The state-owned enterprise "Ilyichevsk Commercial Sea Port" is an international modern universal highly mechanized transport hub. IMTP specializes in reloading general (containers, rolled metal) and bulk (liquid, bulk, bulk) cargo from sea vessels to land types of transport, and vice versa.

General Features
Ilyichevsk port has the following characteristics:
- The main production area of the port is 302 hectares.
- Water area – 11,990 ha.
- Internal water area - 417 ha.
- Outer raid - 11,535 ha.
- Depth of outer raid: 17-23 m.
- The port is connected by an approach channel to the sea with a depth of 14.5 m.

IMTP is one of the largest Black Sea ports, it is located south of Odessa. The farm has an extensive berthing base: the length of the berthing front is 5253.6 m, the depth at the berths is 7.5-13.5 meters. In 2015 onon the territory of the complex, in addition to the state operator SE "Ilyichevsk Commercial Sea Port", there are also four private port operators:
- TransbulkTerminal.
- Risoil-Terminal.
- Trans-Service.
- Transgrainterminal.
IMTP has a developed infrastructure, power supply system, convenient sea approaches and can accommodate vessels with a draft of up to 13 m, with a carrying capacity of 100,000 tons or more.
Capital of Ilyichevsk port is located at the address: Ilyichevsk, 68000, Labor Square, 2. Phone: (4868) 9-19-78.

The port has 27 berths (24 cargo berths, 3 auxiliary berths, two of them are specialized port fleet berths) of different years of construction and design. They provide year-round round-the-clock handling of cargoes of various nomenclature.
- The longest one is berth No. 1 (306, 45 m). Only a few (300 m) are inferior to berth No. 2.
- The deepest berths are berths No. 3, 4 (13.5 m). A little less depth (13 m) at berths No. 1, 5, 6.
- Berths No. 3-6 form the largest area of open storage areas - 127,000 m2.
- Between berths No. 16 and No. 17 is the largest indoor warehouse for grain - 190 m3.
Handling equipment
The fleet of transshipment equipment SE "Ilyichevsk Sea Port" has a fairly significant amount of technological equipment for loading and unloading operations. The main part of port mechanizationmake up portal cranes of various types in the amount of 63 units. Most Powerful:
Name | Quantity | Capacity, t |
Condor | 8 | 40/32/16 |
Mark-25 | 1 | 32/25/16 |
Falcon | 15 | 32/20/16 |
Zhdanovets | 1 | 30 |
Kirovets | 2 | 30 |
Albrecht | 29 | 20/10 |
Albatross | 1 | 20/10 |
Bridge feeders | 2 | 20/10 |
Most gantry cranes are used with 25-75% loading time - depending on the type of cargo. The age of the Condor and Sokol type cranes is 20-25 years, and the Albatross type is 45-47 years old. Gantry cranes Ganz, Ceretti-Tanfani, Albrecht and overhead loaders have exceeded their service life by more than 2 times, as a result of which most of them have been decommissioned and are being prepared for decommissioning.

Container Handling Equipment
Ilyichevsk port has an impressive parkintraport mechanization. These are forklifts with a carrying capacity of 1 to 37 tons, port tractors with semi-trailers with a carrying capacity of up to 60 tons, specialized container trucks and container loaders. The level of use of intra-port mechanization machines is quite high, especially those used at the container terminal.
Name | Quantity | Capacity, t |
Noel | 2 | 50/45 |
Kone | 15 | 45/35/30, 5 |
Kirow Ardelt AG | 1 | 41 |
Takraf | 6 | 30, 5 |
Move order
Entrance/exit of ships from the port, navigation and towing of ships, parking in the port, on the roadstead, at the berths are regulated by the "Bandatory Regulations on IMTP" and the "Code of IMTP Rules". The approach of ships to the Ilyichevsk port is carried out from the circular traffic system along the existing traffic separation system to the light buoy, the Ilyichevsk approach axial buoy, and then along the sea approach channel to the water area of the First Basin of the port. Now the marine approach channel that leads to the First Basin is 1600 m long, 150 m wide and 14.5 m deep.
The passage of ships from the First Basin to the Second is carried out by the Eastern Passage near Dambovy Island and the Western Passagebetween Dambovoy Island and berth No. 19. The speed of movement along the sea channel is limited to six knots, and in the port water area - to five knots. An increase in speed is allowed only to prevent emergency situations, which must be reported to the Traffic Control Post.
There is also a traffic control service. The post determines the order and sequence of movement of vessels in the water area, on the sea channel and in the area in the control zone. The order of the Post on the order of entry / exit of ships, anchoring, changing the place of anchorage, stopping the movement is mandatory for each vessel. The actions of all services are supervised by the head of the Ilyichevsk port.

Water area
It consists of an outer raid and an inner water area, including three pools. The total area of the port water area is 11,990.85 ha, including:
- domestic – 417.69 ha;
- outer raid - 11,535 ha.
The anchorage area is located in the outer zone.
Depths in the inner water area are 10-14.5 m, and in the area of anchorage in the outer roads - 17-23 m. draft 13.5 m.
Railway entrances
Ilyichevsk Commercial Port is served by two railway stations "Ilyichevsk-Port" and "Ilyichevsk-Paromnaya" with the corresponding railway fleet (receiving-departure and exhibition). They are connected to the port by five railway entrances. Odessa railway for IMTP can supply up to 1960 wagons per day:
- Three entrances to the southern part of the port (berths No. 1-24) are served by the Ilyichevsk-Port station. Carriage turnover - 1620 cars per day.
- Two entrances to the northern part of the port (berths No. 26-27) are served by the Ilyichevsk-Paromnaya station, the car turnover is 340 cars per day.
Car entrances
Ilyichevsk port has 6 car entrances: three in the southern part and three in the northern. However, their capacity is limited and limited by the access road infrastructure of the city of Ilyichevsk.

Freight turnover
SE "IMTP" shows consistently high results:
Thousand. tons | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
Freight turnover | 15053, 5 | 13530, 2 | 14513, 7 | 13750, 4 | 14555, 7 |
Export | 7031, 6 | 5251, 1 | 6053, 2 | 5877, 7 | 8208, 7 |
Import | 3773, 1 | 3732, 5 | 3538, 8 | 3555, 6 | 2814, 0 |
Transit | 4248, 6 | 4546, 6 | 4921, 7 | 4317, 1 | 3438, 8 |
Development directions of SE "IMTP"
The priority areas of the Plan include:
- Increase in cargo turnover.
- Transfer of port infrastructure facilities to the management of private stevedoring companies under the terms of the public-private partnership mechanism.
- Increase and stability of the financial result of the enterprise.
- Attracting investments (concessions, lease agreements).
Financial activity
The dynamics of the availability and use of the economic potential of SE "IMTP" implies a steady increase in the efficiency of the enterprise. Net income in 2014 amounted to UAH 769 million. In 2015, the administration plans to double this figure to UAH 1,630 million. Net profit from UAH 117 million (2014) will increase (according to plans) to UAH 480-490 million (2015). Further increase in income should amount to UAH 1,638 million by 2018.