Why is there a mass death of birds

Why is there a mass death of birds
Why is there a mass death of birds

The mass death of animals is a phenomenon that always produces the effect of an exploding bomb on any inhabitant of the planet. Unexplained death of several

mass death of birds
mass death of birds

dozens, if not thousands of representatives of one species or another causes horror and often causes panic among the population. Why is there a mass death of birds (both domestic and wild)? What is the reason that makes pods of dolphins or whales come ashore? Let's try to find answers.

In many countries around the world, there are reports of such incidents every year. Perhaps the most common occurrence was the mass death of birds. For the first time, the death of a large number of birds was mentioned in 1896. It happened in the US state of Louisiana. In subsequent years, a rapidly increasing number of such incidents could be observed, which were recorded not only in America, but also in the territories of Mexico, Russia, and a number of European countries.

The most famous cases of mass death of birds and animals:

  1. Blackbird death in Louisiana.
  2. Disappearance of US honey bee colonies (more than a third of the total in 2010).
  3. Chilean phenomenon: about 2 million deathscommercial sardines, 60 pelicans, thousands of penguins and pink flamingos.
  4. The death of black dolphins on the shores of Tasmania: almost 200 individuals washed up on the coast of the island in one week in December 2008, and the same number in January 2009.
  5. Inadequate behavior of pelicans on the West Coast of the United States in 2009 led to the death of thousands of birds.

The exact reason for the mass death of birds, ornithologists

mass death of animals
mass death of animals

cannot be named. But there are a number of hypotheses that try to explain the causes of this tragic phenomenon.

. That is why they crash into houses, mountains and other obstacles in whole flocks. The release of gases can cause death and the inhabitants of the water depths.

According to another version, the mass death of birds may be caused by the formation of critical cold air fronts that descend from the upper atmosphere. They cause such anomalous phenomena as freezing rains, and may well cause icing of feathers and their death. One cannot fail to say that such incidents are often associated with various mystical events, such as, for example, the near end of the world, and the infamous "bird flu" is also blamed.

bird death
bird death

The only confirmed and clear cause of death of animals can only be called oil spills in the basin of the oceans. They not only poison the water, causing the death of fish and microorganisms that are the source of its nutrition, but also create a thin film on the surface that covers the wings of birds, depriving them of the ability to fly. This, in turn, leads to hundreds of individuals starving to death.
