Folk omens about the weather in October. Russian signs about the weather

Folk omens about the weather in October. Russian signs about the weather
Folk omens about the weather in October. Russian signs about the weather

Have you thought about how people who were not provided with information from the hydrometeorological center planned their agricultural (and other) work? How did they, poor things, manage to harvest and store crops, survive in terrible frosts, and so on? After all, for them, bad weather or drought, cold or heat were much more important than for the current population. Life directly depended on the ability to adapt to nature! Previously, people observed patterns and passed on their knowledge to future generations. So there were folk signs about the weather. In October, for example, there were a lot of them. Sometimes they are more accurate than the words and forecasts of scientists. Everyone can check it out for themselves.

Why know the weather?

This is, frankly, an empty question. Dampness and heat do not matter only to those who do not go outside. Modern man cannot afford suchsome exceptions). In addition, there are also “long-term forecasts.”

folk signs about the weather in october
folk signs about the weather in october

For example, folk signs about the weather for October will help you learn about it at the beginning of the year. Information can be used to plan work in the country, vacations, and purchase the things you need in everyday life. Sometimes you need to prepare umbrellas and rubber boots, and in other years you immediately get a fur coat from the wardrobe. Of course, these worries are not as relevant as the concerns of data compilers will assume. They needed to know how to insulate the bins so that grain and vegetables would not suffer from frost or moisture. And then it was possible not to live until next spring. Now we are not so dependent on forecasts. However, it is quite permissible to use them for your own purposes. For example, folk signs about the weather for October will tell you how to insulate windows so as not to freeze, when to change the wheels on a car so as not to get into an accident, and a lot of other things that “you need in the household.”

Where to look, what (whom) to watch?

folk omens about the weather in autumn
folk omens about the weather in autumn

Also an important question. It is good to know folk signs about the weather in autumn. It is only advisable to use those that are relevant. Who in the metropolis manages to see crane shoals? Or do city dwellers manage to watch jackdaws to their heart's content? Most likely, this information can be attributed to the "restricted access" section. But how, interestingly, to apply folk signs about the weather for October, if it is impossible to see or hear their source? Most likely, it is necessary to choose from their entire list those thatwill be the most convenient, rational. Although some of the signs suggest observing the direction of the wind or the state of the stars. And it's available almost anywhere. And for a sociable person, learning about the behavior of birds is also not difficult. You can also ask friends who live closer to nature. In general, folk signs about the weather in autumn do not necessarily have to be of practical interest. The observation itself is a certain element of "research", which would not hurt to teach at school. On the one hand, the guys will train their memory, on the other hand, they will develop mindfulness. Useful and interesting.

Folk calendar (first decade)

good weather signs
good weather signs

People have collected signs of the weather in autumn in a list by date. Not all of them are of practical interest today. However, it is not forbidden to know them. So which days of October stood out? People's "meteorological centers" began their observations from the first day. It was supposed to look closely at the behavior of cranes. Russian signs about the weather were often based on the "forebodings" of these particular birds. If on the first of October they were already heading for warm countries, then they were waiting for frosts by the middle of the month. Or rather, on Pokrov. When the long-legged birds were in no hurry to fly away, they said that the month would be warm. The first frosts will come only in November. The hives were hidden on the second. Honey workers arranged for the winter. Third, we watched the wind. The north foreshadowed cold, the south - on the contrary, warm. If the wind is from the east, then they expected clarity and dryness, withwest - rain and slush to be even before the Intercession. On the next day - the fourth - the weather for the whole month was determined. If the northeast wind blew, then the year will be fruitful. The fifth was supposed to visit the birch trees. When they saw them dressed up, the leaf had not yet fallen, then they did not expect snow. Late, he will cover the tired earth with a snow-white veil. Here on the eighth of October they were waiting for the first snowflakes. When they appeared, they said that by Michaelmas Day (November 21) winter would be established. According to the weather on the ninth of October, they calculated what January would be. If it rains, then the thaw will come at the beginning of the year. And when the day is warm and sunny, the summer will not work. July next year will be cold, wet.

Folk calendar (second decade)

Anyone who studies or uses signs of the weather in autumn cannot ignore the Pokrov. This holiday largely determined the future state of the atmosphere. It is customary to follow the wind on Pokrov. It will blow from the north - prepare fur coats and warm boots. It will be cold and cold. If it blows from the south, then you can not rush for firewood. There will be no frosts. The winter was expected to be mild and warm. The west wind spoke of an abundance of snow. East - the cold will be cruel, you need to hide the trees from it. There will be no snow clothes to save them. When the wind blew in gusts, the nature of the coming winter was interpreted as changeable. Everything will be: both cold and thaw. There are also signs that portend clear weather on Pokrov. So, a snowless holiday foreshadowed the same winter. And the clear weather that day spoke of a long and calm autumn. Signs of clear weather recommendwait until the twentieth. This day could determine the state of nature for three whole weeks. If it is clear, then do not wait for bad weather for a long time.

autumn weather tips
autumn weather tips

Folk calendar (third decade)

21 was called Pelageya and Tryphon. This day was considered the date of complete withdrawal of heat. They said that the task of Tryphon was to repair a fur coat, and Pelageya - to knit (sew) mittens. From that day forward, a severe cold snap was expected. On the 22nd, the sledge track was already established. People went for firewood. The next day was supposed to observe the month. People said that he would indicate with horns where the winds and snows would come from. Signs foreshadowing clear weather awaited the twenty-third. As it gets dark, they went out to "guess by the stars." Well, when they were dim. Know that warming will come soon. Bright ones, on the contrary, foreshadowed frosts. The old people didn't care. They said the bright stars called for a rich harvest.

Signs of clear weather

Not every person can find time to observe nature, guided by the days of the calendar. Yes, you can forget. But weather signs are not necessarily related to dates. Here are those that necessarily indicate good, clear days. When the birds are in no hurry to leave the "summer apartments", then people should not worry about the cold. Signs of the weather, which the people have developed over many millennia, are advised to navigate by birds. They will not deceive. They are guided by nature. Hear that the jackdaws have gathered in the "bazaar" and shout in different ways, expect clear days. Notice how the cranes will stretch south. Three more weeks from this dateyou can safely enjoy the last warmth. After the cold, it will definitely come. You will have to wrap yourself in warm down jackets, get boots with fur and gloves. Also look at the trees. They are sensitive to possible changes. If the leaf is in no hurry to lie down on the ground, then it will be clear and warm. When the trees are exposed, it's time to switch to the "winter mode". These are the signs of nature about the weather created by the universe with its indisputable laws.

signs for the weather
signs for the weather

Watching the sky in autumn

To be sure of your predictions drawn from the behavior of birds, it is recommended to raise your eyes up. The stars and the moon can tell you what to prepare for. Take a closer look at the queen of the night, how does she seem to you? If it is clearly visible in all its glory, then nothing terrible can be expected. But to see her face clouded or pale is not very good. According to folk signs that predict the weather, this is a sign of precipitation. And the cloudier the Moon, the greater the magnitude of the element will acquire. It can either rain or snow. Everything depends on the temperature. And during the day, it is also desirable to look closely at the heavens. It is recommended to observe the movement of clouds. If they come from the north, it will be sunny. And when they come from the south in a “solid wall”, bad weather cannot be avoided.

Folk signs of the weather for children

signs of clear weather
signs of clear weather

Do you know how traditions, born perhaps thousands of years ago, have survived to this day? They were carefully passed from the elders to the younger, so as not to lose. Therefore, it is imperative to talk about the signs of the kids. Let beremember and learn to listen to nature. This is a whole art, which, of course, will come in handy in life. Yes, and observation with attention can be trained in this way. This is extremely important for the development of the individual. It is better not to overload children with an abundance of information. They may simply not assimilate gigantic volumes. You need to start simple. For example, look at the trees. Write down the day when all the foliage flew off them. And then notice how the frosts came. It is recommended to keep a diary so that the kids remember the material better. And it's more fun to look at the sky together. Where are the clouds moving? Do not know how to navigate in the cardinal directions? Buy a compass. Sometimes he does not interfere with adults either.

About the name of October

If we talk about folk omens, then we cannot ignore the words that were chosen to determine the nature of the period. They were very accurate and informative. Unfortunately, many of them are no longer used. October was popularly called "dirty". A very capacious title. It just so happens that the rains breed incredible mud at this time. They also called it "leaf fall", which is also justified. It is at this time that the trees are freed from their bright decoration. The following names can be combined in meaning: "podzimnik" and "pozimnik". It is immediately clear what the people were waiting for. There was also such a sonorous name: "wedding". It was formed from the tradition of marrying after the harvest and the completion of rural work. It was also called “measure” or “praise the month.”

October periods

folk signs of the weather for children
folk signs of the weather for children

Our country is big,therefore, signs do not work everywhere, so to speak, uniformly. But there is also something in common. So the month was approximately divided into three periods. They apply to all natural areas. From the beginning of the month to half - golden autumn. It is characterized by the remnants of heat, clear and fine days. Deep autumn comes on the sixteenth. And a week later comes pre-winter. By the way, in the south of the country it can generally appear only in November. For regions like the Crimea or the Krasnodar Territory, October is a golden autumn for the most part.

How did people describe October?

Not only the name expressed the "character" of the month. Among the people there are sayings and biting phrases that describe its advantages and disadvantages in a few words. So, they say about the October day that you can’t tie it to the wattle fence, it melts so quickly. It was also believed that this month autumn is only before the lunch meal, after which winter comes. It is noted that in October different precipitations can go at the same time. So it turns out: the rain is interspersed with snow. There's a lot to be said about the breakup. There is no road for the wheel or skids. It is considered a good omen to hear thunder in October - you can not be afraid of winter. She will be affectionate and little snowy.

Garden signs and traditions

As if especially for summer residents this month is called skit. It is this vegetable that is harvested and harvested for the winter. They said that September smells of apples, and October - of cabbage. Even in the old days, it was customary to brew beer this month. Since then, there has been a saying that October is rich in this intoxicating drink. They said that April waterplentiful, and beer - October. Summer residents are advised to monitor the leaves on oaks and birches. If they begin to fall unevenly, you need to warm the basements well. Frosts will come big, crackling.

Love omens of October

"Wedding" because the month was called that the time it was the most suitable for the "organization" of personal life. We don't understand this now. And earlier, when people existed in harmony with nature, they had no time for entertainment. They worked hard. And they remembered about love when they provided themselves with supplies for the long winter. So, October was considered the time of love. From those times, we have a tradition to invite the groom to the Pokrov. The girls, whom no one wanted to woo, were bypassed by the guys, it was recommended to go to the Temple early in the morning and make themselves a noble gentleman. Only it is necessary to get ahead of the "competitors", if they exist. Whoever gets there first will be the luckiest. It was believed that after such a ceremony, the groom would certainly appear.
