Tits are one of the most common birds in the vastness of our country. They are easy to find not only in forests and fields, but also in any city. Pay attention to a bird the size of a sparrow with a lemon-yellow breast, snow-white cheeks and dark blue wings - this is the very titmouse. These birds are sedentary, they rarely fly away in autumn, preferring to spend the winter near human habitation.

If you want to feed the tits, hang a piece of lard outside the window in the feeder and sprinkle bread crumbs - the tits will be right there. But in general, these birds are insectivorous, and in wildlife their diet consists of all kinds of insects.
But what to do if a tit chick fell into your hands? These birds breed twice a year. The first clutch appears in April, and the second - at the end of June. Cubs grow quickly, and most often in spring and summer under the trees, here and there, a chick of a titmouse can easily be found - a fledgling. That is, one that has fallen out of the nest, but has not yet learnedfly. How to distinguish it? A tit chick (you probably saw a photo of such a creature of nature) is generally similar to its adult counterparts - the same yellow breast with a dark stripe in the middle will easily help to distinguish it from other birds. Unless the color of the wings of young titmouse is not as bright as that of adults, and the plumage is softer, since it has not yet had time to change from baby fluff to real feathers. What to do with it?

Remember that if you're willing to take responsibility for a chick, it's for life. If you, having played enough of a rescuer, fed the chick and kept it in a cage for at least a couple of days, decide to release it into the wild, with a high degree of probability it can be argued that it will die. At the same time, the content of the tit chick is completely unpretentious. It can be kept in a cage, but do not expect the bird to become tame - tits are very poorly socialized, remaining quite wild for the rest of their lives.
By the way, these birds are often valued among canary breeders. The last birds adopt the manner of chirping tits, and songbirds with this skill are especially respected. Therefore, sometimes they are placed in cages with kenars as a "singing teacher".

How to feed a tit chick? It is best, of course, that the diet of the bird is the food that it would eat in wildlife. The best option is insects. But if this is not possible, then tits, like other representatives of songbirds (and ornithologists attribute them to this species),you can supplement with grated boiled egg, parsley, lettuce, pre-chopped, non-acidic cottage cheese. It is most convenient to do this with tweezers. It is important to ensure that the tit chick opens its beak on its own when feeding. You can and should only feed the chicks with boiled drinking water. Caring for them is generally similar to caring for canaries, and therefore, as soon as you make sure that you have adjusted the nutrition of your new ward, consider that half the battle is already done. It remains only to feed, water, remove waste from the cage in time, and your bird will feel just wonderful and delight you with a cheerful tit chirp.