Tunisia. Weather in October. Reviews and impressions

Tunisia. Weather in October. Reviews and impressions
Tunisia. Weather in October. Reviews and impressions

Summer is the unconditional time for holidays. People enjoy the warmth and the sun, trying to use every minute to get as many pleasant emotions as possible and remember how gently the gentle rays of the sun warm the body and soul. Many look forward to the summer days to travel and enjoy a luxurious vacation on luxurious foreign beaches. But summer is by no means the only time of the year when you can treat yourself to warmth.

Pluses of autumn holidays

No one argues that June, July and August, as well as a few weeks before and after this period, is the best time for swimming and sunbathing. But the summer time is so fleeting, and sunny days tend to end as soon as they begin. So why not try to prolong the feeling of warmth? Why not give yourself an extra vacation while everyone else is already wrapping up in warm clothes and picking up winter clothes.

Tunisia. Weather in October. Reviews
Tunisia. Weather in October. Reviews

Choose a resort suitable for autumntravel will not be difficult. There are many places where the weather at this time pleases with warmth and sunshine. This is especially true of those coasts where the summer heat is usually too exhausting, such as Tunisia. The weather in October in North Africa is truly luxurious. After all, this is the month when the velvet season begins there.

Another major benefit will be significant money savings. Autumn is a time when there are not so many people who want to relax, as in the summer months. Therefore, many hotels and travel companies make significant discounts on the purchase of tours. The money for which one person will rest in August will be enough for several in the fall.

Family holidays are the best gift for your loved ones

Parents with young children can safely go to Tunisia in the fall. The weather in October there pleases with its mildness. There is no exhausting heat, the temperature is not too high, which has a beneficial effect on the well-being of babies. After all, sudden changes and weather changes usually lead to severe acclimatization in children and adults. That is why many travel companies recommend paying attention to Tunisia when choosing a suitable autumn tour.

Weather in October

Reviews of vacationers who visited this famous resort in autumn are full of warm words. Many note the softness and real velvety of the climate, admire the temperature of the water and the amount of fruit there that has already ripened.

Tunisia. October weather
Tunisia. October weather

The average daily temperature usually reaches +25-28 °C, sometimes it can exceed anda thirty-degree mark, but such heat does not exhaust. The number of sunny days is usually 25, so there will be enough time to enjoy the sun, and there will be more days for excursions and simple walks.

October is the month when the amount of precipitation increases sharply on the African coast. It can often rain, but they are short and do not interfere with entertainment at all. Therefore, the only thing that can in no way interfere with a great vacation in a delightful country is the weather.

Tunisia. October 2014: beach holidays, excursions, entertainment

Warm, but not hot autumn weather helps diversify pastime. Tourists have access to both beach holidays and walks. You can, without fear of sunburn and overheating, spend time on the seashore. Bathing is also allowed, even if the water is not called "fresh milk".

Those who prefer outdoor activities will not find a better country to search for experiences than Tunisia. The weather in October is conducive to long walks, camel rides and even a trip through the desert.

Weather. Tunisia. October 2014
Weather. Tunisia. October 2014

Tourists are offered tours of the ruins of Carthage, jeep trips across the Sahara, exploration of local national parks. Diving enthusiasts can explore the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, enjoying its beauty.

The place where you can treat yourself to wellness treatments, mud therapy and seaweed wraps is Tunisia. The weather here in October is quite pleasant. Frequent rains anda slight cooling compared to the summer period leaves enough free time for an active beach holiday, as well as for cosmetic activities.

Traveling to a resort in autumn has both advantages and disadvantages. There is always a risk of the onset of cold weather and the rainy season. But the weather is unpredictable, and you can't rely on it completely. You need to go on any trip with a good mood, expecting to see new landscapes, learn interesting facts from world history and just with the desire to change the situation and relax. Then no obstacles will be terrible. After all, it is not in vain that they say: “Nature has no bad weather. Every weather is a blessing.”
