The ringed cap is a mushroom of the Spider web family. He received this name for the presence of a rather wide yellowish-white film ring on the leg. The people call it differently: chicken, dim rosites, Turk, white bog.

The young ringed cap has a silvery or mealy-white cap. Its edges are lowered down and slightly wrapped. Over time, it turns yellow, becomes flat-convex. The edges straighten out, sometimes crack (with a long absence of rain). The hat covers the leg like a cap. Its surface is slightly wrinkled, covered with a fibrous coating with a pearly sheen. In diameter, it reaches 15 cm. The annular cap has a white, watery pulp, which has almost no mushroom smell. In a young mushroom, the plates are uneven, rare and white, but over time they become rusty brown. This is a characteristic feature of the old copy.

The mushroom cap has a strong cylindrical stem. It is thickened at the base, dense and solid. The surface of the leg is fibroussilky. Its diameter is no more than 3 cm, and its length is 4-12 cm. Above the ring, the leg is covered with scales, flakes and has a yellow color. Under the ring it is a light ocher shade. Closer to the bottom, the remains of a common purple veil remain. The spore powder has an ocher, rusty brown hue.
Habitat and distribution
Most often, the annular cap forms mycorrhiza with coniferous trees. From deciduous, he prefers beeches, oaks and birches. In the central zone of the Russian Federation, the fungus is found in coniferous forests, where a lot of moss grows. Mixed and pine forests are preferable for him. In the northern regions, the ringed cap can be found under dwarf birches. This fungus prefers acidic and moist soils. He feels great in the mountains at an altitude of up to 2 km. White bogs tend to grow in compact, small groups. The fungus is also common in Belarus and some European countries. It also grows in Russia. Most often found in the western and central regions of the European part. The inhabitants of these places can "hunt" for a ringed cap. Photos of this mushroom can be viewed in this article. It is harvested from July to early October.

Culinary uses and palatability
The ring cap is an edible and delicious mushroom that can be cooked in a variety of ways. It is marinated, fried, s alted, boiled. In terms of taste, it is in no way inferior to champignons. In many Western European countries, these mushrooms are considered a great delicacy. Naturally, the most delicious areyoung ringed caps. However, if an old specimen is caught, then the hardened places and the leg can be cut off. This mushroom is most delicious in stewed and fried form. It is ranked in the fourth category of edibility.
The ringed cap can be confused by inexperienced mushroom pickers with fly agaric and pale grebe. The fungus differs from them in the presence of a powdery-fibrous coating on the cap, the absence of scales, as well as brown or brown-rusty plates in old specimens. Fly agaric and pale grebe always retain their white color.