Fire extinguishing is a set of activities that are aimed at eliminating the fire. This complex includes many methods.

The main methods of extinguishing fires are forced elimination of the flame source, cooling of the combustion medium and combustible substance and depletion of the oxygen content in the air. All this is necessary in order to reduce the temperature of the upper layer of the combustible substance by removing the bulk of the heat. The percentage of oxygen content is reduced by introducing mixtures of inert gases or vapors of certain substances, and in this case, fire extinguishing is carried out precisely by slowing down the oxidation reaction of combustible bodies.
In addition, a method of isolating a combustible substance is widely used, which consists in preventing oxygen from entering the oxidation zone. To do this, it is necessary to cover the burning area with a fire extinguishing agent, for example, chemical foam or powder.

The main methods of extinguishing fires also include chemical and mechanical wayselimination of fire, which means the inhibition of a complex of redox reactions, as well as direct elimination with a jet of water or gas under pressure.
Fire extinguishing is achieved with the joint use of fire extinguishing agents (water and water vapor, sand, foam, fire extinguishing compositions, as well as fabrics resistant to such effects) and technical structures (cranes, hydrants, hoses, pumps, etc.).).
The choice of the use of fire extinguishing agents is based on the type, nature and parameters of the fire, the state of the environment and aggregate properties of substances, the performance and efficiency of fire extinguishing systems.
Technical means used to extinguish a fire include hydrants. These are devices for taking water from the water supply system. Fire hydrants are a complete device consisting of a pipeline, a valve, a hose and a barrel. There are many requirements for storing this fire extinguisher in order to keep it working.

Elimination of medium-sized fires can be carried out with the help of primary means of extinguishing fires, which traditionally include fire extinguishers of various designs, as well as fire tools and equipment. Classification of fire extinguishers is carried out according to the type of fire extinguishing agent. There are gas, foam and powder.
Fire extinguishing with gas fire extinguishers is carried out using carbon dioxide composition, which is necessary for extinguishing solid and liquid substances. In turn, foamfire extinguishers are used to eliminate the burning of liquid and solid substances. The disadvantage of such fire extinguishers is that they are forbidden to be used to extinguish materials, the interaction with which can cause an explosion. For example, they cannot eliminate a fire on electrical equipment that is energized. Powder fire extinguishers have found application for substances of all aggregate states. Importantly, they can be used to extinguish electrical installations up to 1000 V, which are energized.