Not all fishermen are familiar with such an underwater inhabitant as carp. A fish with this name is a rarity in most of the country's reservoirs. Still, no one would refuse such a catch. But what is this fish, where does it live and what does it look like?
Description of the fish
Since this inhabitant is rare in many seas and rivers, I would like to know what carp fish looks like. Relatives of these representatives is roach. Common carp grow up to 70 cm. Their body has a squared shape, an elongated tail and a large caudal fin. Its head is small in size and seems to be slightly bent, it has small neat eyes and strong pharyngeal teeth. This fish has relatively large scales. The color of the head is gray matte, the abdomen is white, the back has a dark color with a green overflow, and the sides are a silvery light tone. Their fins are dark. You can see what a carp fish looks like. Photo suggested below.

It is believed that the carp was originally found in the Caspian Sea, and gradually moved to the Azov and Black. It can also be found in Persian and Caucasian rivers, but here it is known as kutum. He alsofound in some parts of the rivers Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Bug. It has been noticed that where there is a fast cold current, a rocky bottom, carp are more often found there. The fish mainly lives in the sea and feeds in its desalinated areas, but during the spawning period it goes to the rivers. He does not like to stay close to the coast.

Carp fish: description of spawning
During this period, males acquire an outfit that significantly distinguishes them from females. They become brighter. Their back and sides are covered with hard tubercles of a conical shape of a light pearl shade. The fins also change color and become bluish-pinkish with an interesting sheen. The mating season for fish can be both in early spring and in autumn until the very freeze-up. After the end of spawning, the fish acquires its usual appearance. At the age of five, she reaches sexual maturity. At the same time, it can be only 40 cm long. In April-May, the carp begins to spawn. For this, fish choose areas with a rocky bottom, clear water and a rapid current.

When the water warms up to 10 0C, the males go to prepare the spawning grounds. The growths they develop during this period are used by carp to rub against rocks. So they clean them from algae, plaque and caviar laid by other fish. Spawning itself takes place at a temperature of no more than 14 0С. The female that starts spawning is accompanied by about three males. Depending on the water temperature, this period can last up to three weeks, and, according tomost likely, for females it is painful and difficult. She moves forward, and then back, rubbing her sides against the stones, sometimes leaving wounds on her belly. Males help them by pressing on the female's stomach with their growths. During the spawning period, fish are likely to refuse food and focus on the process, sometimes not noticing the danger. Carp are very prolific. They can give out from 50,000 to 150,000 eggs.
Fish personality
It is worth noting that carp is a very cautious, fast and strong fish. But, along with this, it belongs to the most shy underwater inhabitants. In those places where he felt danger, he would subsequently not appear for a very long time. He may be startled by suspicious sounds or movement. In this case, he will rush to the bottom and hide under the stones, not moving for several hours in a row. Because of their caution, the carp go out foraging at night or very early in the morning. In addition, it does not rise to the surface and stays in deep water.

Carp in the fishery
This breed of fish is very valuable in culinary terms, as it is famous for its special taste. The white meat of carp has no small bones and is very delicate in taste. That is why this breed began to be bred artificially. You can cook many dishes from carp. Below is the recipe.
One and a half kilograms of carp (one adult pulls out six kilos) should be poured with brew, which already contains spices and herbs for fish, then add a spoonful of oil, and then continue cookingon slow fire. Boiled potatoes (7-8 pieces) are prepared in a separate bowl. All ingredients are laid out and poured with oil with boiled chopped eggs. A delicious and fragrant dish is ready.