Most often, the word "regulated" is used in a situation where an employee of an organization uses outdated forms of documents, whether it is a company's reporting or registration of a shipment of goods with an improper document.
What does this word mean
Accountants and other professionals directly related to the economic side of the organization's activities do not always understand the meaning of the word "regulated". This is a term that means that the rules for keeping records (or performing other legal actions) are clearly regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and their observance is mandatory for all organizations and entrepreneurs, unless otherwise specified in the law itself.

Entrepreneurs most often use simplified accounting, which is provided for by some laws and the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Similar benefits are also provided to individuals who do not carry out entrepreneurial activities. But sometimes situations arise when a public authority asks (or requires) to provide a report on the prescribed form. In such a situation, government officials refer to regulated accounting.
Meaning of the word"regulated" in the explanatory dictionary is revealed very simply. As mandatory, regulated, carried out according to strict rules. No matter what field of activity we are talking about, the word "regulated" means regulated and mandatory. That is, the subject under consideration has a clear legislative framework, which is mandatory for all parties to the process.
Documents and Forms
Regulated is mandatory, regulated. Accounting is a set of documenting the facts of the economic (financial) activities of the organization. Thus, regulated accounting means continuous and continuous documentation of all financial and business operations of an enterprise in accordance with applicable law.

If we are talking about the provision of a specific document, then the reference to regulated accounting means that the law establishes a special form on which this document must be provided. Forms of documents and reporting are established by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. However, public authorities are obliged, upon request, to provide up-to-date free forms to all interested parties. If the document is not submitted to a government agency, then the form will have to be searched on the Internet or in specialized stores selling accounting forms.
Legislative Framework
The main document governing the accounting of an enterprise is Federal Law No. 402-FZ dated2011-06-12. In addition, all organizations are required to comply with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, accounting regulations and other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts.

The regulated form, when it comes to providing a certain document, is unified, that is, approved by a specific Government Decree. In such a situation, the use of other forms, including obsolete ones, is prohibited.
Double interpretation
Despite the huge number of laws governing this area, many experts disagree about what regulated accounting is. The fact is that the heads of organizations and leading economists by regulated accounting mean accounting and tax reporting, which is submitted to state bodies on forms approved by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.
The accounting system in Russia operates in such a way that the submission of reports on outdated forms is equated to its failure. Legislatively, this is absolutely justified, and accounting is regulated. This is the basis for the double interpretation of the term "regulated accounting".