand what the goals of political parties are, then there is no point in choosing a worthy one among them. It's like with sweets: you can hardly tell by the wrapper which one is tastier. The delicacy should be tasted to form your own opinion about its qualities.

party goal
party goal

Goals and tasks of the party

Back to our difficult question. With parties it is easier and more difficult at the same time. We need to carefully look at its leaders, study the documents. Each political force has its own program. It is in it that the purpose of the party is spelled out. It cannot be otherwise. Indeed, without this fundamental document, the state will not register this force. Every country has laws. They are binding on all citizens. A political party is required to go through the registration process. During thisevents, it declares (sets out in writing) the main goals. Parties that violate this order simply do not exist for official bodies. Consequently, they cannot take part in the political life of the country. Why organize it then? Sit underground and fight the authorities? It is now inefficient, democracy is in the yard. That is, any community is given the right to fight for power, to promote their ideas, while respecting the law.

goals and objectives of the party
goals and objectives of the party

Is it necessary to read documents?

Back to where to find the target of the party. Of course, ideally, you should take an interest in the program of the political entity that aroused your interest. But this is optional. According to the law "On political parties" they are obliged to work with the population. This document formulates what are the goals of political parties. There are only three of them:

  • participation in shaping public opinion;
  • political education of citizens;
  • informing authorities and the public about the prevailing opinions of people on a particular issue under discussion.

From the content of the law it is clear that the purpose of the party is to interact with the population. Political power does not live by itself. It expresses the essence of social life, while at the same time taking part in the formation of its meanings.

what are the goals of political parties
what are the goals of political parties

Party Charter

We found out that we need to contact the representatives of the political force for clarification. Talking to citizens is their main task. But unfortunately not all of themwill answer the question, what is the purpose of the party. In the heat of battle, politicians forget about global tasks. Therefore, it is recommended to ask the leaders what is written in their main document - the Charter. This document, adopted by the first congress of a political force, contains the main goals of the party. Of course, they can be added later. But initially, people who have come together for a political struggle formulate exactly what they need a party for, what they want to achieve. The main goals of the party are to gain power and implement the ideas that united them. Precisely representation in elected bodies, by and large, is the desired prize for any movement. The State Duma, Legislative Assemblies, local councils are the bodies in which each party does get a majority.

main goals of the party
main goals of the party


We got to the main question. Political parties set themselves the task of organizing public life. The socialists want to protect the poor, the democrats want to liberalize the economy, the communists want to destroy private property, and so on. When you read their programs, you understand little. As soon as they start to pass their laws, it immediately affects society. This is the meaning of the struggle. Each party dreams of individually shaping the order of life in the state, so that it becomes ideal according to their views. Hence the slogans that we hear. Democrats talk about the weakening of the role of the state in regulating economic processes, socialists - about the plight of the worker. In general, each sandpiper praises his swamp. They areadvertise the likely outcome of their activities.

Do political parties have different goals?

Let's go back to the above law. He says that every political force, in the first, second and further stages, is obliged to work with people. Their function is to influence the formation of public opinion, to educate citizens, to be interested in their thoughts and to identify the prevailing views. In the process, of course, there is the recruitment of supporters. If the party is seriously engaged in the assigned work, then it is supported by people. The result is support in the elections. And this is exactly what she needs to influence the life of the state and society. That is, initially the goals of all political forces are the same - work with people (which is written in the law). Programs are written in order to attract the population. It states the ideas and main tasks that the leaders of the party consider to meet the aspirations of the people.

main goals of the party
main goals of the party


Let's highlight the main thing for an ordinary citizen. The political force is formed and functions not in order for the leaders to gain power, as it sometimes seems from their speeches. She is the voice of the people. Each person can and should influence the parties, tell them about his fears and hopes. This is the essence of political life and, oddly enough, the duty of an active citizen. Don't give up your rights. There is no force that meets your aspirations, you must either influence the existing ones, or initiate the creation of a new one. Otherwise, there will be no changes in the state. Sodemocracy is arranged: the citizen and his life are put at the forefront, and not the political aspirations of individuals. It is advisable for everyone to remember this when parties come to us for votes!
