We take certain familiar things for granted. For example, when we turn on a faucet, we are sure that water should flow from it, and this actually happens. We do not consider water the greatest treasure, but try to do without it: in a day you will not be able to think about anything but quench your thirst, and after 48 hours you will be ready to give anything for a sip of water. Our ancestors called reservoirs and springs living springs, which had healing power, cured various diseases, endowed with abilities and the gift of prophecy. In ancient Greece, there was a custom, when seeing a traveler on the road, to wish him not only a good journey, but also fresh water.
Sources and attitudes to them
The state of our planet today can be called terrifying: rivers are polluted, garbage is dumped into the seas and oceans, springs disappear, and the air of some megacities is simply unhe althy. And all theseHumanity has made “achievements” in the last 200 years. It was during this period that the considerably increased population of the Earth forgot about environmentally friendly behavior, as well as the fact that a person is 80% water. It seems that the "king of nature" decided to self-destruct: otherwise it is impossible to explain the behavior of people destroying the eco-system that provides life on the planet.
But even at the beginning of our era, and even later, in the Middle Ages, living springs, or springs, were considered the eye of God, and the attitude towards them was careful. Only complete madmen could risk destroying a well or a key spouting from the ground: punishment in the form of a curse pursued not only the guilty person, but also his family, including descendants. And if someone ruined a neighbor's spring, then this was equated to an encroachment on life, and the punishment was appropriate.
Caring for the springs was of great importance: they were cleaned of debris in a timely manner, the surrounding area was decorated with flowers, trees were planted that created shade, and temples were erected in honor of the gods. Fontanalia existed in the ancient world - holidays glorifying Fonta, the god of springs and reservoirs.
Healing properties
Each spring is a living source of life with special unique properties. The ancient Greeks knew many places where springs sprang from the ground, and none of them were identical in composition. There was a source, the water from which had the ability to influence the consciousness of a person, giving him prophetic dreams. This could have remained a legend if researchers had not carried outwater analysis.
The answer turned out to be simple: the spring was located next to the crevices, which were of volcanic origin. During the period of volcanic activity, gases escaped from the depths to the surface: inhaling them, a person plunged into an altered state of consciousness. Archaeologists know that there is a grain of truth in any legend.

Greece was incredibly rich in such living sources. In one of them, the taste of water was reminiscent of young wine and the same properties. Having drunk from another spring, one could become addicted to wine drinking for a long time. And the third source, on the contrary, saved a person from destructive passion. There were also such healing keys that defeated diseases both among those who believed in the magical power of water, and among those who doubted it.

There were miraculous springs in other places as well. For example, the French city of Lourdes became a center of pilgrimage throughout Europe thanks to the vision of the nun Bernadette, as well as multiple cases of miraculous healing, of which about 69 were recognized by the Church as miraculous. More than 70 thousand pilgrims from all over the world come here every year for healing. Since 1858, statistics have been kept of cases of the return of he alth that do not have a medical explanation. Pilgrims seek to get into the cave, where the living spring of Lourdes water flows, next to which there is a chapel.
Springs of Russia
Russian land is also rich in healing springs. Many of them have been known since ancient times, and some are still open today. And there are thosewhich were ruined during the "parade of atheism", and today are being revived.
Priests of the Yekaterinburg diocese in 2006 performed a rite of consecration of a spring in the village of Staropyshminsk.

The source is about 300 years old, it was destroyed and almost forgotten during the years of the Bolshevik persecution, and then gradually the parishioners of the nearby Sretensky Church were drawn to it. Since 2004, work began on cleaning the spring and erecting the chapel "Softener of Evil Hearts" on the site of the former destroyed one. A bathhouse was built next to the spring, the walls of which are lined with wood.

Spring water contains 36 he althy substances, so it can rightfully be called alive.
But from new sources, a spring gushing out of the ground on the territory of the Komendantsky airfield in the city of St. Petersburg should be mentioned. The rumor about the miraculous properties of water spread quickly, and now a spontaneous pilgrimage arose to the source. People come with jerry cans and other containers, claiming to be getting help for kidney problems and low energy. They say that for about 3 thousand years, the bed of the Praneva River passed in this place, which after the earthquake went underground.
Holy Land
Speaking of the source of living water, one cannot but say about Palestine, where the attitude to water was simply a cult, given the climatic conditions. Wells in this ancient rocky land were not just dug, but hollowed out, forming a kind of cisterns. Thentheir inner surface was covered with plaster. In this form, they have come down to our time thousands of years later.

The territory of the well was considered a sacred place and had a certain name. People settled around the source, cities arose that bore the name of the well. The very name "source of living water" came from the well, the source of which was a spring.
However, in connection with this, we can also talk about the figurative meaning of this expression. The holy books say that the mouth of a righteous person is like a "fountain of life", while the mouth of a deceiver is essentially a "dried fountain".
The Prophet Jeremiah compared the Creator Himself with the "source of living water", which is confirmed by John the Theologian.
Spirit Source
Which of us has not looked at snowflakes and marveled at the ingenuity of nature: not a single one is repeated. The English scientist Henry Coanda, observing the crystal lattice of snowflakes, noticed that they react differently to environmental conditions. Drawing an analogy with "holy water", the researcher revealed a pattern between the shape of a water crystal and a prayer uttered with a strong energy and emotional message.

Altai scientist Pavel Guskov confirmed the conclusions of his English colleague, adding some additional facts. According to his observations, "holy water" mixed with ordinary tap water changes the structure of the crystal lattice of the latter, giving it a "holy" form. This is truein relation to even a very weak concentration of "holy water".
Thus, water is the living source of life. It comes into contact with the subtle emotions of a person, changing properties depending on his spiritual mood.
In addition, water is one of the living sources of energy, along with the sun and wind. All of them have been used by man since ancient times for food and warmth, being renewable, as they were able to recover over time. Later, humanity began to use non-renewable resources such as oil, gas, coal, thereby depleting natural resources.