Compiling a list of the most expensive mushrooms in the world is not very difficult. Well-known truffles rightfully occupy a leading position. But there are other fungi that may well compete with this representative of lower spore plants. And this is matsutake and also yarsakhumba. Today we will find out where these mushrooms grow, as well as what their cost is. And we will also learn a lot of interesting facts about world-famous truffles.
Valuable samurai delicacy
Matsutake are the most expensive mushrooms in the land of the rising sun, and also one of the most valuable in the whole world. They are loved for their rarity. After all, this fungus grows only on intact trunks of red pines, the number of which is sharply reduced due to harmful insects that kill these trees. The price of matsutake is about $500 for just half a kilo. Such a high cost of the mushroom is due to the fact that no one has yet been able to artificially grow it. Therefore, due to its rarity, the price of matsutake sometimes reaches unimaginable numbers.
This mushroom has a specific aroma and exquisite taste. Matsutake has a long and thick stem, and the hat itself is small.

Useful properties of the samurai delicacy
Besides the wonderful taste and smell, these mushrooms are very useful. They are rich in potassium, magnesium, folic acid. Matsutake prevents the development of diabetes, as well as cancer. These mushrooms lower cholesterol, and they are also an excellent tool for maintaining the body's defenses. With them, your immunity will be in perfect order. Mature matsutake mushrooms do an excellent job of removing carcinogens and radionuclides from the body.
Inferior spore plants native to the Tibetan Himalayas
The most expensive mushrooms in the world, which are harvested in the mountains, are called Yarchagumba (yarsakhumba). They grow at an altitude of 3 to 5 km above sea level. These most expensive mushrooms, which can be collected in the mountains, were practically not eaten until the 90s of the XX century. And only at the beginning of 1991, they began to give them to Chinese athletes before competitions, so that athletes showed the best results and set new records.

The cost of this mushroom has increased tenfold in recent years. To date, the price of 1 kg is about 1 thousand dollars. The Chinese use these mushrooms as a natural product to increase potency. Yarsakhumba grows like a parasite on dead caterpillars. The Chinese, Indonesians, Malaysians sprinkle this chopped mushroom on theirfood in order to get a miraculous effect. Rich people who can afford to eat a whole yarsakhumba give 500 dollars for 1 piece. After all, it is not for nothing that the Chinese call them the most expensive mushrooms in the world. Only truffles can compare with them. True, the appearance of yarsakhumba is not very attractive, but its taste is excellent.

Where do truffles grow? What do they look like?
To the question: "What mushrooms are the most expensive?" - many will answer: "Of course, these are truffles." And it really is. Although now at a cost they are being replaced by other representatives of lower spore plants. But still, while truffles do not give the palm for price to anyone. These mushrooms grow in the southern lands of France and Italy in oak and beech groves. The depth of their growth is 20 cm underground. They hide in the roots of trees. These most expensive mushrooms in the world, photos of which can be seen below, are often picked by people in the summer. These mushrooms can be black and white. They have neither roots nor legs, they resemble a fleshy round root crop with small tubercles. Truffles can be of various sizes - from very small, the size of a hazelnut, to huge, weighing about a kilogram per piece.
It is the big mushrooms that are sold at auctions at incredible prices.
How are truffles harvested?
This lower spore-bearing plant has a mushroomy taste, paired with toasted sunflower seeds and walnuts. The aroma of truffles is reminiscent of the smell of pigs. And it is these animalsare considered leaders in the search for these mushrooms. However, in Italy, for example, dogs have also been taught to look for truffles. Yes, and people themselves often wander in the forests from morning to night in order to find these most expensive mushrooms in the world.
Truffle price
The cost of this representative of the lower spore plants is really amazing. The price for 1 kg can reach 2 thousand dollars. However, this mushroom, as, in principle, and others, you can buy, and then regret the purchase, throwing money away. This is exactly what happened with one millionaire who laid out more than 30 thousand sterling for a truffle at an auction. However, by the time the auction ended, the mushroom had deteriorated. The unfortunate owner of the rotten truffle had no choice but to get rid of it. This happened in 2004. And in 2007, three millionaires from Hong Kong united and bought one black mushroom, giving about 200 thousand dollars for 750 g.
It turns out that the larger the truffle, the higher its value.

Can this delicacy be found in Russia?
These most expensive mushrooms are mainly harvested in Europe, but they grow not only there. You can also meet this delicacy in Russia. In fact, there are many types of truffles, but we can only meet 3 - steppe, black and white. Finding them, of course, is difficult. Russian white truffle, for example, is found in the middle Volga region, in the Tula, Vladimir, Moscow, Smolensk, Oryol regions. The most expensive mushrooms in Russia, and throughout the world, can be found in coniferous and deciduous forests, in a humid, well-heatedsoil. By the way, in our country the black truffle is listed in the Red Book.
And some Russians are trying to grow this mushroom themselves. However, they will not be able to harvest the first crop soon - only after 5 years.
Interesting facts about truffles
- There is an opinion that this mushroom contains a substance with a psychotropic effect.
- Previously, truffles were grown in the Moscow province, and they were collected by bears with their teeth pulled out.
- The Italian company ISHI-Dafla Group makes cosmetics out of these mushrooms. Manufacturers claim that a few drops of truffle extract can reduce the depth of wrinkles, as well as perfectly tighten the skin.
- Previously, it was believed that this mushroom is a powerful aphrodisiac, forcing a true gourmet to plunge into the pool of love joys. Napoleon, Byron, Madame de Pompadour - this is not a complete list of famous people whose menu could not do without truffles.

Several tricks to prepare real masterpieces from the delicacy
- To enjoy the true taste of the mushroom, it is necessary to serve dishes from it as quickly as possible after cooking. Since it is very important to bring the aroma of truffle to the guests.
- Save the most expensive mushrooms, whose names are truffles, should be in a container with sand. At the same time, you should not clean them much from the ground.
- A delicacy such as truffle oil is also considered very tasty. It is obtained after storing these mushrooms in a glass bottle with olive oil.
- White trufflescan't cook for a long time. For excellent taste and aroma, it is enough to heat them in the oven for about 5 minutes.

List of the most expensive mushrooms in the world
So, after analyzing the article, we can conclude that the following representatives of lower spore plants are the most expensive:
- 1st place: truffle;
- 2nd place: yarsakhumba;
- 3rd place: Matsutake.
Now you know what the most expensive mushrooms are, and, perhaps, many people knew about it. After all, indeed, truffles today are considered an expensive delicacy. However, mushrooms such as matsutake and yarsakhumba may soon replace them. After all, the cost of these delicacies is also sky-high, beyond the reach of ordinary people.