The first artist of the USSR, who deserved to start performing both solo and with his group, is undoubtedly worthy of attention. Of particular interest is the direction of Mahmud's activity - a pop dancer, he preferred folk dances, ignoring fashion trends that could bring him easy fame. How the biography of Makhmud Esambaev developed, personal life, which influenced his career - these details will be considered in this article. The formation of a recognized artist began from childhood, which means that you need to start from this.
“Dance is life. I breathe through dance. Lungs don't count."
Childhood of the future choreographer
Stary Atagi is a foothill village that has become a native land for little Mahmud. Now it is the Grozny region, located within the Chechen Republic. When the child grew a little, the mother began to take him to weddings. At the age of 7, Esambaev Makhmud danced with his mother for the pleasure of the newlyweds, and at the age of 8 he was taken to a small traveling circus that traveled through mountain villages.
FatherHe was not satisfied with the child's hobby: he shouted, accused, hid clothes, did not let him out of the house, beat the child. It's not a man's job to dance! Peers did not make things easier for Mahmud, teasing him and calling him a "buffoon". These two circumstances could be decisive in the absence of firmness of character. However, the desire to please his father and be recognized by his peers lost out to the urge to dance. The boy did not give up his hobby, choosing it as his life path.

Education and WWII
In 1939, the young dancer entered the Grozny choreographic school, although his father did not change his attitude towards his son's inclinations. Mahmud succeeded in his favorite business, and where there were not enough abilities, he took it with zeal. As a result, by the age of 15, a year after the start of his studies, he, as a student, was chosen to perform in the state song and dance ensemble. Songs also accompanied Mahmoud throughout his education and subsequent performances, but the real passion was in dancing.
The biography of Makhmud Esambaev is closely intertwined with the history of the USSR: with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he begins to perform on the front lines together with the front-line concert brigade. The soldiers were very encouraged by the songs that they used to hear in peacetime, and the dances were so inspiring that the detachments were ready to go out into battle again, if only to have the same opportunity to dance in their native lands in the future.
Hard years
Esambaev performed in hospitals during the construction of defensive structures, and on special occasions.
WoDuring the concert, a shell exploded nearby, and a fragment hit the artist’s leg. Mahmoud did not leave the stage until he finished his performance, but, going backstage, he lost consciousness. The surgeon's diagnosis put an end to the dancer's career: the wound did not allow him to move smoothly again. Perseverance and the desire to be on stage again took over. Gymnastics was the cure. In 1943, after the liberation of Pyatigorsk from the occupation troops, Esambaev Makhmud again performed, but already in an operetta. It was not possible to stay there for a long time: the time for deportations soon began.
In 1944, Chechnya and Ingushetia were subjected to mass deportation: the indigenous nation was forcibly resettled in order to avoid uprisings. The already well-known artist was offered to stay, but Esambaev refused. Many of his compatriots ended up in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Relatives, and then Mahmud Esambaev himself (photo in the article) were deported to Bishkek, which was then called Frunze. The local house of culture became a new job for him: ballroom dancing lessons given by a professional helped to cope with financial difficulties.

Kyrgyzstan and change of activities
Mahmud learned ballet gradually, throughout the 12 years that he lived in this country. Here the artist could conduct not only teaching activities, but also perform in theatrical productions. After the move, he never saw his mother alive, since he arrived a little later than his family. So that his relatives do not starve, he takes on another job - he organizes a circle of folk dances and becomeshis leader. Mahmud Esambaev's dance captivates the Kyrgyz people, and the dancer succeeds.
Bringing his notes, he became the founder of the Kyrgyz ballet, because of which the father softened his attitude towards his son's occupation: he is no longer a "buffoon", but a respected founder of a new type of dance art. Soon, Esambaev finds few folk dances of his region: Spanish, Indian, Tajik and Jewish dances are impressive. The latter, in addition, were banned for a long time, and the risk of performing a Jewish dance could cost the artist his life. And then Mahmoud met a woman.
Makhmud Esambaev's biography, wife, children, photo, personal life
In Kyrgyzstan, the artist fell in love with Nina Arkadyevna, who later became his wife. Very soon, the young family had a daughter, Stella. The family very anxiously followed the achievements of their head, all the victories for the wife and little daughter were like the first, unexpected. Back in the Kirghiz SSR, Mahmud received the title of People's Artist, but this did not stop him from worrying every time he left for new competitions. So, Stella recalled that, when her mother heard on the radio how dad won one gold and two silver medals, she shouted that “dad got everything”, he won.

Mahmud Esambaev's wife supported even when there was no money for the tour. So, the situation described above is the result of performances at a youth festival in 1957. So that her husband could go to Moscow, Nina Arkadyevna sold a sewing machine and a carpet. In the same year, Mahmud was awarded the title of soloist of the RepublicanPhilharmonic.
New target
The victory allowed the family to move to the capital, and then the Soviet dancers got the opportunity to see the dances of other peoples of the world. They have traveled to India, Peru, Brazil, Spain, Mexico, Argentina and other countries. The trip was an opportunity to accumulate and create from this diverse collection your own repertoire with various dances of the peoples of the world: the Brazilian Macumba, the Jewish Tailor, the Peruvian Peacock, the Uzbek Chabanenok, the Tajik Knife Dance, the Russian Emigrant, Spanish La Corrida and more.
The solo program was something new for the USSR, earlier folk dances were performed by groups. With his program "Dances of the Peoples of the World" Mahmud Esambaev succeeded thanks to his experience, but for the most part - the desire to find in each people his own, characteristic only to him, pronounced positive trait. Such a we alth of experience and subsequent success made it possible to think about creating their own group. However, the biography of Mahmud Esambev is interesting not only for single performances, but also for participation in theatrical productions.
Participation in theatrical productions
He got a role in the theater in Kyrgyzstan. This became possible mainly due to the way Mahmud Esambaev's dance could transform him into a hero who went on stage, into a person of a different nationality, poor or rich, cruel jealous or a weak shepherd. He gets the main parts because of his excellent technique in Swan Lake.

Then come the no less famousworks such as The Fountain of Bakhchisarai and The Sleeping Beauty. The father was able to change his attitude to the dances of his son because he saw how much strength and perseverance his Mahmud puts into this business.
In "Taras Bulba" according to Solovyov-Sedoy, he played the role of Taras, and in "Anar" - Kudak. Each character turned out to be alive, and it didn’t matter if it was a secondary character or the main one. Gliere's "Red Poppy" is proof of this: the dancer from the restaurant in his performance looked simple and peculiar.
1961 - the time of the debut of the artist in the cinema. Actually, after success in the dance field, many were interested in the personal life of Makhmud Esambaev, and the films added recognition to the actor. The main role went to Mahmud in the film "I will dance", and it was followed by the ballet film "Swan Lake". Previously played performance played into the hands. Esambaev personally wrote the script for the film-ballet "In the World of Dance".
In addition, the artist and dancer put his efforts into creating such paintings as "Sannikov Land", "Dandelion Wine", "While the clock strikes", "To the end of the world …", "The Adventures of Little Muck", "Overture", "Road to Hell", "Call of the Ancestors. Veliky Turan”, “Honest magic” and many others. In total, Esambaev performed about 100 choreographic miniatures, ballet parts and dances.

Recent years
Toward the end of the 20th century, the dancer continued his organizational activities, creating the International Union of Variety Artists, in which he took an active part. Besides, inInternational Academy of Dance Mahmud Esambaev was an academician for a long time, which made him an influential person. With the support of the academician, new comfortable circus and theater buildings appeared in Grozny. The former dancer left the stage unnoticed even by the family: just one of the performances turned out to be the last. There were no "farewell concerts", but the activity did not end. The stubborn nature still encouraged to create something new, to reach the heights.

Mahmud died on January 7, 2000, at the age of 75. Until the last day of his life, he hoped that the war would stop, and he would again be able to move home, to Chechnya - his native and unusually beautiful land. The projects he started are continued by relatives - daughter and nephews.
Stella later said that technically her father did nothing impossible in his dances. In truth, any professional dancer could repeat his movements. But there were emotions in the dance that Mahmoud felt.
Makhmud Esambaev was buried at the Danilovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Activity value and rewards
In 2001, a monument depicting Esambaev in a dance was erected at this cemetery. The dancer raised his hand in a way that the audience could often observe at performances. In memory of the legacy that he left behind, a Caucasian ensemble was created, bearing the name of Esambaev. In Chechnya, one of the avenues of the capital bears the name of a dancer. Even small children know him here.
Another curious detail: inIn 1982, asteroid 4195 was discovered, which was named after the still living artist, Makhmud Esambaev.
After Mahmoud created his own program, the only female politician in India, Indira Gandhi, drew attention to the Chechen. As a token of her appreciation for her outstanding accomplishments, she sent a costly gift: a suit completely sheathed in gems. There were about 1200 diamonds, but other precious stones also adorned it. The material value was enormous, the spiritual value even more, but along with other valuable things (unique books, original paintings by artists, other costumes of the artist), the gift was destroyed in a fire. After the start of the Chechen war, there was no trace left of Mahmud's apartment.
Nothing is forgotten
For contribution to the development of culture, dance, Caucasian ballet and the creation of new teams, awards make up an impressive list. Thus, Esambaev was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, the Order of Friendship of Peoples and "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree, the title of People's Artist in many republics. In addition, in the RSFSR, the dancer was awarded the title of Honored Artist. What is there! Three orders of the "Labor Banner" speak for themselves.
Children of Makhmud Esambaev, brought up on respect for their past, respect him as an example to follow. There are good reasons for this: at one time, the desire to achieve something in your favorite business, and sometimes just human stubbornness allowed a village boy, a “buffoon,” to become a famous dancer who developed a craving for art in many viewers.