What is a stone tree? Can a plant be made from stone? Or is it just the shape of the stone that resembles wood? It's worth looking into this. Of course, it is not made of stone. There are two plants that are called stone tree: boxwood and southern frame. Here we will talk about them.

Ordinary frame (southern)
The frame, or stone tree, has more than 50 species. They are usually deciduous, but sometimes evergreen. There is a frame and in the form of a shrub. It grows in the tropics, subtropics and temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. What is the shape of the stone tree? This tree is round in shape. The leaves are oval (up to 15 cm), elongated, with small serrations. The structure of the leaves is very rigid.
The frame is adapted to dry stony soil prone to salinity. He is very warm-hearted. Also, the frame takes root well in urban environments, used for decorative purposes.
Where the stone tree is found
Under natural conditions, the frame is found in southern Europe, in the north of the African continent and in some Asian countries. Small frame trees grow in the Crimea, in the east of the Caucasus. A whole garden of stone trees can be found in Israel. The stone tree is a long-liver, some species live up to 500years. It has a straight trunk and can reach up to 20 meters in height. The frame is adapted to sub-zero temperatures, can withstand frost down to -20 0C.

Using fruits and leaves
The stone tree has edible fruits. When ripe, they acquire a dark purple color, almost black. The fruits are shaped like a small ball. In Israel, a national delicacy is made from these fruits. There are seeds inside the fruit. A very useful oil is made from them, resembling almond oil in composition. Also, the fruits are ground into flour and a very tasty dish is prepared from it - "prishmi" (porridge). Many owners in Armenia plant a frame in gardens for the sake of these fruits. The tannins found in the bark of this tree are used to make fabric dyes.
Goats and silkworms love carcass leaves. And the birds are very fond of pecking at the fruits.
Used on the farm
Wood stone is a good decorative material. Today, many bonsai trees of this species have been bred, which live well in room conditions. After all, the frame is very resistant to air pollution. It has a greenish-yellow wood that is very dense and hard and lends itself well to polishing. Various souvenirs, canes, musical instruments and many other wooden products are made from it.

Southern frame in medicine
The stone tree has good healing properties and is widely used in medicine. It contains elementsorganic acids, tannins, pectin, dyes, sugar, oil, many vitamins, mineral s alts. Decoctions are made from the roots and fruits of the stone tree, which are used to treat diarrhea and dysentery. They also strengthen the cardiovascular system well, increase the protective functions of the body. To prepare such decoctions, the fruits and roots are harvested in advance: the berries - after ripening, and the roots - before the growing season.

What made the frame famous
Stone wood is famous for its extraordinary properties. Its heavy and dense wood is highly valued. It is characterized by flexibility, elasticity, strength, hardness, so it has long been widely used in construction. Many have heard about the mausoleum of Sultan Sanjar, and so it was built in the XII century (Turkmenistan) from the southern frame.
Many peoples in ancient times liked to wear various talismans and amulets. In many Central Asian countries, such miraculous contraptions were made from stone wood. They were worn around the neck or hung in dwellings. It was also believed that pieces of frame wood had magical powers, they protected from evil spirits and a bad look. Such pieces, or "dagans", were hung over the entrance to the house or at the gate.
The stone tree is not very demanding, it is easy to grow. In some areas of Israel, it is considered sacred, it is used in many areas. There, beads are made from the fruits of the frame and put on the neck of children or animals. This is considered a good sign that protects against adversity.

Boxwood - stone tree
Boxwood is a very ancient ornamental tree. But few people know that this plant is also called a stone tree. Sheared boxwood bushes were found in ancient Roman times. But boxwood was called a stone tree because of the exceptional density of its wood. After all, this evergreen shrub is a long-liver, can grow up to half a century. They make hedges, various bizarre and geometric shapes from it. Harder wood than boxwood cannot be found on the European continent. Small dishes, chess pieces, various small parts for appliances, pipes for smoking are made from it. Boxwood is valued very highly.