Who are godfather and godfather? And what relationship should they have?

Who are godfather and godfather? And what relationship should they have?
Who are godfather and godfather? And what relationship should they have?

Probably, there is no such resident of the CIS who would not know who godfather and godfather are. But are these words always interpreted correctly? Let's figure it out!

Scientific definition of godfather

Godfathers, as a rule, are called the godparents of the child, that is, those who held him over the font during the Sacrament and made vows. These people, in the process of Baptism, renounce Satan and take responsibility for the baby they hold in their arms. And not only (and not so much) in the material sense, but in the spiritual. They are also called successors.

who are godfather and godfather
who are godfather and godfather

Godparents must understand that they must teach the baby how to live correctly, help him avoid mistakes. Therefore, when answering the question of who godfather and godfather are, it is necessary to understand that these are not just people who were present in the church at the time of Baptism. They are, in fact, the second parents of the baby. The responsibility here is very great! Godparents should set an example for the baby, support him. By the way, godparents' wives/husbands call each other godparents, although, in fact, they are not.

Who are godfather and godfather's godfather?

Theybecome spiritual relatives of the child's physical parents. Actually, these people become members of each other's families, along with blood relatives. Therefore, you should not invite empty and idle people to be godparents. Or, even worse, outright loafers and asocial elements of society.

happy birthday kuma
happy birthday kuma

It is better to have one godparent than to invite anyone to this “position”, simply because it is customary to have a godfather and mother. By the way, the church does not insist on this at all! There can be only one successor.

What relationship should godparents have?

Among the people you can often hear the phrase that a worthy godfather should, so to speak, be under a godfather. This hints at a sexual relationship between godfathers. In fact, this phenomenon is not welcomed by the church. There are church acts that prohibit marriages (and cohabitation!) of godparents with a godson, as well as godparents and physical parents of a child. A husband and wife cannot baptize the same child! According to church officials, such relationships are equated with incest.

happy birthday godfather cool
happy birthday godfather cool

Well, the rest of the relationship should be warm, friendly and related. That is, happy birthday godfather is simply obliged to congratulate her godfather, as he did her! You can joke, have fun, have fun! Being godparents is not a heavy duty. After all, they should teach the baby to rejoice, love and be friends! And how else to do it, if not by personal example?

So if you are called to become a godfather orgodmother, start memorizing toasts and congratulations addressed to a new relative and starting with the phrase “Happy birthday, godfather!” (cool congratulations are welcome, but without vulgarity!). Let's say, for example, the following text: Kum! I wish you to be as he althy and beautiful as you are now, for another 100 years! And then get even better!” Or this option: “Dear godfather! We know your love for shopping, you could buy GUM, but it won't fit in your house, and we love your family and you, so we give only a certificate for 1000 rubles! Buy yourself something small, but beautiful or useful!”

Success in the important work of educating godchildren! Since now you know who godfather and godfather are, stock up on strength, patience and knowledge!
