Short biography of actress Svetlana Maximova

Short biography of actress Svetlana Maximova
Short biography of actress Svetlana Maximova

In the age of information technology and the global distribution of Internet networks, people have the opportunity to find almost any information. In this article we will talk about the biography of Svetlana Maximova, an actress who starred in several domestic films.

Where was born

The girl was born in a big country called the Soviet Union. There is no exact information about the city where the actress was born. It is only known that she was a citizen of the RSFSR and after the collapse of the Soviet Union she handed over her old passport and received a new one in return. At the moment, Svetlana Maksimova is a citizen of the Russian Federation. The birth certificate says that the actress was born on April 5, 1966 in some maternity hospital unknown to fans.

thoughtful look
thoughtful look

Relationship with parents

Svetlana doesn't particularly like to talk about her life and relationships with relatives. However, it can be assumed that the girl received the makings of creativity from her mother.

The parents loved their daughter and supported her in everything. Svetlana Maksimova often visited her grandparents aspaternal line, as well as maternal. However, from early childhood, she was most attached to her mother. Although she treated all her immediate family equally well.

Mom often scolded the girl for her peculiar character. Often flew in from dad, who did not like the antics of his daughter. However, this did not prevent Svetlana from continuing to love her parents.

Dreams, Interests, Hobbies

In general, it's no secret to anyone that Svetlana Maksimova dreamed of an acting career since childhood. However, the girl had other hobbies. For example, she was very fond of reading. Her favorite book is If I Stay. The girl calls "Lawyers" her favorite film.


Svetlana Maksimova graduated from eleven classes of high school. Then she followed her dream - she entered Sliver. In 1989 she already graduated from this theater school. The girl's teacher was the famous actress Safronova V. A.

just beautiful
just beautiful

What's wrong with her now?

At the moment she works at the Drama Theater in the Moscow region, the city of Noginsk. She is married to farmer Vladimir Maksimov.

She starred in two films:

  1. In 2006, she got a role in the film "Soldiers-9", where she played a cameo role.
  2. In 2010, she played the main character in the film "Lawyers".

Svetlana Maksimova is a loving mother and talented actress. She raised a wonderful daughter, Polina, who followed in the footsteps of her mother and began performing in the theater, as well as acting in films.motion pictures.
