Modern people spend more and more time on the Internet. There they can make purchases, pay utility bills and fines, watch movies, listen to music. Even communication is gradually transferred to the network. If earlier communication over long distances took place using letters, today they have been replaced by cellular communications and the Internet. However, people still use the mail service to send letters to each other.

At first glance, the procedure for writing a letter and sending it is very simple, but a sample of filling out an envelope is necessary for many, since there are several nuances that need to be considered. The speed of delivery and the very fact of receiving the letter depends on this. Messages are written not only by individuals. Organizations often use mail services to send business documents, commercial offers and promotional brochures. It is also important to consider that the pattern of filling out an envelope for different countries may have its own distinctive features.
Letters from Russia
Envelopes for letters,intended for recipients residing in Russia are signed in Russian. If the letter is sent within the boundaries of a republic that is part of a state, then the envelope can also be filled out in the state language of this subject of the federation (for example, Bashkir, Tatar). Envelopes should be signed without errors and corrections. It is better to write in capital letters. To fill the envelope, you can use any ink, except for red, green and yellow. A sample of filling out an envelope in Russia looks like this:

Sender information is placed at the top. In the column "From whom" you need to write your full name. In the line "From" the address of residence is indicated: region, locality, street, house and apartment. The postal code is written in a separate window. To the right should be information about the recipient. His name is indicated in the "To" column, his address - in the "To" line. The index is required. At the bottom left, the index of the place where the letter is sent is re-indicated.
The code stamp must be filled in strictly in accordance with the sample. Otherwise, the letter will not be sent. On most envelopes, his template is placed on the back. In order not to look for a sample of filling out an envelope in Russia every time you need to send a letter, you can use special programs. They are installed on the computer. A person chooses a template, enters the necessary data and sends the resulting envelope to be printed.
Letters from Ukraine
Envelopes intended for sending letters toUkraine, are not too different from those adopted in Russia. The first nuance is that the index has not six digits, but five. Two of them are assigned to cities, three - to post offices. The second difference is related to the rules for writing the address. In Ukraine, it is customary to indicate it as it is customary in the West. The postal address is written first, followed by the city and country. The envelope is filled in Ukrainian or Russian. A sample of filling out an envelope for Ukraine is presented below.

Letters from Belarus
Envelopes intended for recipients residing on the territory of the Republic of Belarus are filled in Belarusian or Russian. The envelope must be signed in blue or black ink. Corrections, abbreviations and transfer of various words by syllables in the address of the place of receipt are not allowed. On the left, information about the sender is indicated: his full name, then the street, house and apartment. Then the postal code is written, consisting of six digits, and the city. On the right is the recipient's details. In the "To" column, his full name is indicated, in the "To" section - his address.
On the official website of the Belarusian Post, you can download a special program that will save a person from having to store a sample of filling out an envelope. With its help, you can automatically apply data to the envelope. The sample for filling out an envelope in Belarus is simple. You can see it in the photo below.

Summing up
Envelopes designed forsending letters to Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are not too different from each other. However, before sending correspondence, be sure to review the sample of filling out the envelope. Since each country has its own rules that should be followed. Otherwise, there is a high risk that the letter will not be delivered to the address indicated on the envelope and will be returned to the recipient.