Perhaps the richest gypsies do not advertise their we alth. However, even if we assume that those representatives of the nation who openly demonstrate the available material we alth are the richest, then it is difficult to call this people poor.
It has both the extremely poor and the middle class, but those who happen to acquire a substantial fortune usually do not hesitate to show it to the whole world, sometimes causing shock among representatives of other cultures in scope and brilliance.

A brief about who the gypsies are
Gypsies are a large European ethnic minority that does not have its own territory, consisting of several groups of immigrants from India. They live on the Eurasian continent, in the northern part of Africa, both American and Australian.
The three major Indo-Aryan languages and many of their dialects are spoken. The main languages are Romani, Domari and Lomavren.
Gypsies in Europe are collectively officially referred to as "Roma", which is one of the many names and self-names.
In April of the 71st year of the last century at the world congressGypsies officially recognized themselves as a single nation. Symbols were approved - an anthem based on a folk song and a two-color blue-green flag with a red wheel in the middle. The value has a traditional and mystical interpretation. It was then that April 8 began to be considered the Day of the Gypsies.

Love for gold
Gold for the gypsies is not just a material good, love for this precious metal has a deeper meaning. The lifestyle of the people made such an investment of their own we alth very convenient - gold items can be carried with you, changed, hidden, stored without worrying that they will depreciate or deteriorate.
The addiction to brilliance and ostentatious luxury, bright, catchy outfits has led to the fact that it has become the norm to wear a wide variety of jewelry: massive, noticeable. More voluminous gold items could be hidden under clothes, and in the body bags-belts of gypsies they accumulated up to eight kilograms in the form of coins, chains, jewelry, etc.
The custom of wearing rings, bracelets, chains, earrings and all kinds of pendants, making elements of clothing out of gold and now manifests itself not only on holidays, but also in everyday life.
In addition, traditions associated with gold have developed: for example, a son must double what he received from his father.

The richest gypsies in the world
When it comes to the we althiest gypsies, you can mention kings, barons and representatives of different families, as well as various variants of themdisplays of we alth. However, there is no such concentration of ostentatious luxury of gypsy houses anywhere in the world as in the Romanian Buzescu, a town of millionaires with a population of five thousand people.
Gold is measured in kilograms here. It is believed that 55 kilograms of this metal was spent on the interior of the house of the gypsy "king" Florian Cioaba. The annual income of one of the main gypsies is estimated at 50-80,000,000 euros, and joint with the clan subject to him - at 300-400 million euros.

The well-being of local gypsies is based mainly on the trade in metal - ferrous and non-ferrous. Many of them belong to the large group "kalderash", associated with blacksmithing and in translation called "coppermen". It cannot do without the hotel business, legal and smuggling trade.
There are eight hundred houses in the settlement of various sizes and degrees of pretentiousness, excellent in style of architecture. The number of storeys is usually four or more. The lower ones, especially the two-story ones, are few in number and not new. Often old buildings are completely demolished in favor of the construction of new large ones.
Mostly in the settlement, old people and children, adult residents gather only on the occasion of birth celebrations. Weddings, christenings, funerals are not uncommon and are held on a grand scale, so there are plenty of reasons to gather with family members.
The overall fortune of the town of the richest gypsies is estimated at approximately four billion dollars. Here all the houses belong to millionaires. Their cost ranges from 2 to 30 milliondollars (in some sources, the same figures are indicated in euros).
Buzescu, like all gypsy cities, amazes not only with the competition in richness and fantasy of home design, but also with contrast. Here, typical crafts are practiced, livestock are kept, and the toilet is erected in a separate room from the main building, as the philosophy of the gypsies orders to separate and not place under one roof the place of emptying the body from where food is prepared.

The Moldavian city of Soroca – from the Capitol to St. Peter's Cathedral
Ethnographers can't come to a conclusion about gypsy titles. The richest gypsies, who have the most influence in the clan, are traditionally called barons, kings and even emperors. However, there is no unanimity. Self-proclaimed chapters pop up here and there - and each has the support of a certain part of the community.
For example, in the Moldovan city of Soroca, the hereditary baron Artur Mikhailovich (a Russified version of the patronymic, the original name sounds like Mirchi) Cherare has been living in the Moldovan city of Soroca for almost sixty years.
He inherited the position from his father, who, along with his brother Valentin, was one of the first Soviet millionaires. Having made a fortune on tailoring and selling underwear under a family brand, Mirchi was surrounded by a halo of mystery and various legends, the truth of which is no longer possible to understand. There are rumors about a private jet and a golden-toothed favorite shepherd.
It was during the heyday of businessCherare Gypsy Hill in Soroca began to be built up with elaborate and luxurious houses. Here you can find imitation of the most famous architectural structures from different parts of the world.
However, much remained unfinished, due to the fact that after the collapse of the USSR, only the first decade was successful for the business of local gypsies. And now many buildings are empty most of the time, as their owners have scattered around the world in search of a successful income.
It is difficult to call the current head of the Roma in Moldova the richest. However, Arthur has ambitious plans - he dreams of the official status of his city as the capital, a university with a faculty of gypsy studies, office space and a throne room, his own periodical print publication and television.

Gypsy holidays: the richest wedding
Gypsy wedding traditionally symbolizes the merger of families, the increase in common we alth. It is on this holiday that there is both a reason and an opportunity to surprise others. Often, gypsies prefer the European version - a white fluffy dress, and add a lot of jewelry.

However, some parents try to dress up their children so that fabulous we alth is evident. Here all methods and symbols are used - a golden crown, a dress and a veil made of the same metal, huge jewelry on the bride (often incredibly young).
It has become a tradition for the richest gypsies to dress up their young wife in a dress made of banknotes. Often, very largebanknotes, for example, with a denomination of 500 euros.

The richest gypsies in Russia lead a more secular and Europeanized lifestyle. Often these respected families belong to the creative elite of the nation. However, they are usually not alien to the demonstration of we alth, and the holidays are striking in the abundance of gold and the scale of events.
Gypsy funeral
The richest gypsies live surrounded by ostentatious we alth and luxury, in the same splendor they go to another world.

The funeral of very we althy gypsies resembles the burial of the pharaohs, but on a smaller scale. Entire crypts are placed underground, imitating real housing - a chic bedroom with furniture and necessary household items. Together with the deceased, even a car can be buried. It is known that together with the Moldavian baron Mircea Cherare, who died in 1998, they buried his Volga.