National Valdai Park: Description

National Valdai Park: Description
National Valdai Park: Description

Russian land is rich in beautiful places and unique landscapes. Perhaps life is not enough to see them all with my own eyes. The lake-forest complex of the Valdai Upland has been preserved due to the fact that the Valdai National Park was organized here at the end of the 20th century.


What is so unique about this area? A huge number of monuments of culture and history of the Novgorod region are concentrated here. In ancient times, Slavic tribes lived in the park. The number of archaeological sites preserved in this area is simply amazing - eighty-two objects! These are settlements and mounds, hills and settlements, as well as ancient sites dating back to the 7-6 centuries BC.

national valdai park
national valdai park

Landscape art is represented by nine monuments - old estates with parks. Also here you can see 22 unique monuments of wooden architecture of the 17th-19th centuries. The great architect of the seventeenth century N. A. Lvov created the Church of Catherine in this area. Today it houses the Valdai Museum of History. Since 1653, the Selvitsky Island of the Valdai Lake has been the haven of the Iversky Bogoroditsky Svyatoozersky Monastery.

Remembers the Valdai National Park and significant historical events. Not far from Yazhelbits is Ignach Cross. It was here that Batu turned his army before reaching Novgorod.

Geographic location and description

The park is located on the territory of Demyansky, Okulovsky and Valdai districts of the Novgorod region. The area that it occupies is more than one and a half thousand square kilometers (more precisely, 1585).

Valdai National Park is of great biosphere and ecological importance. The lake-forest landscapes of the main watershed of Europe, which were formed due to continental glaciation, are protected thanks to it. The glacial hilly-moraine relief is presented here in all its glory. The terrain seems hilly, and all due to the fact that there are significant elevation differences between different surface forms. Complements the picture of the surrounding plain, which only enhances the effect.

Valdai National Park
Valdai National Park

Valdai Upland is part of a long lacustrine-hilly region - lakeside. All these features were taken into account when designing such an object as the Valdai National Park. The description of it will be incomplete, if not to note that it runs like a ribbon along the main axis of the hill, stretching for 100 km from its northern part to its southern one. At the same time, it includes large lake groups, capturing the north of Seliger, as well as almost 200 small reservoirs. The most famous of them are Lake Valdai, on the island of which the already mentioned monastery is located, as well as Velye and Borovno (they boast picturesque shores and vast reaches).

The special zone occupies almost a quarter of the area of Valdai Park. It is here, on the Polomet River, that studies of channel processes are carried out. Their results represent a significant contribution of Russian scientists to the development of the foundations of ecology and hydrological science.


Valdai National Park has a rich flora. Its territory can rightfully be called a biodiversity conservation area of Eastern Europe. Higher plants are represented here in 750 species. But most importantly, there are rare species here - and there are 79 of them! Among them, some orchids stand out, as well as representatives of the flora, the place of growth of which is glacial lakes. Eleven plant species are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Valdai national park description
Valdai national park description

One and a half thousand hectares given for hayfields. The vegetation cover is represented by various forests: spruce, pine and birch. Northern oak forests with ash, hazel, forbs are also found in places. Forests cover 86 percent of the total area. It was noted that 57 species of woody plants are represented in them, of which 15 are cultivated, and 42 are wild.


Valdai National Park (Russia) has become a habitat for 45 species of fish, 180 species of birds and 50 species of mammals. Of the mentioned birds, 32 species are migratory, the rest nest right there. Many of them arefew or rare:

- bittern;

- big merganser;

- Curlew;

- gray crane;

- gray heron.

In addition, the Russian Red Book includes the golden eagle, short-toed eagle, eagle owl, black stork and some others.

valdai national park russia
valdai national park russia

If we talk about terrestrial vertebrates, then they are based on bear, badger, marten, fox, lynx, wild boar, elk, white hare, as well as animals that spend part of their lives in the water: otter, river beaver, water rat, mink. There are many different kinds of ducks here. Wolves live throughout the Valdai Park. The reservoirs are rich in fish: crucian carp, vendace, pike, burbot, bream, pike perch, perch, roach, ruff, etc. In total, there are 40 species of aquatic inhabitants here, including rare ones: brook trout, brook lamprey, common sculpin and European grayling.


The area in which the Valdai National Park is located is characterized by a temperate climate. Such conditions have a positive impact on the diversity of flora and fauna.

The average temperature of the coldest month is -10 degrees Celsius, the warmest - +16. The annual average is +3 degrees Celsius. Snow covers the territory of the Valdai Park for 140 days, the height of its cover can reach 45 cm. The duration of the frost-free period is 128 days.

valdai national park in valdai russia
valdai national park in valdai russia

Valdaisky National Park is characterized by rapid weather changes. In Valdai(Russia) south, west and southwest winds are most often observed.


Getting to the park is very easy from major Russian cities - St. Petersburg and Moscow. That is why it is included in the list of the most visited. National Valdai Park is a place for tourist gatherings, children's camps, etc.

Wonderful conditions are created for vacationers. Numerous guest houses are always waiting for them. Each of the 80 tourist sites will be able to accommodate from four to one hundred people. For the convenience of vacationers - a minimum set of forest furniture, which includes tables and awnings. In addition, garbage bins, toilets and places to light fires are provided. At each such site, you can find an information stand with contact addresses and rules of conduct in the park.
