Aphorisms and quotes about money

Aphorisms and quotes about money
Aphorisms and quotes about money

As Francoise Sagan said, money can't buy happiness, but if you do cry, it's better to drive a Jaguar than a bus. And Sigmund Freud once said: "Sometimes a person is more generous when he has no money than when he has a lot." What other interesting aphorisms, expressions and quotes about money are known to the whole world?

quotes about money
quotes about money

Sayings of famous people about money

Here are some interesting quotes about money in free translation.

  • Money is power, and few leaders can handle this great power (Benjamin Disraeli).
  • There are people who have money and people who are rich (Coco Chanel).
  • Lack of money is the root of all evil (Mark Twain).
  • Nothing stings us so bitterly as the loss of money (Titus Livius).
  • If there were no women, all the money in the world would lose all meaning (Aristotle Onassis).
  • A man who marries a woman who loves to spend money has only one thing left -enjoy earning them (Edgar Watson Howe).
  • Friendship is like money, easier to create than to keep (Samuel Butler).
  • If you don't want to work, then you have to work like that to earn enough money so that you don't have to work later (Ogden Nash).

  • If you know how to spend less than you get, then you have the Philosopher's Stone (Benjamin Franklin).
  • A business that does nothing but make money is a bad business (Henry Ford).
  • My favorite things don't cost money, the most valuable resource is time (Steve Jobs).
  • Money can buy a beautiful dog, but only love can make it wag its tail (Kinki Friedman).
  • Never spend money unless you deserve it (Thomas Jefferson).
  • If you owe the bank $100, that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem (John Paul Getty).
  • Frugality includes all other virtues (Cicero).

Money is a terrible master, but a great servant (Barnum)

money can not buy happiness
money can not buy happiness

Seven social sins

This is:

  1. We alth without work.
  2. Pleasure without conscience.
  3. Knowledge without character.
  4. Trade without morals.
  5. Science without humanity.
  6. Worship without sacrifice.
  7. Politics without principles.
aphorisms about money
aphorisms about money

Money doesn't buy happiness

Three basic questions continue to be asked for centuries:

  1. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
  2. What is the meaning of life?
  3. Does happiness come from money?

Let's take a closer look at the third question. Can we alth make a person happier? Aristotle once said very clearly: "Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the main goal of human existence." However, over time, the exact definition of this condition has never been unified. Money is also a form of human interaction, including being considered one of the key factors of happiness. Are we truly satisfied when we are rich? A number of studies have shown interesting results.

quotes about money and happiness
quotes about money and happiness

The happiest people are the most satisfied with their lives, working full-time or part-time and earning more than their peers. Most of them lived outside the capital cities and had children. Less satisfied with their lives are the unemployed, who, accordingly, receive less than their peers, as well as people without a soulmate. Is it possible to say that happiness is not in money? Probably the correct answer would be - in part, since income determines the quality of a person's life.

quotes about time and money
quotes about time and money

What does money give?

There are some nice things that are only made possible by cherished bills. Here are some of them:

  • Nice spending. It is always a joy to feel that you can afford to buy something new, such as a washing machine or a child's toy, if necessary.
  • Traveling abroad or even getting out of the house on the weekends can do wonders for your mental he alth. Without money, however, it is rather problematic to do so.
  • Freedom to upgrade: Anyone who has lived in an apartment or family residence knows that there is always a huge field for upgrades, renovations and replacements. Without the right income, however, major repairs, often quite necessary, can seem difficult and unattainable.
quotes about money
quotes about money

Inspirational quotes about money and we alth

There are a variety of quotes about money and happiness. Making money, creating we alth is one of the weakest areas when it comes to self-improvement. Here are some quotes about money that are inspiring and helpful, some of which are thousands of years old:

  • It is not the person who has too little that is bad, but the one who does not crave more that leaves much to be desired (Seneca).
  • Rich is not the one who has a lot, but the one who gives a lot (Erich Fromm).
  • Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you can't get more time (Jim Rohn).
  • That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest (Henry David Thoreau).
  • Money is like love - it is slow and painfulkill the one who holds them and revive the one who turns them into his brother (Kalil Gibran).
  • Capital as such is not evil, it is its misuse that is evil. Capital will always be needed in one form or another (Gandhi).
  • Happiness is not just the possession of money, it is the joy of realizing creative endeavors (Franklin D. Roosevelt).
  • Opportunity is missed by most people because she is wearing overalls and looks like a job (Thomas Edison).
quotes about money
quotes about money

About money with humor

Aphorisms about money make us think and sometimes laugh at ourselves. Money is such a special substance in our life, from which it can be both good and bad. So much depends on multi-colored pieces of paper that sometimes it’s scary and funny. Comic sayings and quotes about money are also interesting:

  • When I had money, everyone called me brother (Polish proverb).
  • Money frees you from activities you don't like. Since I don't like to do almost everything, money will come in handy for me (Groucho Marx).
  • A woman can look at 3 things for as long as she wants… And in the end, get as many as 7.
  • Only one thing I ask - give me the opportunity to make sure that the money will not be able to make me happy.
  • Nothing infuriates a woman in the appearance of a man like the lack of money.
  • If money doesn't bring joy, it means it doesn'tyours.
quotes about money
quotes about money

About money and time

Quotes about time and money make you think about many things, about what is really important. As W. Somerset Maugham once said, “Perhaps the most important thing is to use money to save time. Life is so short and there is so much to do. Nobody can afford to lose a minute. For example, instead of taking the bus, it would be more efficient to take a taxi.”

quotes about money
quotes about money

About money and love for them

There are also quotes about money and prejudice against it. It is said that the love of money is the root of all evil. Is it really? Many agree with this:

  • Nothing in the world is more demoralizing than money (Sophocles).
  • Endless money forms the tendons of war” (Cicero).

Money without brains is always dangerous (Napoleon Hill)

quotes about money
quotes about money

Money needs to be spent wisely

In order for money to bring maximum benefit and pleasure, it must be spent wisely. For example, it would be correct to spend on renovation of the home and recreation, and not on new TVs or ordering food from home. Nevertheless, the Dalai Lama once said, “Human happiness and satisfaction must ultimately come from within. It would be wrong to expect this from external factors.”

Even if you have a low income, you can still be happy, despite all the conclusions. Happiness is communication with loved ones, hugs, compliments, this is a visitconcert or sports competition with the participation of your child, this is a handmade gift for your loved one. Is happiness in money? Definitely not. But let's be honest, they are never redundant.
