When going to European countries on an urgent matter, it is useful to first clarify the time gap. Suppose a person from Yekaterinburg flies in February to negotiate with representatives of a French automobile concern. The time difference with Paris is 4 hours for the capital of the Middle Urals in winter and 3 hours in summer.

Hour meridians
The difference in the readings of the dial does not help the Russian traveler much and hinders little. Flights to Paris come with transfers and an unavoidable overnight stay in Moscow. The country of Russia is theoretically located in 12 time zones. Directively, the space between Kaliningrad and Kamchatka is divided into 11 zones.
From whatever city a Russian citizen is going on a voyage along the French side, the starting point should be the capital of the vast Motherland. Accordingly, it is practical to consider the time difference between Moscow and Paris: two hours in winter and one hour in summer.
Seasonal discrepancy explainedsimply. In Europe, there is a law on the transition to summer time on the last Sunday of March and to winter time on the last Sunday of October. In the spring, at two in the morning, the hands are moved forward one hour. In the autumn at three in the morning they move back one hour.

Reality Tear
The easiest way to calculate time is in China. There, throughout the entire territory, the Communist Party introduced a single time. But the ethnic stratification in society led to the action of Urumqi time calculation - two hours behind Beijing. That is, according to Beijing time, the flight to Paris is announced at 9:00, and according to Urumqi time it will be 7:00.
Time difference with Paris and Moscow for China is:
- in winter - 7 hours Beijing time and 5 hours Urumqi;
- summer - 6 and 4 hours.
People from the European part of Russia will not be difficult to get used to the changed daily routine. Three to four hours of adjustment the body endures without strain. Travelers from the Asian region of the country need to prepare for a riot - to overcome sleepiness at work noon and increased activity at the dawn of a European day.

United Europe Time
According to the temporary schedule of France, 31 states live. The time difference with Paris is zero for Berlin and Vienna, Warsaw and Prague, Rome and Copenhagen, for another 25 capitals.
When the midnight chimes strike over the Kremlin, and the working part of the citizens goes on a date with Morpheus, duringThe arrows indicate 20:00 in the French capital - the best time to go to the cinema, to the skating rink in winter, to the pool or just for a leisurely stroll through the central streets.
It is enough to remember the time difference with Paris for Moscow. With the rest of the capital cities of Europe, the difference will be the same: minus 2 hours in winter and minus 1 hour in summer.
For example, in the evening of February 15:30 Moscow time over the Champs-Elysées noon is in full swing, and at 13:30.
An interesting effect for travelers is the time difference with Paris at the moment of returning back to Moscow. For example, a person took off from Orly airport at 00:35. On the clock in Moscow at the time of landing it will be 06:36. Although the flight time is 4 hours. Now you know the time difference between Russian cities and the French capital.