Since ancient times, women have been using cosmetics. Powder, blush, lipstick, etc. - all these tricks are designed to give the skin of the face an even tone, the cheeks - a pleasant blush, and the lips - a rich color, indicating excellent blood circulation and, therefore, cardiovascular he alth. systems. In general, the appearance of a woman testified to the state of her hormonal levels. And if there was something wrong with him, plant hormones were used: there was no "chemistry" in antiquity. And when she supplanted natural remedies, complications began due to side effects. Today, more and more women are trying to use herbal preparations. We will talk about their properties.
Signs of he alth
The state of the hormonal background determines the he alth of a woman. As you know, both the appearance and the reproductive ability of the fair sex depend on the level of estrogen. And thanksThis hormone prolongs youth and preserves beauty for many years. And a man knew in ancient times: if a woman is beautiful, then she is he althy.
However, it must be borne in mind that the standards of attractiveness at the dawn of mankind were somewhat different from modern ones. Today you can dye your hair purple or radical green - and it will also be considered beautiful.

Only at the deep levels of the subconscious, men still evaluate the appearance of a woman in terms of her reproductive he alth. And his signs are just a beautiful natural complexion, a he althy glow, bright lips and sparkling eyes.

However, all this splendor can be demonstrated subject to regular and prolonged contact with fresh air and, at a minimum, maintaining a he althy lifestyle. And this, when "sticking" in front of computer monitors, is not entirely realistic. So modern beauties "plaster" their faces, wishful thinking.
Markers of hormonal disorders
A woman can determine a failure in the hormonal system on her own, for this you just need to observe your mood and he alth. Signs of trouble will be:
- frequent mood swings, independent of objective reasons;
- low emotional background that manifests itself constantly;
- constant fatigue, not going away even after the weekend;
- "hot flashes", sweating;
- reduced levelsexuality or not having sex;
- female he alth problems, infertility or miscarriages.
All these signs or only some of them indicate that the body requires increased attention. The lowered level of estrogen, first of all, signals emotional instability: a balanced, benevolent woman begins to break down on her relatives over trifles, she does not have enough strength for household chores, her facial expression becomes dissatisfied and noticeable wrinkles appear, corresponding to the prevailing facial expressions.
In order to somehow cope with the manifestations of imbalance, taking pills begins, which can eliminate the effect for a while, but not the cause. Perhaps, in this case, you should turn to plants: the female hormones contained in them will gently restore he alth.
The two sides of estrogen
Estrogen with the right lifestyle is the guardian of female beauty and he alth.

However, from the moment of menopause, the ovaries begin to produce a "different" estrogen, which, due to a slow metabolism, accumulates in the body and leads to its failure. If this issue is not de alt with, then further development of deviations leading to oncology is possible. Lignans are needed to maintain hormonal balance. These are phenolic compounds found in plants, or hormones that can counteract the negative effects of estrogen.
Chemistry and Nature
It's no secret that long-term use of artificial hormonal drugs is dangerouscomplications. In particular, the body is designed in such a way that if any system is not used for a long time, then it begins to atrophy. Using synthetic hormonal agents for a long time, a woman interferes with the natural rhythm of the reproductive sphere. That is, the brain receives information that there is enough estrogen, and does not send a signal about its production to the appropriate organs. They get used to "rest" and slowly begin to "resign". Cancellation of the drug leads to an even greater imbalance of the hormonal system.
There are two options:
- Systematic use of synthetic hormones.
- Use information about plants containing hormones.
The second option is shown after consulting a gynecologist and conducting an examination in order to exclude other diseases that have similar symptoms.
Natural pharmacy benefits
The pantry of nature is truly limitless. Many of its secrets have not yet been fully explored or discovered. But even those that are at our disposal allow us to restore he alth without resorting to "chemistry". This is especially effective at the initial stage of the disease.
Plant hormones compare favorably with those artificially created by the softness of the effect on the body. They are easily absorbed and excreted, do not have a cumulative effect due to the existing ability to self-destruct and are not addictive. In addition, herbal treatment, as a rule, is not directed to one specific organ, but to the entire body.the human body.
However, one should not think that "harmless weeds" can be taken on a "like it or not like it" basis.
There are several factors to consider before choosing a he alth restoration method:
- stage of the disease: if it is at a critical point, then it is better to turn to traditional medicine and not self-medicate;
- accurate diagnosis made by a specialist after examination;
- synthetic and herbal preparations should not "intersect";
- specialist herbalist must have sufficient qualifications;
- plants are best purchased from individuals with knowledge and experience in collecting and preparing plants for use;
- you should know that pharmacy raw materials are not always collected at the right time of day, at the right phase of the moon and in accordance with the season suitable for a particular plant.
Having made a choice in favor of the hormones contained in plants, it is necessary to carry out treatment with infusions or decoctions, taking into account the recommendations regarding the dose and time of their administration. As for cooking, it is better to carry it out in a water bath and pour the collection not with boiling water, but with water that has cooled to 80 ˚С. Critical days or pregnancy with herbal therapy are not combined.
And don't hope for an instant effect: nature doesn't like to rush, but always arrives on time.
Division into classes
Regulating the level of female sex hormones with herbs is divided intodepending on the direction of influence. On this basis, the sorting system was formed, as shown below:
- plants that regulate the menstrual cycle, start or stop it;
- herbs that cause uterine tone;
- natural components that control sexual desire.
Plant hormones are also divided into types:
- Stimulating nerve endings in the musculoskeletal and reproductive systems, as well as in other adjacent organs. The active elements of plants, called lignans and isoflavones, have an identical structure to female hormones.
- Mimic plants that do not interact with receptors, but only affect physiological mechanisms, like hormones.
- Herbal components that stabilize the pituitary gland, from which the endocrine and hormonal systems receive signals.
Herbal therapy is indicated for women approaching or entering menopause and should not be used in cases of severe abnormalities.
Plant names
Any plant has a multifunctional impact. Isoflavones containing female hormones include the following:
- red or meadow clover is used both for menopause and for skin diseases and inflammations of various etymologies;
- black claw or felt uncaria has been studied relatively recently, therefore it requires caution in use;
- soybean is an annual plant of the legume family;
- angelica root or angelica officinalis.
The components of these plants (isoflavones) are estrogen boosters. The range of their effects is quite wide: the cardiovascular system, strengthening bones, treating the skin, increasing metabolism and removing carcinogens.

Lignans are found in flax seeds, grape seeds, the root system of burdock and stinging nettle, and sage, which has an analgesic effect in PMS. In addition, these hormones work at the cellular level, which prolongs the period of youth and strengthens the immune system.
What plants contain hormones?
In the context of restoring the reproductive system and prolonging sexual activity, we list plants that increase progesterone and estrogen levels:
- Sickle-shaped volodushka - its roots, stems and leaves are used;
- Rhenania glandular or sticky - used for kidney disease, cirrhosis, arthritis, impotence, aging and other diseases;
- vitex or abraham tree"\ known for its properties since antiquity, helps with infertility and menstrual irregularities;
- wormwood has different properties, depending on the species;
- thyme and cuff, rich in tannin and used for bleeding.

The very name "aphrodisiacs" speaks for itself, because it reminds of the goddess of love Aphrodite. Accordingly, the plants listed below are capable of influencing sexual sensations.
- Hornwort was used by Chinese healers to improve potency.
- Velvet bean or stinging Mucuna is widely used in India as a powerful aphrodisiac.

3. Asparagus strengthens the reproductive function, is useful in the early stages of pregnancy. It also helps to prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

4. Siberian ginseng and eleutherococcus senticosus are used as cortisol (stress hormone) control agents. This increases the body's ability to produce testosterone.

But their effect is noticeable after prolonged use and it is advisable to combine the application with the cycles of the lunar month: starting from the new moon and adding one drop of tincture every day - up to the full moon. This is followed by a decrease also one drop at a time - until the new moon.
Now you know about the effects of female hormones on the body. Which plants contain their maximum amount, and what are the rules for their use - we also figured it out.
More about hormones
The grasses themselves also need care: the role of plant growth hormones is very important. Among them are:
- Auxins - growth activators of stems and fruits.
- Gibberellins promote plant growth through cell division, the formation of peduncles and flowering itself. That is, these are the hormones of flowering plants. In addition, gibberellins affect the synthesis of RNA and the awakening of seeds, bulbs and tubers after hibernation, accelerate metabolismand form stamens in male flowers.
- Cytokinins control the division and gene program of the plant, as well as the development of the kidneys.
- Abscisic acid, or stress hormone, can override the efforts of the previous three hormones, but also guides the survival of the plant under adverse conditions. Forms the pistils of the plant's female flowers.

Everything in the world is interconnected, and each element is a continuation of a whole chain of relationships, where a person is just a link. Therefore, including plants in the healing program, one should become a part of nature and its rhythms. This will guarantee success.