Representatives of the famous Kardashian-Jenner family have been repeatedly accused of using retouching. Either Kim Kardashian will excessively reduce the waist, then Kylie Jenner will retouch her chest. Kendall Jenner is not far behind. The girl is considered one of the highest paid supermodels. It would seem that her body and face should be perfect. But reality and Instagram are very different. On the Web, you can easily find photos of Kendall Jenner without makeup, which demonstrate the far from ideal appearance of a celebrity.
Problem skin
Kendall suffers from skin rashes. The problems started in adolescence. The girl's skin broke out in a rash.
It brought a lot of mental suffering. Kendall admitted that she was even embarrassed to look at people during a conversation. She thought everyone was looking at her acne.

Adolescence has passed, but the problem remains. On the Internet you can find photos of Kendall Jenner without makeup. It can be seen that the model is still suffering from acne. She tries to cover her pimples with her hand and wears sunglasses.
Career in jeopardy
Many netizens are perplexed by the fact that the most successful model has such problematic skin. Say, Kendall Jenner in the photo without makeup and photoshop does not look like a celebrity, but like the most ordinary girl. Who also doesn't take care of her skin properly.

If Kenny were a really normal girl, there wouldn't be any problems. But it is considered the most successful model of our time. Therefore, users are perplexed whether a supermodel should be like this.

But Kendall does not pay attention to the attacks of the haters. The girl took a bold step. She came to the red carpet of the Golden Globes with nude makeup that did not hide skin rashes. Some fans were horrified by the appearance of the beauty. But there were also those who supported Kendall.
Care Secrets
Commenting on the photo of Kendall Jenner without makeup, users are perplexed why, with all her material abilities, she does not treat acne. In one interview, the model admitted that she uses the advice of her older sisters:
- don't touch your face with your hands;
- stop popping pimples;
- wash thoroughly;
- apply cream around the eyes.

The girl said that teenage complexes are over. Sister Kim Kardashian is no longer ashamed of her appearance. She gained confidencein himself and openly talks about his problem.
According to Kendall, breakouts are caused by irregular work schedules, diets and stress. At one time, the girl resorted to laser therapy. With this procedure, the model got rid of scars, blackheads and wrinkles.
Can a supermodel look like this?
Looking at Kendall Jenner without makeup and photoshop, you can't tell that this person is connected with the modeling business. After all, we are used to the fact that all supermodels have well-groomed skin without a single pimple.
Spiteful critics generally say that Kenny does not deserve the right to be a model. Say, celebrity status helped her earn recognition in the modeling business and enter into multi-million dollar contracts with famous brands.

There is some truth in these words. It didn't take long for Kendall to achieve supermodel status. She participates only in those shows that she likes. Some models are outraged by this celebrity attitude to work. According to them, Kendall does not know that real modeling is hard work, and not a game of "I want it - I don't want it."
Yes, and Kendall's professionalism raises many questions. She does not have much experience, but she is paid more than professional and experienced models.
But the supermodel herself does not seem to react to the attacks of the haters. She participates in shows, advertising campaigns and is not going to stop. The girl overcame the complexes and is not ashamed to appear in public without makeup. Kendall Jenner proves you can be flawedappearance. The main thing is how you feel about them.