Amazing, fantastic, completely extraordinary abstraction is a real discovery for those who do not accept traditional and standard views on this world. It is impossible to treat her in two ways or indifferently. She falls in love at first sight or forever remains misunderstood.

Abstraction-graphics breaks all possible stereotypes and laws of physics, literally "exploding" the existing framework of reality. When you look at any picture or sketch in this incredible style, you seem to dissolve in a parallel universe with completely different concepts of space, time and harmony. Such is the bright rebel - abstraction.
This is a style that from the first moments of its appearance in this reality has become the subject of noisy disputes, fierce criticism, mixed with genuine admiration. This young branch of fine art has gained thousands, if not millions of admirers over its history. Abstract paintings often cause shock, shock, excite, but rarely go unnoticed. In contemporary art, she occupies her vast niche with dignity, but without pathos.
How was abstraction born? This "non-objective" (as it is called) art appeared ondawn of the last century. His main ideology was the absolute rejection of the image of what a person can see in everyday life. In the paintings of abstract artists, straight lines coexist with colored spots, flat figures are woven into the volume. The "godfathers" of abstract art can be considered Kandinsky, Mondrian and, of course, Malevich.
The incredible courage and even audacity of the paintings attracted very close attention to this trend of painting.

Already at the end of the 30s, a museum of works of non-objective art was created in America. The outbreak of World War II was the reason for the "moving" of abstract art to America. It is there that this direction is not only developing, it is experiencing a real “boom”. A lot of money is starting to be invested in it, it is widely supported and used by advertising campaigns of various brands.
Today, abstraction is an opportunity to express yourself clearly, to show the world the author's view of things and the universe. As never before, painting, sculpture and non-objective graphics are popular. Is it any wonder that even tattoos are performed in this style. Abstraction seems to have gained a second wind. Fantasy drawings on the human body are not just a desire to attract attention.

They are often carriers of protest or vice versa, surprisingly bright and positive perception of reality. Abstraction is an unusual but surprisingly powerful way to talk about something that is difficult to pick up.words and comparisons.
The emergence of new computer technologies also played a significant role in the revival of the popularity of abstractionism. They create absolutely incredible, multi-dimensional figures and paintings. However, it is difficult to compare them with the creation of the human genius. What was created by the artist's brush can bewitch, make you think and perceive this reality in a completely different way.