Gellert Grindelwald is a character in JK Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. He is considered one of the most powerful and dangerous wizards in magical history. He was defeated by Albus Dumbledore and imprisoned in a magical prison for life imprisonment.
Character Appearance
A handsome young man with shoulder-length golden hair is how Gellert Grindelwald is described. Photos of the wizard imprint on his face jubilation, something similar to madness. Young Gellert was played by Jamie Campbell Bower, an English actor and lead singer of a musical group. Some time after the filming of the Harry Potter films, he met with his colleague on the set of Bonnie Wright, who played Ginny Weasley, but the couple quickly broke up.

At the end of the book, a prisoner is described in an extremely emaciated state, almost without teeth and with a face resembling a skull - already an adult Gellert Grindelwald. The actor who played this role is Michael Byrne.

Gellert had a very short temper and would not let anyoneget in his way. He is very selfish, fights for his goals and achieves them at any cost. The books describe a cruel man - already a student, Gellert easily exposed his comrades to mortal danger. He has no moral values, although towards the end of his life he realized the wrongness of his actions and felt remorse for them.
Early years
Wizard already at a young age had great magical powers and brilliant abilities. Entering the school of dark arts "Durmstrang", he learned the legend of the Deathly Hallows - these are three artifacts endowed with miraculous properties that Death itself brought to the human world. Gellert is on fire with the idea of finding the Gifts. He dreams of becoming the strongest wizard who can command even Death.

Caught by his desires, Grindelw alt begins to consider himself better than people who lack magical abilities. Young Gellert is imbued with the idea that wizards should dominate humanity. Already at school, he is fond of risky experiments and attacks students, which almost leads to casu alties.
After being expelled from an educational institution, the wizard spends several summer months visiting his grandmother and distinguished historian, Bathilda Bagshot. In Godric's Hollow, where she lives, according to legend, one of the owners of the Deathly Hallows lived and was buried.
Friendship with Albus Dumbledore
The Dumbledore family spoke with Bathilda Bagshot, so the young Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald quickly metand made friends. Both of them were young, talented and ambitious, so there was no shortage of general topics for conversation. The search for the Deathly Hallows is now their common idea, as well as the subsequent power over the whole world. And if Albus wants to achieve a new world without violence, then Gellert seeks leadership at any cost.

Their friendship lasted a couple of months. Albus, who became the head of the Dumbledore family, began to forget about caring for his younger brother Aberforth and sister Ariana, who was not entirely he althy. Aberforth cannot understand why Albus's personal desires are more important to him than the well-being of the family. Gellert sees the younger brother as an obstacle to further joint plans with Albus, and as a result, a wand fight breaks out between the three young people. Ariana dies from the spell of one of them, after which Gellert leaves England, and Albus, having seen his true nature, breaks off friendly relations.
Finding the Elder Wand
Famous wand maker Gregorovitch finds the legendary Deathly Gift, the Elder Wand. He did not hide this find, but began a large-scale advertising of his goods, which, as he said, were produced on the basis of the legendary artifact. Gellert, still obsessed with finding the Gifts, and especially the Elder Wand, breaks into Gregorovich's home and steals the value. The wizard leaves the house in jubilation, because such a powerful weapon will help him gain power over the whole world.
After getting the Gellert Elder Wandgathers an army of supporters and begins his offensive. The wizard and his followers kidnapped, tortured and killed sorcerers and people. The dark magician even created a prison for his enemies, explaining all the atrocities with the motto "For the common good."
Gellert Grindelwald, whose biography is filled with dark magic, is afraid of Dumbledore, although he does not stop on the path of destruction. For his time, Gellert was incredibly strong in the magical arts, and only a very strong wizard could resist him. The Elder Wand also made its owner almost invincible.

Albus Dumbledore by this time becomes a powerful wizard, but can not decide to join the battle with Gellert. He is tormented by the fear of finding out who was the killer of little Ariana. Is he himself? For five years, Dumbledore avoids confrontation with Grindelwald, but then he realizes that no one else can defeat him. Albus decides to protect the people despite his fear of learning about the past. A duel takes place between the magicians, after which Dumbledore wins and becomes the new owner of the Elder Wand, and Grindelwald ends up in the Nurmengard prison he created.
Character death
More than fifty years the wizard spent in captivity. By this time, Voldemort begins the search for a mighty wand. He comes to Nurmengard to find out the fate of the artifact. Gellert Grindelwald has changed over the years in prison. He tries to interfere with the search for the wand and does not reveal its whereabouts. Having not received answers, the dark magician killsGellert in a prison cell.