The story of Elena Suetina has been making noise in social networks for 5 years. Who is Elena and why does she need so many blood transfusions?
Fatal October
The family of Elena Aleksandrovna Suetina was an ordinary Russian family, happy and beautiful. A woman and her husband raised a one-year-old daughter, rejoiced at her first successes and did not even think that happiness could end so quickly.
The couple and their daughter were returning home on the evening of October 22, 2012 along the Chelyabinsk-Yekaterinburg highway. Near the village of Dolgoderevenskoye, their car, KIA Cerato, flew into the oncoming lane at high speed and collided head-on with a gazelle.
Elena Suetina's husband, Nikolai, died immediately. Elena herself was taken to the intensive care unit of the Dolgoderevensky hospital. Fortunately, the daughter was not hurt.

Fight for life
Already a couple of hours after the accident, the media and social networks began to publish calls for help: “The first negative blood is urgently needed for Elena Aleksandrovna Suetina, 27 years old…”.
Elena was really in a very difficult condition. She could not even be transported to a hospital in Chelyabinsk. Blood was needed immediately.
Relatives and friends of the Suetin families who startedpublish information on social networks, noted that donors can approach any blood transfusion point in Russia, the main thing is to make a note that blood is donated for Elena Suetina, and it is not even necessary to have the first negative group - doctors themselves synthesize it from materials received from donors.
Careful residents of Chelyabinsk quickly responded to the countrywoman's misfortune, even a line of people who wanted to help her lined up at the blood transfusion station. Thanks to the support of family, friends and even strangers, but sympathetic people, Elena was able to get out.

Road to recovery
The woman had several surgeries. For a month she was bedridden, but in mid-November she was already able to sit, however, relying on pillows. Lena could not afford to relax and give up, because her little daughter was waiting for her at home.
In December 2012, Elena Suetina was discharged from the hospital, her family exhaled, because the woman's life was no longer in danger.
Calls from the past
Elena had many trials - the death of her beloved husband, separation from her daughter, numerous operations. But that's not all.
The flow of messages and reposts about helping Elena Suetina did not want to decline. Every day, a huge number of netizens posted these messages, believing that they were doing a good deed. Moreover, residents of all regions of the country posted this entry on their pages.
Elena has repeatedly written appeals to the technical support of social networks with a request to stop the publication of appeals to donate blood for her. Butthe administration could not do anything: there is simply no technical possibility to stop the wave of reposts.
Meanwhile, some users have been texting Elena directly. Some asked if she really needed help, others expressed their dissatisfaction.
Don't enter, it's a scam
Some social media users, who are aware that Elena has not needed a transfusion for five years, began to publish other posts of the opposite nature: “do not be fooled by this”, “you are being bred”, “think about it”, etc..
Although it is difficult to believe that this is really a "scam", because the ads do not contain information about the transfer of money or the need to send any SMS to a dubious number. “Maybe the blood transfusion services are throwing inaccurate information so that people donate blood more actively,” some “humorists” asked with a smirk.

New 'cry for help'
Trying to cope with the "viral" dissemination of information about her on the network, Elena recently published a message on her page in which she thanked all those who took part in her rescue. She reported that she now feels well and does not need any more blood transfusions. The woman also called on all those who wish to become a donor to go to the station and donate blood, because this can save someone's life.
However, the message did not receive a big response, and messages about helping Elena Suetina still appear on the Internet.
Think first, thendo… repost
It's time to think about the fact that the publications that you repost about helping someone may no longer be relevant or may even be the work of scammers.

How to avoid spreading false information?
- Know the mechanism of blood collection. A person receives the blood needed for transfusion at the request of the medical organization where he is undergoing treatment. Often information about which one is needed can be found on the hospital website. Donating any blood for a person who needs treatment is wrong. He won't get it. Moreover, a specific person with the same group for whom you supposedly donate it will not receive your blood. The transfusion is made from the “stocks” of the medical institution, and the newly handed over material goes to replenish these “stocks”.
- Stop thoughtlessly posting information on your page. If you want to help, then call the phone number indicated in the message, or ask the author of the message in a personal question about whether it is relevant. Thoughtlessly littering your page and news feed is unlikely to benefit anyone, and possibly make real requests for help “invisible”.
- Rely on the data of large charitable foundations, it really contains only up-to-date information, reports on the funds spent are kept, and assistance is actually targeted.
Elena's life today
After a terrible accident, Elena Aleksandrovna Suetina fully recovered. Her daughter is already 6 years old. Of course, the loss of a husband and dadcaused a serious injury, but the woman withstood all the trials of the family with dignity and tries not to lose heart. From her page on the social network, a beautiful cheerful girl is looking at us. The daughter has grown up, and carries positive and light in herself. Surely, dad looks at her from heaven and rejoices.

The sad story of Elena Suetina has become a vivid example of how randomly and chaotically information can be distributed on the Internet. We wish all the best to Elena and her daughter, and will continue to be attentive to reposts on social networks.