Krasnodar Territory is a recognized leader among Russian resorts. Many wonderful he alth resorts, boarding houses, hotels are concentrated here, healing springs gush from the ground, and the air is filled with the aromas of the sea and evergreens. It is logical to assume that the ecology of the Krasnodar Territory should be one of the best in the country. However, the conducted research and test measurements did not reveal a completely favorable picture. It turned out that in many regions and cities of the region, the norms of MPC hazardous to he alth chemicals were several times exceeded, soil fertility was reduced, water bodies were being silted up, valuable plant and animal species were disappearing, and acid rain was falling. Who is to blame for this and what actions the Ministry of Ecology of the Krasnodar Territory is taking to preserve the unique ecosystem, our article provides answers.

Babytechnological progress - the car is undoubtedly the greatest blessing. But under certain conditions, when it comes to environmental pollution, it becomes the greatest evil. The Krasnodar Territory in Russia occupies one of the leading places in terms of the number of vehicles owned by the population.
Statistics say that there is one car for every two people, or 437 cars per 1000 inhabitants. For comparison, the same figure in Moscow is only 417 cars per 1,000 Muscovites. The ecology of the Krasnodar Territory suffers greatly from so many cars. In addition, four motorways of the European level and three federal ones pass through the territory of the region. In the high season, vacationers move in their cars along them in an endless succession to the sea. Exhaust gases emitted into the atmosphere by road transport increase the content of hydrocarbons, CO2, CO, nitrogen oxides, which are hazardous to human he alth.
Especially high concentrations are observed near highways. Here, the indicators exceeded the MPC by 1, 5 and even 7 times. According to economic services, in the Krasnodar Territory, about 70% of gasoline is sold by private commercial companies that do not care much about the quality of the goods. As a result, since 2010, there has been 19% more formaldehyde in Krasnodar air (it negatively affects vision, lungs, reproductive organs, the central nervous system, genetic material), 14% more benzpyrene (a carcinogen, has a hazard class 1), 22% more phenol (toxic to all living things).

The ecology of the Krasnodar Territory is deteriorating due to the irrational use of farmland, the use of pesticides and herbicides, and violation of the rules for the use of agricultural machinery. As a result, soils are compacted, their water permeability worsens, which leads to the washout of 50% of the chemicals used by the agro-industrial industry into natural water bodies.
The Krasnodar Territory suffered especially from the rice cultivation introduced here. The cultivation of this grain crop has been widely developed in the Slavyansk, Krasnoarmeysk, Kalinin, Temryuk and Crimean regions. Rice cultivation technology involves the use of a large amount of pesticides, which not only poisoned the cultivated land, but also significantly worsened the living conditions of the population.

As in other Russian regions, the ecology of the Krasnodar Territory is significantly deteriorating due to the fault of industrial enterprises, whose leaders do not bother to install modern efficient treatment facilities. In the Krasnodar Territory there are many machine-building, metalworking, chemical plants, but most of all this region is famous for oil production. About 150 large, medium and small oil fields are located here. Pollution of the natural environment with oil products and their wastes is taking on catastrophic proportions. The commission established that in the cities of Yeisk, Tikhoretsk, Tuapse, the Kushchevskaya station (where there are oil depots and oil refineries) hugeunderground oil lenses.

Industrial Effluents
Many enterprises and municipal organizations dump tons of untreated wastewater into water bodies, which significantly worsens the ecology of the natural resources of the Krasnodar Territory. According to the commission, annually discharges of liquid waste into the estuaries of the region and the Sea of Azov reach 3 billion m3! The numbers are truly frightening. In addition, oil products are dumped into the sea. So, in the crash of a Bulgarian ship in the Tuapse port, 200 tons of fuel oil fell into the sea, and in the accident in the Novorossiysk port, our ship already poured tons of oil into the sea.
Animals and flora
Ecological problems in the Krasnodar Territory and the state of the biota that has developed here for centuries have a negative impact. The large-scale housing construction in the region, the construction of new hotel complexes, the expansion of agricultural production leads to a decrease in steppe and forest lands, unreasonable economic activity causes silting and drying up of water bodies, and this, in turn, leads to the disappearance of many species of plants, fish, and other representatives fauna. Also, river pollution and the uncontrolled activities of fishing companies lead to a catastrophic decrease in fish in the Krasnodar Territory.

Rating of cities in the Krasnodar Territory by ecology
Russia regularly monitors the environmental situation in the regions. Krasnodar Territory, according to content measurementsharmful substances in the environment, is not the most polluted, but far from the most environmentally friendly. Thus, in the rating of the organization "Green Patrol" for 2011, out of 83 regions checked, it took 48th place. Rosstat has compiled its own list of the 60 most environmentally unfavorable Russian cities. Krasnodar took 42nd place in it, Novorossiysk 45th, and Achinsk 53rd. Unfavorable ecology is also in Tikhoretsk, Yeysk, Tuapse, Armavir, Belorechensk, Kropotkin and Anapa.
Actions being taken
According to the law adopted in 2010 by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Territory, environmental monitoring is regularly carried out to make the Krasnodar Territory much cleaner. The climate and ecology here should provide the most favorable living conditions for both the local population and numerous tourists.

To improve the current situation, many cities have installed stationary control posts that check the air, soil and water for the presence of harmful substances. The radiation background is also strictly controlled, which is still within the normal range. There are 4 such posts in Krasnodar, 3 in Novorossiysk, 2 in Sochi, 1 each in Belorechensk, Tuapse and Armavir. A lot of work is being done by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Service and the Land Resources Committee.
New legal documents are being created in the Ministry of Ecology for the Krasnodar Territory,regulating environmental protection. At the initiative of the services of the Ministry, environmental contests, subbotniks and conferences are held, seminars are held to teach environmental issues to the population, because the preservation of the beauty of the region depends on each of its inhabitants.