Intelligence Training: GRU Spetsnaz System

Intelligence Training: GRU Spetsnaz System
Intelligence Training: GRU Spetsnaz System

Now you can often find texts about soldiers of special forces. In this case, the focus is usually on the operations that are carried out, and not on what makes them perform tasks that are not accessible to the mainstream people. And this will now be partially corrected.

General information

It should be noted that the topic is large and extensive, so it will not be possible to cover everything in one article. As a more extensive database, it is recommended to use the book “Intelligence Training: The GRU Spetsnaz System”. It is positioned as a manual for teaching the intricacies of this business. To a greater extent, it is designed for junior officers, warrant officers and sergeants. Although it can be used for military, historical and sports clubs, as well as people who are interested in survival and tourism. Speaking about what the book “Intelligence Training: The GRU Spetsnaz System” is, it should be noted that it is focused on reality, and not on some universal template.

About the system in brief

scout physical training
scout physical training

Real combat operations have shown that the preparation of a quality intelligence officer requires good human material (people with higher education are welcome), considerable time and money. Since this is very problematic, it was decided to reduce the cost of the process, and now each fighter has his own training. So, one is a sniper. The other is a bomber. The third is a radio operator, the fourth is a diver in general, and so on. But, despite the specialization, each of them has basic training. It is implemented in three interrelated ways. The first is training in the barracks. It involves classes, on the scout trail, a shooting range, in a physical training town. The second includes the study of tracking and camouflage techniques, survival methods and topography, the development of tactical and special actions in the field or training camp. And the third way is to consolidate and improve the acquired skills in competitions.

What else is there?

The scout training system also involves the study of special subjects. These are mine-blasting and shooting, mountain and parachute training, radio communications, methods of express interrogation in the field, driving vehicles, foreign languages, what are the armed forces of a potential enemy, and the like. In addition, a fighter must be able to:

  1. Be able to navigate with a compass and map, and know military topography.
  2. Control a paraglider, catamaran, motorboat, hang glider, parachute from hoveringrope helicopter and skydive.
  3. To master the methods of reconnaissance: eavesdropping, ambush, observation, raid, patrol, security.
  4. Silently and covertly overcome engineering obstacles and natural barriers.
  5. To have the skills and abilities to ensure their own life in extreme conditions.

And this is not a complete list.

A small digression

spetsnaz intelligence officer training
spetsnaz intelligence officer training

Training of a GRU special forces intelligence officer suggests that everything discussed above is only basic knowledge, skills and abilities. It is difficult to foresee everything that may be required behind enemy lines. In practice, all this knowledge, skills and abilities are distributed among the fighters of one group. Although ideally one person should know everything. And now let's look at what the training of a scout is, in more detail.

Psychophysical training

It involves doing exercises that allow you to develop the human body and at the same time strengthen the mind. This is a set of actions and techniques that are performed in conditions of increased risk (dangers). At the same time, the fighter has to train with significant mental and physical stress. For example, the most popular way is to move the exercise to height. Not just marching on the ground, but moving along the board, which is placed at a height of five meters. Or do somersaults on it. Agree, the layman's blood runs cold from this. All these tests show that the stronger the fighter inmentally, the better his physical performance. All this is done in order to conquer fear. After all, if you succumb to it, then the body ceases to obey: the head is spinning, the hands are shaking - the person himself becomes powerless.

General physical training

intelligence officer training spetsnaz system
intelligence officer training spetsnaz system

In this case, the emphasis is on developing general endurance, acquiring the ability to make long forced marches over rough terrain, improving the skills necessary to overcome obstacles, and preparing for hand-to-hand combat. Additionally, resistance to motion sickness develops, as well as shock overloads carried out on the musculoskeletal system. Do not ignore the education of courage, self-confidence and determination. In addition, attention is paid to mental resistance to great physical exertion. It should be noted that the requirements are rather low, and if desired, and with everyday training, everyone can achieve the performance of special forces in a month. So, for example, in order to perfectly run 3 kilometers, time is given for 12 minutes and 30 seconds. That is, you need to run less than 15 km per hour. Considering that this speed at a short distance of several hundred meters is difficult for few people to develop, the only question of increasing the distance is relevant. Well-trained scouts with equipment can cover a distance of three kilometers in 8-10 minutes.

About close combat

reconnaissance training spetsnaz system gr
reconnaissance training spetsnaz system gr

This has largely lost its relevance in modern conditions. Even during the Great Patriotic War, any lengthy battle was something rare. But despite this situation, the training of GRU intelligence officers still includes hand-to-hand combat. But now melee weapons, improvised means, strangulation and throws are most often used to silently destroy the enemy or capture him. They can also come in handy if there was a sudden meeting right at night, among the destroyed buildings, in the forest, underground utilities. Particular attention in the preparation of a scout is given to the removal of sentries. But this is not all that is of interest. In addition, capture is carefully analyzed. The Great Patriotic War, armed conflicts in Afghanistan and other hot spots showed that there are a large number of ways to achieve the goal. But despite the considerable diversity, they have a number of similar aspects. For example, it is best that the capture is carried out by at least two people. In addition, it is necessary to rehearse all actions to automatism, so that the process itself resembles a circus trick.

Knife work

scout training system
scout training system

Speaking about what constitutes the preparation of a military intelligence officer for close combat, it is difficult to ignore edged weapons. The best option in this case is a knife. The sapper shovel is not so convenient and is not always available. The machine has a frame or folding stock, the magazine is made of plastic, the bayonet is used very rarely. Therefore, the best option is a knife. It should be noted that the fight with its use is notfencing, which should demonstrate the superiority of the scout over the enemy. The main goal is to prevent the adversary from doing something. The fight should end immediately after the start, because there is simply no time for more in close combat. So, if the enemy did not have time to react, then the scout needs to neutralize him in one or two hits. If the fight has begun, then first of all you should hit the attacking limb, and only then finish off the enemy. This helps high-quality physical training scout. To survive in battle, movements are worked out to the state of reflex work. Also, attention is paid to protection against cold weapons.


First of all, this applies to grenades and knives, although there may be something more exotic. For example, a hatchet. Scout solo training allows you to use these skills to silently eliminate the enemy at a short distance, or ensure the elimination of a group / entrenched fighters. Let's look at everything in order. What is a throwing knife? It's an item that has a well balanced blade and handle, with the former being a little heavier, making it more efficient to use at short distances. With it, you can hit the enemy at a distance of up to 10 meters, and the masters of this business - even at a greater distance. Grenades are used to defeat a group of opponents or if it is necessary to act in conditions where they have a significant advantage. For example, they dug in a trench, barricaded themselves in a room, and the like. So, before breaking into the room where the fighters satenemy, it is recommended to throw a grenade there.

About the Scout's Path

training of scouts
training of scouts

And now let's pay attention to interesting nuances. Special training of the scout involves the use of the trail. Physical readiness for combat activity is assessed based on the effectiveness of the exercises performed on it. In short, it allows you to learn:

  1. Overcoming the combined arms obstacle course.
  2. Correct to jump and fall.
  3. Throw grenades. In this case, attention is paid to two parameters - accuracy and range. Throwing into a trench, a building window, an embrasure, a truck bed, a sewer manhole, from behind cover and in different positions are practiced.
  4. Hand-to-hand combat techniques.
  5. Throwing a knife and a sapper shovel.

On the scout's path, you can find stone and plank fences, brick walls (breaks are included), dilapidated buildings, wire fences, high-rise crossings, a section of the railway, water and sewer networks, inclined stairs, ditches with water, stuffed sentries, telephone and electric lines and much more. At the same time, the skills of silent covert movement with equipment and weapons, overcoming difficult obstacles, actions in trenches, destroyed buildings are being worked out. Additionally, fires, battle noises, various traps (for example, mines) can be simulated.

What do scouts learn during training?

Now let's go through the information they are learning. First of all, it is necessary to mention the base camp. The general moments of choosing a reference place are considered, as well as various nuances in different latitudes and natural settings: the middle lane, mountains, and so on. In addition, attention is paid to ensuring the security of bases. This is followed by the movement of scouts behind enemy lines. Attention is paid to the organization of this process, ways of moving and overcoming obstacles, ensuring ste alth, nuances of the night part of the day, ways of signaling and transmitting information (by gestures, imitating the voice of animals and birds). The situation with swamps, harsh winters, taiga, highlands, settlements, underground utilities, avoiding pursuers with dogs is also considered. Someone could be hurt, so the transportation of people in a limited state is also being studied.


scout training
scout training

Training a scout is no easy task. Just look at how much text is needed to describe this case. But in order to get a pretty good result, you should spend even more time. A full-fledged preparation will take months, and if you strive for the ideal, then generally years of time. Although the road will be mastered by the walking one. If there is a desire to carry out personal training as intelligence officers, well, it is quite possible to organize this. Fortunately, this information is not secret, and you can both find out the details of the preparation, and look at photos and videos from training in order to have an idea of what and how.
