Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich: biography, nationality, family

Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich: biography, nationality, family
Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich: biography, nationality, family

Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich is a well-known Russian politician. For several years he led the political party "Democratic Choice". In the early 2000s, he worked at the Ministry of Energy.

Biography of the politician

Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich was born in Kemerovo in 1972. After school he moved to Moscow, entered the Mining University. Graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich, whose family moved from India, received a good education, which allowed him to realize himself at the highest level.

Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich
Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich

The first place of work was the Institute of Coal Engineering, in the mid-90s Milov worked in the private company "Sidanco". In 1997 he moved to government structures. His activities were related to the development of the energy sector, in particular, Vladimir Stanislavovich worked in the Federal Energy Commission, which oversaw such major players as Gazprom, Transneft and some other monopolies.

In 2001, Vladimir Stanislavovich Milov became the head of the expert group of the Center for Strategic Research. Such an offer was made to him by German Gref, who at that time held the post of Minister of Economic Development of Russia. A little later, Milov was appointed an adviser to Igor Yusufov, Minister of Energy.

Young Deputy Minister

In May 2002, Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov signed a decree appointing Milov Deputy Minister of Energy. At that time he was only 29 years old. The sphere of his influence included issues of energy strategy, reforms and privatization of objects. In particular, Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich developed a draft energy strategy for the country, calculated until 2020. Just five months after his appointment, he resigned of his own accord.

Community work

Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich, whose nationality is Russian, since 2002 has concentrated on social activities and political work. He created and himself headed the research fund of the Institute for the Strategic Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex. It later became known as the Energy Policy Institute. For several years it has been the country's main independent center for research into energy issues.

Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich family
Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich family

Basically Vladimir Stanislavovich Milov, whose biography was connected with the energy industry, created analytical materials, reports and publications on the development of infrastructure and energy policy. For example, he created a reform project"Gazprom", which was not accepted by President Vladimir Putin.

At the same time, in the mid-2000s, Milov began to actively criticize the Russian authorities. The main accusation was related to the departure of the authorities from the democratic path of the country's development, as well as the rejection of the most important economic reforms.

Report "Putin. Results"

In 2007, the popular all-Russian publication Vedomosti published a series of materials on a negative assessment of Vladimir Putin's activities as head of state. These articles formed the basis for the formation of the report "Putin. Results", which was published in 2008. It was the largest educational project of the Russian opposition in its entire existence.

Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich parents
Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich parents

Final report Milov published together with politician Boris Nemtsov. Regarding the energy complex, Milov noted that during the period of high oil prices, the state did not use the wide opportunities that were available at that time.

Political career

In 2008, Milov became one of the organizers of the popular opposition association "Solidarity". He was elected to the federal political council. In this position, he participated in the development of the 300 Steps to Freedom program.

In 2009, Milov was elected to the Moscow City Duma as an independent candidate. According to the results of preliminary polls, he had a good chance of success. Especially considering the fact that Vladimir lived in the south-west of Moscow for about 30 years, he was well acquaintedvoters. However, he was not allowed to vote, according to Milov himself, for far-fetched reasons. Many signatures in the candidate's documents were invalidated by the election committee.

Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich nationality
Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich nationality

In 2010, Milov disagreed with the Solidarity movement and became the leader of the Democratic Choice. In May 2012, he became the elected chairman of the Democratic Choice Party. Participated in the writing of the program "Let's Make Russia a Modern Country".

The party has not achieved great success in the political arena. And in December 2015, Milov left the post of chairman. Vladimir quarreled with his party colleagues, including his deputy Sergei Zhavoronkov, who was elected at the congress.

The main claims against Milov himself from his colleagues were that in the three years he spent at the head of "Democratic Russia", the movement did not achieve any positive results. Milov himself could not even organize the collection of signatures for the elections to the City Duma. Although Vladimir himself noted that the withdrawal of his candidacy was the result of the intrigues of his opponents. Because of Milov's scandalous nature, the party's ranks regularly thinned out. Activists and sponsors left Democratic Russia with enviable regularity.

At the next party congress, Milov accused his colleagues of working for the FSB. The conflict became large-scale, as a result, Milov had to leave his leadership position.

Private life

In India spentchildhood Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich. The parents of the future politician worked at one of the largest enterprises in this country. Father was a mechanical engineer, managed projects.

Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich biography
Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich biography

People who personally know the politician note his administrative experience, knowledge of how power structures are arranged. At the same time, they say that he is integrated into the world political elite, a supporter of democratic ways of developing the state.

Little is known about Milov's personal life. There are persistent rumors among people who know him that he is an active gay. On the Internet, Anastasia, the wife of the well-known oppositionist Sergei Ud altsov, claimed that Milov had a close relationship with his deputy in the party, Sergei Zhavoronkov, with whom he later had ideological differences.
