More and more businessmen who have an income on the Internet are trying to find alternative ways of earning. Therefore, having reached a certain level, they move into the sphere of information business. What it is? To put it simply, someone who has made millions on the Web offers to share knowledge with aspiring businessmen. Of course, the process is paid, but the information businessman guarantees a 100% result. One of these ideological entrepreneurs will be discussed in this article. His name is Oles Timofeev.
Biography of Oles Timofeev

The businessman was born in 1990, April 13, in Kyiv. Now Oles Timofeev is an Internet entrepreneur, founder and ideologist of GeniusMarketing (Internet community of entrepreneurs). It offers a new trend in the Russian-speaking market. In addition, Oles Timofeev is a co-founder of a major GeniusStudio project. Now he and his team have the opportunity to create unique designs in a style that they love and that fully satisfies the needs of clients, friends and colleagues. This approach is also remarkable for its professionalism. Thanks to him, the team canfulfill its mission of conveying the idea of personal and business development of a person.
The path to a stable income in the MLM business
Little Oles didn't particularly like schooling. He studied weakly, was a stable C student. My favorite place to study was the lyceum, but not because of the way they taught there, but because of the pleasant environment.
At the age of 19, Oles started working in the MLM business, as he wanted to succeed primarily in material terms. He completely changed his lifestyle, started from scratch with almost no experience. At first it was not easy, I had to live on $4 a day. But the businessman did not give up, studied marketing, sales, customer service and the like. Within a couple of years, his net income was $16,000 a month.

What is MLM? This multilevel marketing (multilevel marketing) is also called network marketing. Its essence is to build a network of independent distributors for the sale of goods and services. In addition to selling products, each of the agents has the opportunity to attract new partners who will have the same rights. Oles Timofeev even published a book about teaching beginners in MLM.
And indeed the schemes worked. Yet many never succeeded. After all, network marketing does not give any guarantees. As practice shows, the chance to earn big money on MLM is approximately equal to the chance to get rich playing roulette. Millions have lost their money. Did Oles Timofeev know about this? Divorce was it pure water or still an attemptrealize yourself in business? It is only known that after several years of successful activity, the feeling of unrealized opportunities did not leave him.
Radically changing the way we do business

At 22, he left everything again and began to follow the path of his heart. The only thing he took from his past life was experience. Oles considers this a positive change in his professional activities and in life in general. He has fully transitioned into Internet entrepreneurship and enjoys teaching aspiring entrepreneurs. Oles is happy to see their success.
On the Web, you can easily promote your sites through a landing page. Oles Timofeev at seminars and trainings teaches how to correctly create a landing page (a landing page that is shown to the user after he clicks on an advertising link) and thereby increase the profit of an online store, make the site as selling as possible.
Studying marketing strategy and turning ideas into reality, Oles Timofeev earned his first million at the age of 24.
He althy lifestyle

Oles loves her job very much, but she tries to devote enough time to proper nutrition and sports. The entrepreneur cannot imagine his life without football. He even dreamed of becoming a famous football player, but everything turned out in favor of the Internet business. It is from sports that Oles draws his physical energy for professional development. Devoting time to training in the gym (2 times a week, and sometimes more often), regularlytaking vitamins, Timofeev keeps his body in good shape.
Sleep is also a priority for Oles. He shares that if he feels tired, then regardless of the planned things, he cancels everything and goes to rest.
Timofeev's position in life

Oles Timofeev admits that if you do not sit still, you can achieve everything in life. It is necessary to believe in a dream, go for it, achieve, look for solutions, as well as those who can help, learn, develop. It is important to never give up. His life position is to follow the call of his heart. The entrepreneur is used to listening to a different point of view, but does not allow anyone to impose his opinion or beliefs on him.
Reviews about the site and Olesya Timofeeva's offers
The information that Oles Timofeev offers to share has different reviews. For example, on the main page of Olesya's site there is a subscription form. By filling it out, you can get free access to a series of video tutorials on starting a successful online business as a bonus. Then you can go to the selling page of the course. Right after that, free video tutorials should come. However, some users complain that the lessons do not arrive for a long time, and when the package does arrive, it does not contain any useful information at all. It is understandable why such clients complain that they have wasted their time. There are those who call such activities of Timofeev sectarian.

Also send the methodology No. 1 in the CIS for launching an Internetbusiness from scratch offers Oles Timofeev. Reviews indicate that the proposal is quite real, the letter really comes. This wins the trust of users.
It sounds very tempting to start selling any product on the Internet, from the literal to the physical, intellectual, emotional service. And you can do it without any stress at all. Moreover, you can learn how to trademark or how to eliminate competitors. The program offered by Oles Timofeev has various reviews. Divorce or not - it's up to everyone to decide.
Olesya Timofeeva's training reviews
Many people like what Oles Timofeev says. Reviews of the trainings are therefore mostly enthusiastic. For example, some brag that, using his advice, they earned 60 thousand hryvnias in just a week, and this is not the limit. Of course, they are very pleased with themselves and the methodology they learned in the trainings. Oles is also praised for sharing information willingly and for a very modest reward. After all, such knowledge can be gleaned only on English-language resources for a very tidy sum. And not everyone has such a financial and linguistic opportunity. Do the trainees think that their mentor is a fraud? Oles Timofeev, in their opinion, simply cannot be one, especially after providing a unique methodology and the opportunity to be at the forefront of creating the first Internet community in the CIS to promote their own projects on the market.

Is it really what Oles Timofeev offers -divorce? Reviews say otherwise. The students say that, despite his youth, Oles' ideas, thoughts, attitude to business cannot leave indifferent, they bribe and delight. He is by no means a terrible mentor or a bad person, but a generator of ideas and an idol of youth.
Trust but verify
How to determine if the offer from Oles Timofeev really can help you become rich or is it a scam? Should I trust the many positive reviews? There is an old proven method. It is necessary to carefully check everything, ask the authors of the reviews, personally meet with the participants of seminars and trainings, if possible. And it is important to do this before buying a course, and not after. Then there will be no disappointments and resentment. And it’s also worth thinking about the questions: “Am I ready to spend a lot of time and get the same information for free, or can I pay and have the necessary knowledge in a concise form and quickly? Will I find such information for free?” The further actions of a possible student will depend on the answer.