Today we will talk about the mysterious old lady of England. This country has always stood out on the world stage, and for many reasons. Everyone who comes to London is amazed at how beautiful it is. The main advantages or even differences of this country lie in the little things: weather, architecture and the mentality of the population. There are many more highlights in England, but these are the most important, as they set the overall atmosphere.
Foggy England
What are the English traditions? In order to understand this issue, you should learn more about the beautiful country. England got its name in honor of the Anglo-Germanic tribe that settled in Britain in the 5th and 6th centuries AD. e. The first work on this territory was written by Tacitus.

The culture of England deserves special attention. Anyone who is at least a little familiar with this country knows for sure that it is full of traditions. For the British, traditions and conservatism, home and family are very important.
What are these English people like?
Traditions of English people can be any, because every nation finds its own ways of self-expression. To begin with, you need to understandabout what the British themselves are. These people are very polite. At the same time, politeness for them is not just a "fad". Each person considers it his duty to be polite to others. A real Englishman will always say "thank you" and "please". Most of all, a Slavic person may be surprised by the fact that the British will not hustle in the subway, “break through” their place in the queue, etc. Also, their interesting feature is that they are used to “saving” face under any life circumstances. In any, even the most tragic situation, an Englishman will always be reserved and laconic.
Traditions of English people: home
For these people, home means a place that belongs only to them. The proverb is very suitable for this description: "My house is my fortress." The British are still homebodies. They prefer to stay at home with their family than to go out somewhere. They also like to arrange gatherings with their close friends, but only within the walls of the house. The end of the working day near the fire with a cup of tea is the best evening that a resident of this mysterious country can imagine.

English traditions and customs: a description of the most famous
There are many traditions in England, but we will look at the main ones. For example, English traditions related to the weather. We all know that the weather can change several times a day, especially in England. That is why the topic of it has become a traditional conversation. By the way, when learning the language, the section "About the weather" occupies a significant place in the entire course.
Another example is English communication traditions. It is customary that two people should be introduced by a third person who will introduce them to each other. In addition, it is considered indecent to touch on financial or personal issues, so the conversations are about politics, weather and other abstract topics that will be convenient for both. Another important feature is the lack of categoricalness. A real Englishman will never impose his point of view on an interlocutor. When talking, they use a lot of introductory constructions, so as not to seem intrusive. Also, the British are always very reserved, even cold. At the same time, communicating with such a person, you feel not only distance, but also respect, which slips through every phrase, expression of the eyes and facial expressions.

Also, during the conversation, the British like to joke. Subtle humor is their forte. At the same time, many nations recognize such a sense of humor as quite specific. It's best to avoid jokes unless you're sure they'll be appreciated.
The next important tradition concerns the most important holiday of the year - Christmas. The English decorate the house with the whole family, and after that a delicious dinner follows. Only the British decorate their home with a lot of candles, which is why Christmas Eve is also called “Night of the Candles.”
British traditions in English sound not only beautiful, but also delicious. The topic of this section is dedicated specifically to the kitchen. The British have it special - uncomplicated, nutritious and simple. It is on these threeWhales are building a food culture. Of course, one cannot fail to mention the famous tea tradition. Tea drinking is held every day from 16:00 to 18:00. They prepare very thoroughly for this small event, so the process turns into a little fairy tale. Dinner comes only after 6 pm, when all family members have an appetite.

The second important part of the schedule is breakfast. The British consider it necessary, because this is the only way to get a charge of vivacity for the whole day. For breakfast they eat toast, porridge or bacon. In any case, the food is tasty and he althy - just what you need for a proper breakfast.
Family Traditions
English family traditions begin with one important moment - spending time together. This is a mandatory item that all families follow. The main family tradition is associated with rest on weekends. The whole family gets together to go to nature and have a good time there. Such leisure is both useful and active, and favorable for relationships. By the weekend, wives try to redo all the important things in order to free up days for rest. If the trip is canceled, then people are gardening, shopping or just housekeeping.

Young people spend their time a little differently. After relaxing together on Saturday evening, they go to parties or dances where they have fun with their friends. Some also visit gyms, take timeanimals or outdoor activities.
Family traditions (in English this phrase sounds like Family traditions) can be opened to anyone who decides to learn this simple but universal language!