Russian political scientist, doctor of historical sciences Sytin Alexander Nikolaevich: biography, activities and interesting facts

Russian political scientist, doctor of historical sciences Sytin Alexander Nikolaevich: biography, activities and interesting facts
Russian political scientist, doctor of historical sciences Sytin Alexander Nikolaevich: biography, activities and interesting facts

Sytin Alexander Ivanovich is a fairly well-known personality on the political sidelines. The popularity of the Doctor of Historical Sciences was brought by his clear position in relation to Russia. Opponents furiously criticize the political scientist-opponent. But many agree with his sharp statements. We will talk about the biography and family of Alexander Ivanovich Sytin in this article.


Our hero is a rather ambiguous personality. The parents of Alexander Nikolaevich Sytin were Russians, and the political scientist himself was a native of Moscow. He was born on May 11, 1958.

A. N. Sytin
A. N. Sytin

He grew up as an ordinary boy from the capital. He did not differ in special abilities, but he studied well at school. The story was especially attractive to the boy. What was the attitude towards the Motherland in the Soviet family of Sytin Alexander Nikolayevich, we do not know. But until a certain moment, he did not show his Russophobic positions. Nationality AlexanderNikolayevich Sytin is Russian, but this does not prevent him from hating everything connected with Russia.

Until 2014, the biography of Alexander Nikolayevich, and he himself, was of little interest to the domestic media, so journalists do not know much about him. He was not a member of the CPSU and did not serve in the army, as he was busy with continuous education for a long time.


After school, at the insistence of his parents, Sytin Alexander Nikolaevich entered the Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov at the history department. In 1982, he received a diploma and entered the graduate school of Moscow State University. As a laboratory assistant, Sytin worked at the university for four years, at the same time he was writing his Ph. D. thesis. In 1986, he successfully defended his work on the diplomatic history of the Napoleonic Wars and became a candidate of historical sciences.

at the Ostankino film studio
at the Ostankino film studio

Our hero received his doctorate after a quarter of a century. At the age of 53, he completed his dissertation, in which he studied the international relations of Russia and the B altic countries during the period of the end of the last and the beginning of this century. So, since 2011, Sytin Alexander Nikolaevich has been a Doctor of Historical Sciences.

Work in speci alty

In 1975, our hero got a job at the State Historical Museum. Here he worked for twelve long years. Since 1987, the candidate of historical sciences began to teach at the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography. Creative students were reluctant to attend his lectures on the history of the USSR, and then Russia. Nevertheless, Alexander Nikolaevich Sytin worked at the University of Culture for 6 years and left his post after the collapse of the union, in 1993.

To thistime the historian continued to engage in self-development. He deeply studied Soviet and Russian history, wrote many articles that were published in reputable scientific publications and translated into several languages. It seemed that history was where Sytin found his calling. He enjoyed rummaging through archival documents, finding new facts, and sharing his knowledge with students.

Political scientist Sytin
Political scientist Sytin

But the dashing 90s seduced even the most dedicated scientists. Lack of money and lack of funding for many talented people forced them to change their field of activity or go abroad. Our hero chose the first option. The prospect of doing business and getting rich tempted him. And in 1993, Alexander Nikolayevich gave up teaching and went into business.

Career takeoff

What exactly Alexander Nikolayevich did before 1997 is not known to journalists. But in four years he managed to enrich himself well and strengthen his social status. In 1993, the largest oil company in the country, Yukos, was opened. By 1997, it included 10 enterprises providing the supply of oil and oil products to the entire Russian Federation. In 1997, our hero took a highly paid position as the head of one of the Yukos sectors, and soon moved up the career ladder to the director of the enterprise department. Seven years later, this organization was liquidated, and Alexander Nikolayevich had to leave the oil business.

Russophobe Sytin
Russophobe Sytin

Then he returned to scientific work, and in 2004 got a job in the RussianInstitute for Strategic Studies. As a senior researcher at RISS, the candidate of historical sciences studied neighboring countries. Work at the Institute for Strategic Studies prompted Alexander Sytin to write his doctoral dissertation, which he defended in 2011. After receiving his doctorate, in 2012 the breakthrough scientist became the head of the sector for the B altic countries and neighboring countries.

In the fall of 2014, due to his sharp Russophobic position, the scientist was relieved of his post. Today he is director of the Center for Political Studies in Northern and Eastern Europe.

Position during the events of 2014

2014 entered the history of Russia with the slogan "Crimea is Ours!" While all Russians rejoiced at the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, Sytin (at that time an employee of RISI) began to actively oppose Russia's actions in relation to Crimea and Donbass.

Rally "Crimea is Ours"
Rally "Crimea is Ours"

Until this moment, frankly speaking, no one had heard anything about the political scientist Sytin. Alexander Nikolayevich was engaged in analytical activities at the institute, studied the problems of neighboring countries, and wrote scientific papers. It was after his dismissal from RISS that Sytin publicly declared that he did not like and even despises Russia.

His remarks about Russian politicians were very harsh. The political scientist spoke extremely sharply and rudely about the situation in Donbass. According to him, Russia should not support the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics at all. This is an internal issue of Ukraine. To his neighbors, he, in turn,recommended that extreme measures be taken. Further quote:

“The territory of the DPR/LPR should be transferred under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Security Service of Ukraine for the FULL demilitarization and disarmament of EVERYONE who can carry weapons in the Donbass… And the last question: “Will there be a massacre there? » I leave it unanswered, because I don’t feel sympathy for the residents of Donbass, and the solution of this issue remains within the competence of the government of Ukraine and the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine … Collect all men from 18 to 55-60 years old in filtration camps and conduct investigative actions - it’s not for me to explain how this is done "".

With such statements, the political scientist turned many against himself. Why does a person who was born in Russia, educated here and earns decent money in the Russian Federation, have such ardent Russophobia?

Alexander Nikolaevich Sytin was brought to court for public slander of the Russian Federation by a class action lawsuit. Many say that this political scientist is a dank to the bone Russophobe who turns Russian history inside out. Some associate such hatred of Russia with banal PR.

Sytin on the program
Sytin on the program

Indeed, Sytin did not become a media personality due to his scientific activities and work in research centers. These high-profile anti-Russian statements brought him popularity.

It was after this that Alexander Nikolayevich began to be invited to political talk shows. It is worth noting that, despite his oppositional views, he never looks ridiculous. His statements are always clear and reasoned. Alexander Sytin is clearly convinced of what he is talking about, knows how to defend his own opinion. His speech is always competent and consistent.

Why doesn't the political scientist love Russia?

What justifies such hatred of the state? There is an opinion that Sytin is a pro-American agent. As if during the “anti-Maidan” period in Ukraine, he supported Western Ukraine and began to cooperate with the United States. There is no documentary evidence for this. But such a scenario fully explains such an open Russophobia of a man who has served Russia for more than half a century. Here is how he talks about the US and its desired influence on Russia:

“From my point of view, the United States now has a rare opportunity, under the pretext of supplying Ukraine with air defense missile systems, to deploy its own, albeit small, contingents on the border with the Russian Federation as instructors and maintenance personnel. You won't need it, you won't need it, but in principle it won't hurt. As they say, it's better to have a gun in your pocket and carry it around to no avail than to need it in an emergency and not have it. With Russia, this principle must always be remembered.”

At the same time, Sytin daily has to withstand the flow of dirt and negativity that pours on him from all sides in connection with his ideology.

Center for Political Studies of the States of Eastern and Northern Europe

Alexander Nikolaevich is the head of the "mysterious" center. In addition to the fact that such a Center exists, essentially nothing is known about it. There is very little information about this institution on the Internet. Single recordsand data about the North & Eastern Europe Research Political Center, which can be found, belong to Sytin himself. It is difficult to say exactly what this organization does. This raises even more suspicions and questions to the doctor of historical sciences.

On a talk show
On a talk show

Private life

Our hero carefully hides his family from the press. Whether Alexander Nikolaevich Sytin has a wife and children is not known for certain. We can assume that such caution is connected precisely with the political activities of Sytin. Since disclosing data about his personal life, he will definitely endanger loved ones and relatives. Therefore, the political scientist's Facebook does not contain any information about parents, children and marital status.
