Single dispatch center: purpose, convenience and new technologies

Single dispatch center: purpose, convenience and new technologies
Single dispatch center: purpose, convenience and new technologies

Relatively recently, Muscovites got acquainted with another innovation. It turned out to be the Unified Dispatch Center. It's time to learn more about this organization, the history of its creation, the characteristic features of its activities. And also get acquainted with the positive and negative ratings of those who applied to the service.

Announcement of creation

The creation of the Unified Dispatch Center was announced by the media back in April 2016. The service was launched, by the way, in June of the same year.

The main purpose of the Unified Dispatch Center is to accept applications from citizens for the provision of services in the housing and communal services sector. Through it, it was also planned to exercise control over the execution of work throughout the fund.

The unified dispatch center appeared on the basis of the United Dispatch Center (Joint Dispatch Center) of the Moscow Department of Improvement and Housing and Public Utilities. It was reported that the creators planned to gradually connect 100 ODS to it. At the final stage of its development, the Unified Dispatch Center for Housing and Public Utilities must process up to 500 thousand all kinds of applications from Muscovites! The work carried out cost the city budget 48 millionrubles.

unified dispatching center
unified dispatching center

Establishment of the center

What has been done to create the EDC - the Unified Dispatch Center? In general terms, a major overhaul of the equipment of the United Control Centers was carried out to include them in a single and smoothly operating network.

Turning to the specifics, it is important to highlight the following:

  • Completely re-equipped 34 workstations for service dispatchers. In particular, outdated analog consoles were replaced with digital complexes corresponding to the time.
  • Replacing about 500 kilometers of analog lines.
  • Instead of the previous masters, they laid almost 625 kilometers of new communication lines.
  • 49 sets of wireless Internet equipment installed.
  • More than 12.7 thousand different intercoms have been installed.
  • More than 9.5 thousand modern automation and control sensors have been installed.

New dispatch service number

The innovation affected not only the residents of the capital. The unified dispatch center for housing and communal services in Moscow also works for the Moscow region. Residents of the satellite cities of the capital were connected to the common system a little later - in the autumn of the same 2016.

For some time, the usual emergency phone numbers remained the same for the convenience of citizens. However, calls to them were automatically forwarded to the Unified Dispatch Center of Moscow.

Gradually, the utilities of the capital and the Moscow region began to accept applications from residents only on a singlephone number.

single dispatch center
single dispatch center

How is the service today?

What does the EDC of Moscow (Unified Dispatch Center) do today? Citizens come here with the same problems that they voiced over the phone to the district housing and communal services. Classic examples: a burned-out light bulb in the entryway, a clogged bathroom, an uncleaned landing.

An answering machine answers the call. Therefore, if an accident or some other problem occurs that requires an urgent solution, then you need to put your phone in tone mode and press the number 1. This is done to instantly connect with the operator.

And if the solution to the problem can fail, then you will have to wait for some time until the system connects you with the free dispatcher. The specialist draws up an application based on your message, and then transfers it to the management company of your home. There you can also indicate your contact phone number so that the master can call back, clarify the details important for his work.

If the service you ordered is paid, the specialist will call back to explain how and where it can be paid. Depending on the Criminal Code, this can be done by receipt at bank branches or at special payment terminals. There are also options such as paying in cash to the hands of the master himself or through popular mobile banking applications for smartphones.

unified dispatching center of edc moscow
unified dispatching center of edc moscow

Paid and free services

The EDC Housing and Public Utilities (United Dispatch Center of Moscow), of course, does not take for its ownservice fee. You pay for the work of the master, who is sent to fix the problem from your management company.

Please note that not all services are paid. Emergency and urgent repairs should be carried out by specialists free of charge. For example, if your pipe burst or hooligans broke a window in the entrance, you don’t need to pay extra. Works that are provided by public utilities free of charge are included in the "Maintenance and repair of housing" tariff in full order. This is one of the columns in the utility bill, a service that you already pay monthly.

All other works (non-urgent) are performed for a certain amount. But even here there are benefits. For example, families with many children, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people of the first and second groups. The full list of privileged categories of citizens can be found in the centers for work with the population "My Documents".

unified dispatch center for housing and communal services
unified dispatch center for housing and communal services

What is it for?

Why is the telephone of the Unified Dispatch Center introduced? This service is obliged to track all applications from residents with an important goal: to establish transparent payment for utilities. EDC, for example, suppresses the activities of unscrupulous plumbers who extort money for free services. Now payments are made only when they are needed and only on receipts and legally established rates.

Fares are not the same for the entire metropolitan area. They are set by each of the existing management companies. However, the rates are recommended by the Moscow government. However, prices for individual servicesin different criminal codes may still differ.

All information on tariffs must be posted by the management company in its office. And also for the convenience of citizens to present on their website. Moreover, when providing the service, the master must show the client a document with officially approved prices.

unified dispatch center moscow housing and communal services
unified dispatch center moscow housing and communal services

Additional service tasks

EDC also performs the following tasks:

  • Controls the efficiency and quality of work performed by public utilities in various districts and city districts.
  • Helps the Criminal Code to keep track of spent materials, unanswered applications from tenants online.
  • Transfer to the city authorities of operational information about emergencies and their elimination.
  • Specialists of the center not only accept applications, but also advise citizens on housing and communal services. Their duties also include helping to deal with those appeals from citizens that were ignored by public utilities.
  • Dispatchers report the status of the application, talk about the reason for its rejection by housing and communal services.
  • EDC adds additional information to an already completed application at the request of the applicant.
  • Specialists of the center can clarify information about emergency and planned outages of water supply and electricity.
unified dispatch center moscow
unified dispatch center moscow

Positive Feedback

It is equally important to know how Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region themselves respond to the work of the new Unified Dispatch Center. Citizens note the following positive features in the work of the service:

  • EDC - an attempt to follow the already time-tested European example. Of course, at the beginning of the service, failures and untimely response are possible. The new system needs time to adjust to the Russian mentality.
  • Efficient and coordinated work. The center staff is trying to take action on each of the requests as soon as possible.
  • There are no complaints about the work of the EDC itself - operators quickly do their job, do not accumulate applications, but immediately send them to the dispatching utilities. If there are any complaints, then only to the work of the dispatchers of the "second link".
  • With the introduction of the new service, it became possible to pay for utilities (for example, battery replacement) with a bank card. New payment options are coming.
  • Operators explain the problem quickly, clearly and clearly. Applications began to be fulfilled by public utilities much faster after EDC control was established over them.
unified dispatching center
unified dispatching center

Negative reviews

However, a large number of residents of the capital also finds shortcomings in the work of the new service. People highlight the following:

  • Very long waiting time. The call is constantly dropped, you have to put the phone on auto redial. Even if you manage to get through, the operator does not answer immediately - the waiting time is extended to 15 minutes.
  • As an alternative to waiting for the operator's response, the answering machine offers to leave a request on the service website. But not all citizens (and thosemore for pensioners) today there is an opportunity to use the Internet.
  • The call can be answered by an unqualified specialist who is completely alien to the essence of the question with which the citizen addressed him.
  • At the beginning of the service, a useful option "Assessing the quality of the application" was introduced. However, over time, it was canceled.
  • The service often leaves applications unanswered. Moreover, this applies not only to everyday, but also emergency problems. Dispatchers promise that the application has been sent to specialists, the latter will arrive soon, which does not happen even in the case of repeated requests.

Single dispatch center - an innovation that has recently been launched for residents of the capital and the Moscow region. The service is designed to collect applications for utility services throughout the city in order to send them to addressees - the Criminal Code. In addition, another important task of the EDC is to control the quality and timeliness of the execution of the application.
