Money, in addition to performing the function of a measure of value, can also serve as an object of accumulation. Some banknotes are called works of art, they have a significant value.
So, the most expensive coin is the "Double Eagle" issued in 1933. Its value is about $7.6 million. The face value of this American coin is $20. This copy was minted in the period 1850-1933. Since at one time Roosevelt decided to abandon gold coins, the "Double Eagles" were almost completely withdrawn from circulation and melted down in those years. The few copies left by chance are extremely valuable.

The most expensive coin in its category is the 1804 Silver Dollar worth $3.7 million. An unusual story is associated with this coin. It was minted in 1834 in pursuance of the order of the US government. However, in this case, a mistake was made by the workers, since the order was given to the Mint to issue gift sets of coins that were in circulation at that time, but this coin was not in circulation. That is why the Silver Dollar is highly valued among numismatists.

The “most expensive coin” category is supplemented by the $1.5 million Dime Barbera, first minted at the end of the 18th century. However, its design changed many more times in the following decades. The most expensive coin from this series is a dime containing the image of a woman's head, symbolizing Freedom, minted in 1892. The name of the Barber series was given in honor of the engraver of the same name.
In general, the cost of old coins can be determined by a large number of factors, the main ones being the country of manufacture of the coin and its age. Secondary factors include the material, design of the coin and the mintage with which this series of coins was produced. And the last, rather significant criterion that determines the modern price is such a feature as the event in honor of which it was released.

In the combination of these factors, the most expensive coin of Russia is the ruble of Catherine I. It has an unusual square shape, at the corners of which there are seals of the round coat of arms of the Russian Empire. The coin is unique in that its mass is 1.6 kg. Today, this copy is very difficult to find, and therefore the cost is high.
A little later, a copy was issued, called "Anna with a chain", it also fell into the category of "the most expensive coin" in Russia. This is a silver copy issued during the reign of Anna Ioannovna, heiress of Peter I. The front side (obverse) is decorated with a portrait of the Empress, and the reverse contained an imagedouble-headed eagle with three crowns surrounded by the chain of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. Only three copies of these coins have survived to this day, so the price of each of them exceeds 18 million rubles.
However, one of the most famous coins of the Russian Empire remains the Konstantinovsky ruble, the value of which, according to official data, is over $ 100 thousand. Since it is known from history that there were no emperors with the name Constantine in Russia, the reasons for the appearance of such a shrouded in mystery.